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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. cant believe every post on this forum's made by just 1 person

  2. Tokage

    Embort, seriously..? At this point it's like a bunch of children stacked on each other's shoulders in a trenchcoat trying to sneak into an adult movie or smth
  3. what the fuck, why does turkey have such a dank psych rock scene?

  4. i've been really thirsty for sweet-ass krautrock-type grooves recently and thank god Camera scratched that particular itch lol

  5. Grieva's new single ain't bad, but at the same time I remember nothing about it directly after listening to it...

    1. orange~


      haha true. I just remember it sounding fresh, like they actually got new tricks up their sleeve.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I'm glad it's less 90's angsty-rush-song-AGAIN and more different, but the only thing I really remember are the "whooaaa-ooaa-oaaa" 's from the title track and that the last track almost seems like another song they forgot to finish writing.

  6. Tokage

    i didnt know Hizaki had a new project
  7. Tokage

    Yesterday I dreamt that I could somehow inexplicably turn myself translucent at will, either fully or partially. Used it to troll people mostly, pulling their hair, poking them, calling them names or trying to freak 'em out in some other way. Ended up pissing off some brawny motorcycle gang members, and of course at that point I lost my ability and I just had to get rid of them in some other way. I think I just went into some store and they lost track of me idk exactly what happened, but next thing I know I was perched on top of a bus stop and trolling some immigrants by stealing their coats and letting them stand around in the cold Then at some point there was smth about my parents picking me up by car for some weird road trip cuz we hadn't seen each other for a while, we ended up going to a place that was -supposed- to be the coast, but actually it looked more like some sort of mostly dried-up river with mushrooms and rusty machines all over the place, not much else happened there or I at least don't remember it Last night I dreamt people were trying to convince me to act in some kind of play, wanting me to play some kind of insane ballet dancer. I actually attended some rehearsal or performance, but went off script and so the creators weren't happy.. Then there was some kind of big jogging event that partially went through my city and partially through some weird sand pit, and I ended upaccidentally getting caught up in that.. There was smth with an explosion somewhere but i cant remember details
  8. Tokage

    seeing ''the visual kei'' twice in that description in the first post makes me think of old people referring to pokemon as ''the pokeymans'' or some shit like that also there is literally NO way this app isn't gonna flop/end up turning into VK tinder/grindr or some shit like that
  9. why do vk bands always sound so pretentious and corny when they're talking about their band/release's concept and all that shit lmao

    1. Tokage


      what if they're indies.............

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      then kiwamu threaten to hit them with chairs if they dont

    3. emmny


      because vk fucking sucks son

    4. Show next comments  273 more
  10. Tokage

    did they even have an audience at all?
  11. Tokage

    lmao holy shit he sounds like such a spoiled cunt, what a joke
  12. i mean yeah it's pretty damn good but isn't there a backing track playing in the background or am i just a fucking nerd?
  13. ever wondered how vocalists hear themselves in their heads?

    1. saishuu


      YOMI must think he sounds like Ryuichi Kawamura

  14. ''hey guys check out these cool new english words we learned'': the trailer
  15. Tokage

    I guess it probably got moved cuz the band isn't japanese and this is the news section for japanese bands... trying to imitate visual kei doesn't automatically make one japanese ;^)
  16. Tokage

    After beating Shovel Knight & the Plague of Shadows DLC, I moved on to Unmechanical, a cute little puzzle game where you play as a tiny helicopter robot inside some weird semi-organic semi-mechanical underground base. It's pretty stylish. The puzzles aren't TOO hard, but they can stump you very briefly. Very minimalistic control scheme too Also been playing Crypt of the Necrodancer off and on, and holy shit, it's ADDICTIVE... it's a roguelike dungeon crawler x rhythm game that lets you import music from your own collection as well (which is a nice bonus, although the original soundtrack is great as well imo)
  17. crypt of the necrodancer is fun as heck whew

  18. Tokage

    it's somehow racist because its implying nicki minaj is good
  19. Tokage

    wow i didn't know plastic tree was actually russian :^)
  20. what was the name of that 1 band that was like discount DEZERT again? did their album come out yet/??

    1. chemicalpictures


      discount dezert is like the best definition ever of a band, lol

    2. WhirlingBlack


      Wasn't DEZERT some kind of discount D'espairsRay or did they leave that style already?

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Their 2nd single was definite homage-kei since they basically made a groove metal version of "Garnet," as well as a song by Kagerou and Nega (don't know which, since I haven't followed either of those bands). Aside from a few nods ~ "No one will notice that riff..." moments from Lynch., they've more or less grown into their own entity from their first album onwards. 

    4. Show next comments  273 more
  21. Tokage

  22. Tokage

    actually constantly releasing the same song over and over again is shoegaze as hell
  23. Tokage

    it better not just be a compilation of all their singles up 'til now lol
  24. lmao who even cares about looks, what is this, visual kei or something? this is ART
  25. any1 here ever give birth to a jrockers child

    1. Chi


      yeah @emmnyis the child i had with some obscure goth nagoya oyaji

    2. emmny


      i can personally testify that yutori of pentagon is the product of my incestuous relationship with @seurong

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