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  1. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from suji in Unpopular Opinion   
    see also: academics still tripping over each other to come up with ''new & alternative'' critical readings of shakespeare and all that horseshit
  2. I feel ya..
    Tokage reacted to nekkichi in Unpopular Opinion   
    it's there to launder money and create art jobs and pretty much it;
    I've been at pretty fascinating lectures on modern art which kind of blew my mind away by how much an educated mind can attribute to a piece of abstact, making no sense garbage to me that (clearly) wasn't implied by its createussé in any capacity,
    and the explanation is henceforth presented as a part of arté objéts life cycle experience where whatever the viewer can see plays as much role as whatever the artist intentionally constructed, but let's just say, years later I question the authenticity of said detailed, phylosophical critical deconstruction as much as I do the author's skill and intent bc. see first line, because it doesn't take much to bullshit with a convincing distracted look once your initial art critique vocabulary and methodologies are academically trained.
  3. I feel ya..
    Tokage got a reaction from gret in Unpopular Opinion   
    Literally when has art not been political though? As much as I'm a fan of the ideal of art for art's sake, you can't really pretend  that art hasn't been co-opted by politics since like Ancient Rome. 
    Edge and lack of sense are fine for me, not everything has to be conventionally beautiful or coherent to be good IMO. The main problem I personally have with a lot of contemporary art (at least the type  you'd stumble upon  in art galleries and such) is that half the time it feels like the works themselves are a mere afterthought and the narrative behind the work weighs in heavier when it comes to audience appreciation than the way in which said narrative is translated and ultimately expressed visually  by the artist (I'm just limiting this to visual media at this point, but you can definitely expand it beyond that scope to incorporate music and literature as well). It's all good and well  to incorporate your personal ideologies into your work, but the works themselves have to remain enjoyable on their own merits as well. The 'message' should be there to further enrich and enhance the material, it shouldn't subsume it and BECOME the material. At that point it just becomes soapboxing at best and outright propaganda at worst. I've disagreed with the idea that every creative work apparently needs to have some deeper layer to it ever since my first lit class in secondary school, and I don't think I'm ever gonna change my mind on that one. People often use the expression  'style over substance' to deride stuff, but apparently they just straight up forget that style IS substance as well, doubly so if we're talking about visual art. To me this type of people are equal to the ones who'll go like ''this song sucks bcuz it has no lyrics i can relate to :(" while entirely ignoring the actual music itself. It's focusing too much on one aspect of things and losing track of the bigger picture
  4. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from suji in Unpopular Opinion   
    tfw all we have nowadays in terms of animated films is pretty much either soulless cgi pixarshit, ugly calarts tumblr uwu stuff or the demon known as 'anime' & stop-motion / claymation are fucking DEAD.... it's not fair bros, it's just not fair..........
  5. Interesting
    Tokage got a reaction from Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    there is LITERALLY no reason for art critics of any sort to still exist in 2019
  6. I feel ya..
    Tokage got a reaction from gret in Unpopular Opinion   
    Not even sure if this one's unpopular or not, but anyway:
    The whole ''what if we took [x] from your childhood, but reimagined it so it's suddenly needlessly dark and creepy? FUCKIN EPIC BRO'' aesthetic is absolutely awful and i totally hate it 
    Tokage got a reaction from jaymee in bands that FUCKING hate each other (aka band beef thread)   
    This thread is dedicated to band beefs. Discuss anything, from the more well-known stories about messy disbandments or extreme rivalries to the more obscure ones. Both 'band x vs band y' and 'band x imploding on itself' are acceptable. Not just limited to VK, any and all examples from the Japanese music industry are welcome to be discussed.
    I'll start off with one of the more well-known cases of a VK musician  fucking over his own bandmates, which is how the drummer Dai from Himitsu Kessha Codomo A screwed over his band by pulling all sorts of shady shit (including theft and leaking members' personal info if I'm remembering correctly). 
  8. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from ambivalentideal in Unpopular Opinion   
    semi-popular opinion at this point:
    nu-metal was never really that bad other than the literal middle school-tier lyrics
  9. LOVE!
    Tokage got a reaction from Himeaimichu in Unpopular Opinion   
    semi-popular opinion at this point:
    nu-metal was never really that bad other than the literal middle school-tier lyrics
  10. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from Triangle in Sex Songs   
    I get a feeling like a good 70% of Buck-Tick's discography is about FUCKING 
  11. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from God in Unpopular Opinion   
    Honestly, Limp Bizkit is the EXACT example of the kinda shit I'm talking about w/ juvenile lyrics ruining everything, instrumentally they're legit quite solid, it's just Fred Durst dragging everything down
  12. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from lichtlune in Unpopular Opinion   
    semi-popular opinion at this point:
    nu-metal was never really that bad other than the literal middle school-tier lyrics
  13. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from itsukoii in Unpopular Opinion   
    semi-popular opinion at this point:
    nu-metal was never really that bad other than the literal middle school-tier lyrics
  14. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Anne Claire in Unpopular Opinion   
    semi-popular opinion at this point:
    nu-metal was never really that bad other than the literal middle school-tier lyrics
  15. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from ShTon in Unpopular Opinion   
    semi-popular opinion at this point:
    nu-metal was never really that bad other than the literal middle school-tier lyrics
  16. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from meat in Unpopular Opinion   
    semi-popular opinion at this point:
    nu-metal was never really that bad other than the literal middle school-tier lyrics
  17. Like
    Tokage reacted to Karma’s Hat in Unpopular Opinion   
    In 2019 people don’t need pets anyway and they ought to be slowly phased out through bureoceatic permit jungle and intensive taxation. The industry is disgusting and the only people who need cats are people living deep in bumfuck countryside where rodents would eat the paint off of the walls if they could. Dogs serve more functions than just one but again, the permits should do their best in keeping them off of the hands of people who genuinely don’t need them. 
    I’m on my phone so i’m too lazy to check it right now but afaik someone posted something here saying that cats don’t affect the bird population but as far as I know in finland it has been observed that it does and quick googling showed an article about the effect they’ve had in for example, australia. Either way it is a foreign species that does not belong to the local ecosystem and therefore it ought to not be there. 
  18. Daria
    Tokage reacted to Naaaaani in Unpopular Opinion   
    Cats > humans, no discuss
  19. I feel ya..
    Tokage reacted to YuyoDrift in Unpopular Opinion   
    I agree with you alright. My gf has had outdoor cats her whole life, and myself having grown up with dogs that were always indoors besides taking them out for walks or a visit to the park, I can't fathom why a cat needs to be outside at all. I can tolerate an indoor cat being on my lap because I know its clean(er), but a cat that has been outside all day and possibly had an orgy or massive killing spree during that time (this is funny to those who read but I've seen it) to then come and decide it wants to rub it's filthy, probably tick infested or blood soaked body on me is a HELL NO. Several times one of the more psychotic fuckers bring us dead and alive rodents, birds, and rabbits back into the home and plop the thing on the table or on the floor where we can see it. My gf then tells me "Awwww, he considers you one of his own.....", like wtf? Nothing I enjoy more than feeling blood on my sock and the helpless cries of a rabbit/mouse as it dies in front of me /s.
    OH,  and the other fucker? throws up EVERYTHING it doesn't like to eat (we've already confirmed it's not sick), but only AFTER jumping on the bed and getting comfortable, and I'm talking full course meal vomit, that sticks to the fabric and requires 2-3 straight washes to come off. I feel bad for a dog when they do it because you can see and feel the humiliation and shame in their eyes, but a cat? No, they just walk away in a "Clean that shit up. I'm gonna puke on that spot again later, bitch." like they own me.
    As you can tell I have a disdain for them. Maybe I haven't met the right cat, but I've met some terrible ones so far to make me pass on getting anything more than a dog for now.
  20. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Doesn'tEvenGoHere in Unpopular Opinion   
    Not even sure if this one's unpopular or not, but anyway:
    The whole ''what if we took [x] from your childhood, but reimagined it so it's suddenly needlessly dark and creepy? FUCKIN EPIC BRO'' aesthetic is absolutely awful and i totally hate it 
  21. LOVE!
    Tokage got a reaction from YuyoDrift in Unpopular Opinion   
    True unpopular opinion coming thru.....................
    I think cats are garbage animals and I absolutely can't stand them. Fuck cats and fuck the owners letting their cats roam around outside. 
  22. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from violetchain in Sex Songs   
    I get a feeling like a good 70% of Buck-Tick's discography is about FUCKING 
  23. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from meat in Sex Songs   
    I get a feeling like a good 70% of Buck-Tick's discography is about FUCKING 
  24. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from kuyashii in sukekiyo   
    What's with all the film references in INFINITUM's lyrics? I've seen some of the English lyrics being posted and there's references to Santa Sangre (I'm presuming it refers to the Jodorowsky film), Female Prisoner Scorpion, Creepshow, The Toxic Avenger... At least it looks like Kyo has a good taste in movies lol
  25. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from Egnirys cimredopyh in Sex Songs   
    I get a feeling like a good 70% of Buck-Tick's discography is about FUCKING 
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