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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    Just wanna say that I absolutely hate people who respond to anything that's even just a tiny bit 'out there' with stuff like ''omg how many drugs were they on when they made this xdddd''
  2. Mr. Bungle are reuniting... to play their first demotape of all things? What the fuck 

  4. Tokage

  5. like 75% of the time i look up some vk song's translated lyrics i always end up wishing i hadn't 

    1. Tokage


      In general there's just sooo much generic repetitive trope-y stuff that's on the  level of juvenile 'tfw no (boyfriend/girlfriend)', 'BULLYING and also WRISTCUTTING', "this one goes out to all the FREAKS & OUTCASTS \m/ \m/" and 'FUCK YOU MOM & DAD' stuff on the one hand, or that ''teens react to living in a society" kinda stuff on the other. I've been somewhat lukewarm about Mamireta from the start for example but BOIIII, their lyrics are just... hot garbage lol


      The ones I generally tend to find myself enjoying are the lyricists who try to go for more 'out there' subject matter just by virtue of being straight up goofy (like Dokusatsu Terrorist w/ their songs poking fun at just about everything, Sandwich de 120pun? w/ their stuff about girls having bombs implanted in theri vaginas & stuff like that), at least somewhat unique within the context of the scene (like The Gallo's WW2-related songs, Inugami Circus Dan, early Metronome and their weird cyber buddha stuff) or those with at least SOME sort sense of poetic imagery & wordplay (Plastic Tree, Temari's stuff in general) even if it can still come across a bit hackneyed at times (that might also be cuz in some cases it feels like translators seem to intentionally try to go for the fanciest sounding words their thesaurus gives them just to make stuff sound deeper tho) 


    2. SubThatSong


      Hnn, I'm really not concerned about the world around me since I don't really think of lyric influence huh (yikes). But I do also suppose I'm still newish to the VK scene, I was more or less in my bubble for about 15 years lol
      I've really enjoyed the majority of lyrics I've translated, I'd say, but my judgement also most definitely isn't quite there since I don't really feel affected by any of it despite there being the bad themes 🤔
      The overly silly lyrics don't really keep me very interested, it's nice once in a while but I like my... bad dark themes lol
      Some translations are for sure very unnatural, but to be fair there's also a lot of "translations" out there. Which I personally do hate because it misrepresents the original meaning of the song, and I'm a complete nutter for lyrics, I absolutely love it when there's a proper line of thought put into the lyrics that makes you think. Well, it is what it is

      Thanks guys ^___^

    3. colorful人生


      I figure a good chunk of the kirakira + anison + vocaloid stuff I listen to is tokyolite/gya teen angst or disney-tier cheese, but the melodies are mainly what do it for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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  6. suddenly the tour name makes sense
  7. Tokage

    Yeah, it's one of the biggest public ones specialized mainly in anime, jdrama and general weeb media. Mostly use it to find old stuff myself, but they have a good bit of everything across the board, definitely worth looking into
  8. Tokage

    Remember: Using drugs and alcohol is escapism for mentally weak people who can't cope with life Watching anime / playing videogames / watching porn / watching tv shows / reading or writing fanfiction / following kawaii jrockers / stuffing your ass with junk food to escape from your shitty and friendless life on the other hand? E N L I G H T E N E D In all seriousness though, If you're gonna rag on the first group you gotta be able to step it up and call out the second group for doing the exact goddamn same thing as well. If you boil it down to the most basic principle of 'uh oh life fucking sucks, i wish i could get away from it for a moment and get me that temporary dopamine fix to help me feel better' then that shit's LITERALLY all on the same level. The only noteworthy difference is that unlike drugs & booze the latter category might not 'directly' affect your health, but sitting on your ass watching anime all day for instance isn't gonna be doing either your mental or physical health any good in the long run either. Coming at people like this just reeks of hypocrisy and is literally on the same tier as some militant vegan with a superiority complex trying to guilt trip others for not being exactly like them tbh
  9. Tokage

    @suji Is using nyaa not an option? I'm almost halfway through Vento Aureo now. I read the original manga YEARS ago, like more than a decade at this point (roughly around the same time when the only translations available for Diamond is Unbreakable were the infamous Duwang ones). Back then I remember my first impression of the part being that I enjoyed it a lot less than DiU, even in spite of the horrible translation, and Stone Ocean right after it. Watching it in animated form now after such a long time pretty much feels like I'm experiencing it all for the very first time again, I literally remember next to nothing about this part other than a couple scattered bits and pieces here and there. Feels weird.
  10. Tokage

    the ultimate cope of not having anyone who wants to go drinking with you lmao
  11. Tokage

    all jrockers are rich in std's, and life experience.....
  12. Tokage

    This entire thing feels like it was put together in a boardroom tbh
  13. Tokage

    People who try to force their tastes onto their friends or relatives without being asked & then get upset when said people don't react 'appropriately' appreciative of your '''kindness'''' kinda fucking suck hard. There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to share the things you enjoy with others & being able to share your interests with friends is of course v. nice, but for fuck's sake, -wait- until people actually express an interest in a thing before just deciding to shove it down their throats just cuz you want to lord your totally epic secret taste in music, movies or whatever over them. You're literally on the level of that person trying to show someone a stupid meme video and sitting there staring at their face instead of the video the entire time waiting for them to laugh if you do this kind of shit otherwise.
  14. Tokage

    Started playing the Gamecube remake of the OG Resident Evil recently and it's kicking my fucking ass
  15. instead of ''eating pussy'' or ''eating ass'' we should all collectively try to ''eat more vegetables''

    1. spockitty
    2. platy


      Why choose extremes? Moderation is the best approach. 

    3. Arkady


      Vegetarians would praise your slogan to eat less meat an more vegetable. XD

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  16. Tokage

    Detriti records is one of the best niche labels currently active and their entire aesthetic is fucking GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Tokage

    here's a hot one for you'll: yu-gi-oh was cooler when it wasnt only about the card games yet
  18. Tokage

    this accidentally ended up being the most valuable piece of advice to come outta this entire thread lmao
  19. Tokage

  20. Tokage

    Just look at this character for example... truly Japan (or Nippon, as me and my friends like to call it) is much better & more wholesome than the US with all its filthy degenerate sluts prancing around half-naked all the time. Hot take: this is the ONLY pure and Christian cosplay that exists
  21. it's gonna be a new age record about smoking W E E D or doing DMT or some shit to cure depression
  22. Tokage

    proving once again that japanese women are worse x
  23. place your bets: fast-paced song or ballad?
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