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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    there's literally nothing barring those same people from setting up their own fan communities to try and attract like-minded people as well though so ????
  2. Tokage

    we out here w/ some more music-related hot takes because this alex jones tier bullshit is making me spill my jellybeans: Musicians (or, prolly more accurately, their labels) need to stop dragging other musicians to court for 'plagiarism' when the only shit that's being copied is some basic-ass chord progressions that literally anyone could come up with, that stuff only gets serious when one artist just rips off another's music wholesale (i.e. the classic Mew/Plastic Tree example i'll NEVER let go).. Until then, the amount of possible chord progressions that actually sound nice is finite my dudes, especially if you're trying to produce generic pop stuff. let it go. Cookie monster vocals, pig squeals & all that stuff almost immediately make a song unlistenable to me unless they're switched up with cleans from time to time, I can't listen to most death metal/deathcore/grindcore because of this, it feels like dishonest posturing more often than not. Over the past several years I've gone from absolutely hating black metal vocals to being quite okay with them and I have no issues with hardcore or screamo vox either, so I actually dunno why these particular vocal styles still continue to rub me the wrong way even to this day but it's just how it is Nearly all stoner rock and -metal sounds the got damn fuckin same!! the fuckin same i say!!!!! legit one of the most one-note subgenres of guitar music out there & that's taking drone into account Post-rock was better before that ''''''''epic''''''' oscar bait film OST' crescendo bullshit became the norm There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with gatekeeping & the amount of (formerly) niche scenes that have actually improved by suddenly amassing massive popularity probably still numbers somewhere in the single digits (pointing @ the cancer that is the jjba fandom nowadays as a more contemporary example)
  3. Tokage

    Mindwarp - Man, they REALLY fucking loved their ''dude virtual realities lmao'' shit in the '80s and '90s, didn't they? I'll be honest here, other than the fact it's got Bruce Campbell hamming it up from time to time this one's got little to offer as far as I'm concerned. The post-apocalypse tropes it touches upon were already kinda done to death even at that point in time, and the movie has a 'twist' that was not only so obvious i saw it coming within like the first 15 mins of the film or so, but was also completely nonsensical in retrospect.
  4. fucked up to think, that people on this music forum would rather play with their ''tools', than discuss the new Tool album, coming out next month......

    1. Tokage


      *screenshots the entirety of that thread & sends it to all your future employers & educational institutions* 


      ; )

    2. secret_no_03
    3. Seelentau
    4. Show next comments  66 more
  5. Tokage

    cant wait until sb is gonna pull the ''ACKSHUALLY the character is a 500 year old fairy spirit, she only LOOKS like a child'' defense re: the topic at the start of the page tbh
  6. Tokage

    reporting everyone itt to the mods for public hornyness
  7. Tokage

    Dark beer > light beer, discuss
  8. Tokage

    Eliminators - If you were to find yourself in a bar having a conversation with some totally shitfaced guy trying to explain the concept of b-movies to you, it would somehow always accidentally end up being an exact description of this movie's plot
  9. Tokage

    aloe vera juice.
  10. Tokage

    the only thing im gonna say about the sukekiyo/dir en grey thing: awfully bold of someone who likes dalle of all bands to accuse sukekiyo of being a pretentious vanity project tbh as for the coconut stuff: literally the ONLY good part about coconuts is coconut milk, everything else is awful. on the same tier of 'why would you eat that?' as licorice
  11. Tokage

    the truth about beans? they'll never know.....
  12. Tokage

    honestly, speaking as someone who's got shoegaze in his personal top 5 genres i'm gonna have to agree that a lot of it is derivative as all hell (even more so than vk & that's saying something). i don't really fuck w/ the super sugary sweet side of things all that much myself either. i guess liking the genre or not generally comes down to whether you're more into melody or more into texture, and on how you feel about bands cranking the distortion and fuzz up to maximum overdrive more than half the time
  13. Tokage

    I ABSOLUTELY do not get why nearly every shoegaze/dreampop fan I've encountered seems to love Beach House, they're so boring and samey they almost make The National look like cali gari also, additionally the chinese indie scene (from what little i've heard of it) >>> the korean indie scene
  14. the one thing about japanese copyright stuff i still do not comprehend to this day is why almost every japanese lyric site has to be like -that- 

  15. Tokage

    Yooo, just had one of the best hauls of material for art stuff I've ever had.. Like a good twenty books or so, as well as some extremely vintage magazines, postcards and stuff. Girlfriend and I were allowed to go into the local printing museum's storage and go crate digging for some stuff, quite a bunch of it would've been pulped otherwise.
  16. Tokage

    Japrocksampler by Julian Cope is probably essential
  17. Tokage

    I'm gonna side w/ @Gesu here and agree that the MCU is absolutely hot garbage and I honestly can not WAIT for the superhero bubble to fucking burst. I've seen most of the Phase 1 & 2 films other than a handful and the only two serviceable films I've seen were Winter Soldier and GotG (somehow coincidentally also the only ones I watched on my own accord & wasn't dragged off to watch) and even those are maybe a 6.5 or 7 / 10 at BEST. There's literally absolutely no depth in there other than ''omg pretty colors, epic cgi and funny quips! check out this meme! buy our merchandise!" and yet useful idiots keep falling for that shit every single time because they're so easily pandered to also, just to maintain that arcance ''i don't like popular thing'' energy, i'm just gonna add that i've completely soured on Stranger Things as well. Convinced season 1 was just lightning in a bottle at this point
  18. putting down an F for Rutger Hauer

    1. Jigsaw9


      Legend! Total respect & R.I.P.


      What are your favorites of his? Mine's a tie between Blade Runner and The Hitcher, followed closely by Hobo with a Shotgun.

  19. Tokage

    I haven't watched the Corman one, but I've watched the 80s version, good stuff for sure (and further proof that test screen audiences are idiots, too) Would argue that one definitely tops RHPS for me as well. Hell, if we go even more modern w/ the goofy cult musicals, I'd argue Poultrygeist, The American Astronaut and Repo! outdo it as well
  20. Tokage

    I think Phantom of the Paradise >>>>>>>> The Rocky Horror Picture Show as far as flamboyant 70s cult musicals are concerned, maybe it's also cuz Rocky Horror has this whole culture of HYPE surrounding it already while PotP doesn't, but I was kinda let down by how utterly 'meh' TRHPS ended up being in comparison, it kinda peaked with Science Fiction Double Feature
  21. my mind autofiltered this into ''The Catholic School System'' tbh also i'm like 99% sure that ''music video'' is some edited Quay Brothers stuff
  22. Tokage

    Also, further re: the 'CGI is shit' topic - A lot of the time that stuff ABSOLUTELY definitely does inexcusably suck assk. There are scenes from the The Hobbit trilogy and many of the more recent MCU films that look like they're straight up taken from an early PS2 or PS3 game, and those are movies that cost MILLIONS to produce. The main problem, from how I've understood it, is that nowadays a lot of the time the CG work you see in those 'epic' large scale fights in the Avengers and that sorta work. is outsourced by the Hollywood studios to some random companies in India or China to cut costs, something that may happen quite late in the movie's 'development cycle', meaning there's a definite case of time crunch involved as well. The results, understandably, are mediocre at best. Moreover, the type of VERY conspicuously CG'd stuff ages fast, extremely fast, even compared to practical effects work. Look at the CG in a film like The Lawnmower Man and just TRY try to convince me that shit holds up, I dare you. Hell, even the CG in the early Harry Potter movies is beginning to show its age already. Meanwhile, a lot of the practical effects in movies like Blade Runner, John Carpenter's The Thing, etc. still hold up well even to this day. Yeah, I'm admittedly cherrypicking w/ my examples, and there's definitely a lot of low-budget movies (and hell, even AAA ones) with hokey practical effects as well, but still, you get my point. Unlike with a lot of practical effects work, the best kind of CGI is the variety that you wouldn't actually think is CG'd in because it looks so inconspicuous, like inserting family photos into picture frames in the background for example. This contemporary practice where some films are nearly entirely shot in front of a green screen is a crock of bs
  23. Tokage

    see also: academics still tripping over each other to come up with ''new & alternative'' critical readings of shakespeare and all that horseshit
  24. Tokage

    Literally when has art not been political though? As much as I'm a fan of the ideal of art for art's sake, you can't really pretend that art hasn't been co-opted by politics since like Ancient Rome. Edge and lack of sense are fine for me, not everything has to be conventionally beautiful or coherent to be good IMO. The main problem I personally have with a lot of contemporary art (at least the type you'd stumble upon in art galleries and such) is that half the time it feels like the works themselves are a mere afterthought and the narrative behind the work weighs in heavier when it comes to audience appreciation than the way in which said narrative is translated and ultimately expressed visually by the artist (I'm just limiting this to visual media at this point, but you can definitely expand it beyond that scope to incorporate music and literature as well). It's all good and well to incorporate your personal ideologies into your work, but the works themselves have to remain enjoyable on their own merits as well. The 'message' should be there to further enrich and enhance the material, it shouldn't subsume it and BECOME the material. At that point it just becomes soapboxing at best and outright propaganda at worst. I've disagreed with the idea that every creative work apparently needs to have some deeper layer to it ever since my first lit class in secondary school, and I don't think I'm ever gonna change my mind on that one. People often use the expression 'style over substance' to deride stuff, but apparently they just straight up forget that style IS substance as well, doubly so if we're talking about visual art. To me this type of people are equal to the ones who'll go like ''this song sucks bcuz it has no lyrics i can relate to :(" while entirely ignoring the actual music itself. It's focusing too much on one aspect of things and losing track of the bigger picture
  25. Tokage

    tfw all we have nowadays in terms of animated films is pretty much either soulless cgi pixarshit, ugly calarts tumblr uwu stuff or the demon known as 'anime' & stop-motion / claymation are fucking DEAD.... it's not fair bros, it's just not fair..........
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