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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    Monochrome Heaven posters are gonna say that Shinya's Seraph is good but this sucks lmao
  2. Tokage

    i will say some shit right now.... feel free to agree or disagree with this onion: riyuu/wake belongs to the top 10 greatest songs these dudes ever recorded
  3. Tokage

    Honestly thought the exact same fucking thing. Maybe it would've been salvaged if they woulda gotten Junji Ito on board as a writer but i feel like Kojima's ego is too huge for that to happen flop of the year 2bh
  4. Tokage

    like this:
  5. Tokage

    I still feel like there's several subdivisions you can make within Raccoon People World, personally. There's the whole ''Dude, we love eroguro/the Showa & Taisho era/Terayama Shuji/old uniforms & we have five buckets of white paint left over - let's start a band''-variety that people already talked about ITT which pretty much covers all those bands like Guruguru Eigakan, Kalavinka, Inugami Circus-Dan, Strawberry Song Orchestra etc. Usually they go for more of a straightforward rock and/or kayoukyoku-influenced sound Secondly, there's the subset of dudes who may or may not at least partially fulfill the criteria for the previous category as well, but who also set themselves apart by being influenced by that good old 80s Nagomu Records stuff & other new wave/zolo stuff from that time period. Here's where you have the kinda 'bleep bloop' stuff like Eiji w/ his million projects, Sharaku with his, Muchi Muchi Anago and all that stuff. Usually these ones have some electronics added into the mix Thirdly you have the ''I have no fucking idea how to classify this but i am physically incapable of listening to anything not vk-adjacent and i saw two of the members hanging out with other vk musicians once so uhh... angura i guess'' category Finally, there's Elektel-Shiki
  6. Tokage

    if you do not pick option 3 im personally coming to your house to steal your silverware
  7. wasnt Plastic Tree supposed to release a new b-side compilation album at some point or did i hallucinate that?

    1. Tokage


      It already came out? Guess I gotta hunt down a rip somewhere in that case lol


    2. SakuraFox512


      It should still be here in the request thread, assuming Mediafire hasn't taken it down by now:


    3. Tokage


      Will check! Thanks!

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  8. Tokage

    im ready for everyone to fully roast Death Stranding
  9. Tokage

    his wife is one of the band members in disguise
  10. Tokage

    im sad to say im feelin this fucking hard. felt nostalgic for them & downloaded their discog up until mirrors & ended up trashing everything the same day : / some tracks on coll:set are still rad but i somehow can't get into a lot of the other stuff anymore
  11. Kinda what I expected... In that case I'm hoping the different versions are at least somewhat substantially different from one another & they won't pull another みんなの発狂 cuz I couldn't really get into that one either
  12. Tokage

    is this really the old Hotaru?
  13. how many visual keis does it take to change a light bulb?

    1. Jigsaw9


      None: they just pose around dramatically while their ghostwriter does it for them. 💡

  14. Tokage

    i thought that was some new tekken character for a hot second there
  15. Tokage

    gonna side w/ @emmnyon this one. HYPE (hope there wont be any christmas songs on this one :^))
  16. Tokage

    I remember enjoying that one as well! Coincidentally that one also kinda gave me some David Lynch vibes when I first watched it. I guess it's cuz it also kinda has the weird dream vibe going for it.. Need me more like that
  17. is this gonna be another ''two actual new songs and the other tracks are just random bullshit'' episode?
  18. Tokage

    Which one's the exception? Based on what I've seen so far 'Night of the Seagulls' looks quite great so please tell me it's not that one lol Watched Messiah of Evil this Halloween. GREAT movie! Loved it even more than I expected I would. Very nightmarish vibe to the whole thing - I feel like Lynch must've been influenced by the film w/ some of his works cuz the film kinda has the same energy his works do at times. The supermarket & cinema scenes are both absolutely KILLER. I don't often find myself getting creeped out by movies anymore lately but both of them worked cuz they felt so similar to the shit I sometimes dream about. Really recommending this to anyone who hasn't seen it yet!
  19. Tokage

    raison d'etre is among the top 3 catchiest songs on gauze and i will fight anyone who disagrees (but only verbally because violence is a sin in the eyes of the lord)
  20. thx to whoever it was that made that post about nurie on here the other day - that single's some gr8 stuff

  21. Tokage

    Digging Up the Marrow was really fun. Definitely noticed the strong Clive Barker influence in the plot as well but it wasn't so excessively borrowed that it took anything from the film itself. Overlooked one for sure! Recently watched Tombs of the Blind Dead and hot damn - if all Spanish horror is this rad I might need to start digging deeper into that shit fast as well. This was great! Awesome atmosphere and a lovely setting. The titular Blind Dead looked great as well.. pity they didn't appear as often as I'd hoped, but when they do pop up you know shit's gonna get good. The only downside was that the rip I watched had a kinda fucked audio track, with the audio switching between the English dub and the Spanish version every couple of minutes at random, but that isn't really a fault of the movie itself. Are the sequels worth watching?
  22. has any mad lad ever made a Kizu b-side mixtape? if not.. would anyone be willing to? :^)

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. Tokage


      i don't get why people were complaining about the mixing on that heisei single.. this sounds fine to me :s

  23. Tokage

    Their PVs are always pretty well-done, even when I'm not feeling the music at all (like in this particular case) but... not gonna lie, this one kinda feels like some weird bootleg version of Ware, Arubeki Basho in the ''dudes crawling in mud'' parts
  24. Tokage

    that Revine band sounds like absolute hot garbage THIS project on the other hand sounds very cool and I'm excited to hear more
  25. mewithoutyou are disbanding? fucking bummer 😕 their last album was one of my favorite releases of 2018

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