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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. why yes, i DO believe Slipknot's new album is the best visual kei release of 2019

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      The GazettE will recycle it in 2.5 years anyway, so this is valid

    2. ahnchc


      ^ i fucking laughed hard as hell

    3. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I quite liked it to be honest... the longer tracks are the best elements of the album and just for clarify, funny or not, I won't join the train "GazettE will recycle it in who knows what year" because I listen to both of them and they are different musically, even if belonging to the same genre... it's a question of shades imo.

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  2. you are not allowed to say this shit when stuff like literally the entire dragon quest franchise exists tbh lol
  3. someone's out there hoping to get access to the secret bone marrow harvesting parties i see
  4. Tokage

    everyone itt:
  5. Tokage

    the saddest war film is avengers: endgame because the funny sarcastic metal man died
  6. Tokage

    i didnt know i wanted this until now somewhere out there there's gotta be a japanese equivalent to tonetta or some shit
  7. Tokage

    tfw you never had that much of an attachment to The Final anyway & thus don't get why everyone was flipping their shit at the remake even way back when it originally came out, i would've probably gotten more upset had they decided to remake dead tree instead
  8. Tokage

    Yo this is great, vocalist's voice (& actually everything in general) occasionally gives me yazzmad vibes which is v nice
  9. Tokage

    i think i lied when i said i want v/a albums to make a comeback
  10. Tokage

    Hellraiser: Bloodline - The fact that this franchise keeps getting screwed over by the executives is a fucking travesty, I still have a lot of love for the original two films (more for the first than the second tho), but it feels like every subsequent sequel just gets marred down by various degrees of fuckery from above. I feel like this could've been one of the better (or at least more interesting) installments in the franchise if the creators were actually given free reign to make it into the trilogy it was originally envisioned as instead of cramming in all the flashback stuff that takes up like 75% of the film in its current form, leaving the ''dude it's hellraiser IN SPACE'' setting feeling completely superfluous. Still, it IS fun in a schlocky kind of way, but you can really tell that this one had a rough time on the cutting room floor with how crammed together the entire thing feels in my opinion, and I can DEFINITELY see why Barker chose to wash his hands of the franchise after this one
  11. So after doing Shin Godzilla, Hideaki Anno's apparently gonna be working on Shin Ultraman next. Shin Gamera fucking when?!?!?!?!?!?

    1. Bear


      Shin Godzilla was so good. Can't wait till they can begin producing new Godzilla movies in Japan again. If the plans they've talked about gets going it's gonna be insane. "World of Godzilla", a cinematic universe akin to MCU where they will produce a film either every single or second year based on the monsters from the original Godzilla universe. I can't wait for the ball to start running on that one.


      It's sad the americans can't produce films 1/100th as good as Shin Godzilla. For some reason they continue to put emphasis on boring human beings and, for most part, their uninteresting families. The best American Godzilla movie is only as good as the worst Japanese Godzilla tbh.

    2. zombieparadise


      Shin Godzilla was great. Lots of awesome cinematography and dialogue. Wish I could say the same about Godzilla: King of the Monsters (Bleh)

  12. Tokage

    power rangers, actually
  13. it's been quite a while now and i STILL dont get what Dir en grey were conceptually going for w/ the 人間を被る pv

    1. SubThatSong


      @cheesy_VK_Freak well, it is after all just how I see it, but to me it feels right because the colours match exactly the colours of auras and it would explain the extra empty  chair to complete the 7! :D
      Unraveling (♡♡♡ Jesus it was 2013? Been that long already?) I can't say much else about than that it seems to be about child abuse - the boy is isolated from the family and the one that's abused the most, by mom. The kids write on the paper with crayons "mommy is scary", drawing a scary picture of her, etc, and you see it's her acting off at the dinner table (she and the girl are seen to evidently react to hearing noises from upstairs from the brother)+it's her that goes into the room to abuse the boy later on (and put them to sleep under plastic bags, clearly taping down the boy down). There's the few flashes of the x-rays with a broken collar bone and broken arm as well.
      I'm going off a limb and guessing that the boy isn't the child of the father like the girl is. I feel like at the end the dad is taking the girl the hell outta there, but didn't care to take the boy with him, being either unaware of him or not being his dad and plain not caring? We don't get to see his reaction to the sounds upstairs during dinner, so I'm not sure. Also as they are leaving the boy isn't locked into the room as he seems to otherwise be. The girl also waves happily to mom, as if keeping up appearances
      They're not married at least I imagine since I don't see any wedding rings. I wonder if they have a kind of custody agreement where the girl lives with dad, and the dad visited with the girl while the boy lives there full time - or if he did a let's gtfo.
      In short, basically never believe me if I say I don't have much to say about something, I can really ramble on

    2. cheesy_VK_Freak


      @SubThatSong Wow, thanks for your insight! I kinda thought she killed the kid, but during the last shot you see him so I was like: ehh? Was this all imagination?


    3. SubThatSong


      @cheesy_VK_Freak Np! If they didn't show him at the end and the plastic wriggling a bit while it's taped down I would've thought the same tbh!

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  14. Tokage

    this is legit the most no effort vk look i have ever seen
  15. Tokage

    it's almost as random of a thing as this one time some local Estonian news channel used the Silent Hill 2 dog ending song as bgm in one of their bits
  16. i for one love japans anti-w**d policy
  17. merry go round has like the most bleeped out lyrics ive ever heard in a vk band

  18. Tokage

    I still swear that one of those stupid goofy-ass Japanese 'Human Tetris' gameshow things used part of Metronome's Computer as background music at some points, for example at around 7:20 or so in this one:
  19. Tokage

    vaccinate your kids so we can have more future posters for the hentai thread
  20. Tokage

    implying he's doing it out of genuine charity and not just as another opportunity to make himself look good lmao, if he really wanted to help just for the sake of helping he wouldnt have to make a fucking public circus about it
  21. Are all those concert venues shutting their doors lately ones that primarily catered to VK acts or is it just a case of Japan's concert model in general failing?

    1. nekkichi


      it might be a case of several decade long building leases expiring with no funds to afford a renewal under the current rent prices idk

    2. Biopanda


      At least for KRAPS HALL, it was a more general venue that was mostly stopped at by touring VK bands if anything. AFAIK most of the vk-catering venues (at least in Tokyo) are doing just fine.

  22. Tokage

    page 1: ice cream's pretty bad guys page 14: FUCK TRANNIES & GAYS, IMPERIAL JAPAN DID NOTHING WRONG, IT ISNT PEDOPHILIA TO WANT TO JACK IT TO CARTOON CHILDREN this thread is somehow escalating as suddenly as your average shounen anime
  23. whats up with all the good indie shit suddenly coming from australia lately?

    1. saishuu


      i love tame impala

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