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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    Been on a bit of a zombie kick lately Let Sleeping Corpses Lie: This one's just great. Can't believe it's so underrated! Feels like you hardly ever see it mentioned anywhere when people talk about euro-zombie films, but in my opinion this one might actually be better than Fulci's much more well-known Zombi 2. The zombies in this one don't look as rotten and grimy as they do in some of the later Italian zombie flicks, but they still manage to be creepy enough all the same. Even though there's comparatively not as many of them as there will be in future zombie movies, the ones that are there still present more than enough of a threat. The whole cemetery sequence is extremely atmospheric and very well done. In fact, I'd say the entire movie's just overflowing with atmosphere, and the rural England setting was a great choice all around. It also helps that the acting in this one's generally of a much higher level than what you'd usually find in your average schlocky zombie flick. The male lead is incredibly charismatic and really helps to carry the film. If you haven't checked this one out yet and you just so happen to be into zombie films, definitely give it a go. Zombie 3: Another one of Lucio Fulci's many undead films, this one's an INCREDIBLE mess. Fulci apparently camped with health issues while working on this movie and two other directors had to step in to shoot more footage in order to 'finish' the film. In general I found this one an enjoyable ride, but it definitely feels extremely trashy. This is not so much a film to enjoy cuz it's genuinely good, but rather one to watch simply for the extreme trash and cheese factor. The acting is INCREDIBLY hokey, the dialogue feels awkward more often than not and the plot feels like an incompetent mashup of every major zombie flick that came before it. On top of that, it feels like there are no consistent 'rules' as to how the zombie infection works - at one point you have zombie birds which are then never seen again, there's the usual slow shambling zombies, but there's also seemingly more intelligent ones able to talk, use tools and all that shit. It feels like every single director had their own idea of how the zombies should work and they just spliced it all together without care. Nevertheless, despite all its obvious flaws, the movie IS an enjoyable watch. The tropical setting works well, and in spite of the high camp factor I generally enjoyed the film's aesthetic. The action never really lets up for the most part, so you definitely won't get bored as the film moves from one ridiculous setpiece to the next. The Dead Pit: Another one that scores high on the cheese factor. It starts out as a film that feels like it owes more to Nightmare on Elm Street 3, feeling like a supernatural slasher more than anything for the first 2/3rds of the film before suddenly turning into a full-blown zombie movie in the last third. It feels like for every nice atmospheric moment the film has scattered around here and there, there had to be like two extremely corny moments to provide some kinda counterbalance. The asylum setting is nice and provides a good variety of goofy side-characters, but pretty much all of them are paper thin. The lead actress is nothing to write home about acting-wise, but she does spend like at least a good quarter of the movie running around half-naked in an outfit that must surely go against any real life asylum's dress code, so there's that for compensation. The kills are nice and gruesome, especially once the zombie mayhem breaks loose, but it does feel like it takes AGES before it gets to that point. Entertaining enough for sure and hard to hate, but it does feel like another case of a director trying to do waaay too many things at once.
  2. another release already? i mean i'm not complaining but damn these guys are really on a roll lately
  3. Tokage

    already the best thing they released by virtue of being instrumental
  4. Tokage

    have there even been all that many crowdfunded japanese albums at all? i can't think of any whatsoever
  5. Tokage

    the fact that those toy cars can't gattai into some giant combat mech w/ moustache kyo's face emblazoned on the chest is a CRIME
  6. Tokage

    ''n-no! visual kei is still doing better than ever i swear!''
  7. Tokage

    shinjuku gewalt is looking great
  8. Tokage

    i only listen to my music through recycled mcdonalds drive-thru speakers and TIW sounds amazing tbh
  9. Tokage

    ppl out there are gonna be like ''wow the mastering on this is awful. they REALLY messed up the production on this one fellas'' & will then go right back to listening to music on $5 earbuds
  10. Tokage

    who's gonna take one for the team and explain that i actually like the music lol
  11. Tokage

    That performance of Aka is real good. Actually I feel like all of the TIW songs work pretty well live from what I've heard so far. Might end up being one of the rare occasions where I like the live version of a track more than the studio version
  12. Tokage

    Been replaying the GC version of TLoZ: The Wind Waker for the first time in more than a decade lately. I'm quite far into the game at this point and... god DAMN it's ridiculous how that infamous Triforce quest sucks all the momentum out of the game. I even remember it being the point where I initially dropped the game way back when I first played it.
  13. Tokage

    here you go.... don't share outside the forum please C:/users/turtels/documents/nude_goku/dir_en_grey_-_the_world_of_more_sea.avi.exe
  14. cant believe ruki & the boys are finally legally allowed to FUCK
  15. Tokage

  16. Tokage

    that's obviously atsushi's ass on the right. c'mon.
  17. Tokage

  18. i hope they enjoyed their weekend break before they were sent back into the recording studio sweatshop
  19. Tokage

    wow racist much?
  20. Tokage

    ''Objective decline in quality'' can't even be called an opinion anymore at this point if you take the amount of live houses, vk stores and publications that have shut down over the course of the last decade in Japan into consideration, not to mention the way in which the stream of notable acts & dedicated fandom events happening abroad have p much entirely dried up at this point other than the occasional bouts of Satsuki descending upon some poor Ukrainian village to spread his seed Genghis Khan-style or some local z-rate band of weebs dredged up out of the abyss to play at some derelict anime con. I wasn't just talking about the quality of the music itself, the (foreign) scene as a whole is absolutely in much more of an anaemic state than it used to be back between, say, 2005 - 2010 or so, and that sorta shit inevitably does affect the music as well what's w/ musicians trying to cling onto whichever formulas still do work to bring in that drug money/pussy/anime op contract even if it means you end up w/ a scene that's nowadays comprised of like 25 ''mystery bands'' playing the same tired style of metalcore & disbanding after their second single. To deny that any of that's been happening or even try to play it off as ''woooow stop being so elitist'' is just willful ignorance
  21. Tokage

    forever lmaoing @ people who prolly weren't even there for the ''golden age'' of the scene acting as if things haven't objectively declined in quality and homogenized over the last decade
  22. Tokage

    nice. another release that'll never surface THANKS KOZI
  23.  love how half the forum always suddenly transforms into musical theory connoisseurs once dir en grey releases smth new

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      All this 


      for some shitty japanese linkin park 

    2. IGM_Oficial


      This new single is boring

    3. saiko


      That musical theory connoisance is all what I'm for here in MH

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  24. Tokage

    i really wanna see the full PV now. that ending part must have some hella climactic shit going on
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