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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    that's one FUCKING GOOD setlist.....
  2. is kyo actually able to sing ranunculus live yet?
  3. Tokage

    Night School: This is another one of those movies that fits in the 'very obviously giallo-inspired' category that also includes Dressed To Kill, The Eyes of Laura Mars, White of the Eye etc. It has the usual giallo staples: tits and ass, sleazy characters, extremely obvious red herrings and a series of outlandish killings committed by a figure in leather gloves. There's a handful of pretty cool and atmospheric sequences here (like the aquarium sequence and the one where the girl's being followed home from the diner for example) and the killer's black leather biker uniform is a simple but very effective choice. Overall I was pleasantly surprised, expected a lot less going in but it turned out to be quite entertaining. If you're a gore hound you might end up disappointed as most of the violence occurs off-screen, but otherwise this one's not bad at all.
  4. Tokage

    I stumbled onto some old MERRY tereko from like 2002 or so the other day and it has a track on it that I absolutely cannot identify - it's either an extremely early version of one of their songs that got reworked hard, a cover or some track they never ended up releasing. Doesn't help that it's simply titled 'NEW SONG' either lol
  5. Tokage

    Imai is s tarting to look more and more like some disheveled middle-aged cat lady as the years go by
  6. funny to think that  we are essentially all colonists in the beautiful & free nation of visualkei

  7. Tokage

    i cant believe the absolute madman got ''see you at my anniversary performance in june'' tattooed on his back like a tramp stamp fucking amazing
  8. VERY much enjoying those samples - god if only they woulda released this as '14' lmao
  9. Tokyo Shoegazer's dropping a new album... shoegaze bros... we eatin.....

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      The full thing is on YT!

       By the way does someone know if this came out on December? I am doing a monthly selection of albums for my blog and if I end to like it, I want to put it in the right month :-D

    2. Tokage


      i cant find any info on the release date other than a very vague ''2019'' 😕 its not even listed on discogs somehow

    3. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Ok, thanks anyway!

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  10. Tokage

    ''i'm sorry'' has never been more accurate jfc
  11. [western music journalist interviewing vk musician voice] BRO WERE U INSPIRED BY MARILYN MANSON

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      "nah, never heard of him" *rips off beautiful people for the next album*

    2. Takadanobabaalien
    3. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      A journalist to Marilyn Manson: Have you ever heard of Buck-Tick, Auto Mod or Dead End?

      Only silence comes from him of course.

      Don't tell me mad, but I always thought that he took some inspiration from those acts such in a way...

  12. Tokage

    visual kei musicians really be peein out there in the comfort of their own home smh
  13. i cant believe they're gonna play the insulated world live for 48 hours straight
  14. KEEL is pretty much just deadman with Ryo on vocals anyway so it's not like the change is gonna be too massive. Plus considering that deadman's gonna be doing a couple of two-man shows with aie's other side-project gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy there's a chance he might do the same with KEEL... (also wasn't aie only involved w/ Decays on like.. 1 release?)
  15. Tokage

    I just wanna go on record & say that there has literally never been a person identifying as 'sapiosexual' that wasn't dumb as a sack of fucking rocks themselves
  16. Tokage

    which one of you fine people did this
  17. where were you when visual kei was saved? i was at home drinking brian fluid
  18. Tokage

    this might be the greatest 2-man tour ever conceived
  19. Tokage

    what the fuck
  20. perhaps another victim of the demon known as w**d smoking.....
  21. Tokage

    it's like literally every single band mh was still hype about at the start of the year has managed to either fall off the wagon or turn into a huge mess except for gulu gulu
  22. Tokage

    The Boneyard: A (somewhat) obscure '90s film. I've seen it being labeled as a zombie film in some places but that's not quite what it is. If anything, I'd compare it more to something along the line of Demon Wind or Evil Dead although that's not entirely accurate either.. It falls somewhere in between the two. Regardless of that, this one's definitely entertaining! Somewhat low on the gore, but features some very cool effects (mostly in the form of some very nice (and amusing) monster suits) that more than make up for that. The film has that kinda gritty and grainy visual quality to it that I love - it's somehow always maximum comfy to me. What's interesting as well is that this one kinda subverts the commonplace horror stereotype of having the beautiful young pure girl as the protagonist. Instead, the protagonist is a burnt out, overweight, and middle-aged psychic woman. It's something you don't see every day, so props to the director for daring to switch things up. The only gripe I have is that the movie kinda suffers from severe mood whiplash at certain points, but overall I'd say this one's definitely worth watching
  23. Tokage

    this is totally gonna end up like an llll-Ligro- situation
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