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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    People in Holland are lined up for miles to buy weed from local coffee shops before that shit goes on lockdown just to prove stereotypes lol Meanwhile over here the government's apparently planning to ban the sale of alcohol...?
  2. Tokage

    what the absolute fuck is this lmao
  3. Tokage

    Yeah, I kinda figured as much but I figured I'd just mention everything that came to mind just in case Game made me realize another thing as well, which is that for some reason it feels like my laptop has like a 50/50 chance of either properly running Unity-based games the way they're supposed to and making them feel like a semi-slideshow and I still haven't figured out why (presumably the answer is just that my laptop sucks lol)
  4. Tokage

    Hey! My gf and I checked it out. The overall game feels somewhat bare-bones, but in general the atmosphere it presents does work. I personally liked the way the room with the spiral staircase looked the most, as it kind of has a dreamlike atmosphere to it with the lighting and all that. My two biggest gripes atm are that the time limit in its current form seems to be a bit TOO strict (at first I already managed to run out of time while I was still trying to explore the different corners of the ''starting'' hallway!) and secondly that once you pass through this stone gate and climb up the staircase it kind of becomes really unclear where you're supposed to go/what you're supposed to do. Here's a couple more of our thoughts, hopefully they're not too nitpicky, just tried to be thorough wherever possible: - Opening text seems to be in need of some minor editing. We're both non-native speakers so maybe we're off on this entirely but it felt to me like there are some commas missing here and there within the story text. - The room lighting in the opening area seems ''off'' somehow on the part of the wall near the newspaper clipping (the wall tile with the crack on it). That particular wall seems to be a lot brighter than the other areas around it, but the rest of the wall's lighting kinda feels like it 'flows' together into each other pretty well (if that makes any sense), making that one brighter spot kind of stand out in an unnatural way - Are both those 2 reddish objects supposed to be collected in order to make the wall in the staircase room come down? During some runs I collected both of 'em, during others I collected neither of 'em and during one run I only managed to collected one of 'em cuz it wouldn't let me pick up the other but each time the wall would come down anyway (or would already be down by the time I made it into the staircase room) - Talking about that same wall in the staircase room, even after it's gone all the way down standing where it was originally supposed to be still brings up a ''Push'' prompt that doesn't do anything anymore - Weird interaction in the upstairs room following the staircase area: there's a wall that seems to have white light of some sort coming out from underneath it. During some runs I was able to somehow pass through and it opened up into another area, but during others nothing happened and I ended up running out of time instead while trying to figure out how i managed to get through lol. - Gf: It might look cooler if the ghostly apparitions would be slightly more animated than they are now (even if it's just lightly hovering up or down) - Gf: The walls in some areas (most notably the upstairs area after you climb the spiral staircase) appear to be floating in midair instead of actually being attached to the floor - Gf: The carpet texture on the floor in the starting area kind of looks awkward in its current state, there are ways to make it look less like they're separate squares of carpet and more like it's one long connected piece Hope this somewhat helps!
  5. lmao @ anyone who thinks this wont be canceled
  6. Tokage

    My only guess was eye protection for when you go out to the store but otherwise I have no fucking clue either lmao Or it's just reseller scum - that's another option
  7. Tokage

    Dutch news reporting that students from two of our medical unis discovered a potential antibody against the virus. Apparently there's also talk about Chinese experts flying out to Italy to help people out there in some ways but our own news is making no mention of it as of yet & is instead focusing more on the AAAH PUBLIC LIFE IS SHUTTING DOWN HELP ME-angle so idk more about that. Full retards here are pillaging the toilet paper reserves as well and the news photos even showed pics of emptied out racks of sunglasses for... some reason???
  8. fact: if we survive this virus shit & the subsequent economic collapse nu-metal WILL make its comeback this decade

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat


    2. nikuman


      lmaaao this took me out 

    3. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      wtfff, thanks for sharing that..the whole new album is awesome straight into sepia hell.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  9. Tokage

    tfw put up 2 exhibitions this month but almost all public spaces are shut down now due to the virus outbreak over here also americans are beyond fucked - trump is apparently preparing to ''pray the corona away'' tomorrow? amazing
  10. Tokage

    Gara's performances as in Gara from Merry?
  11. stumbled upon this recently and it's been in my head ever since. ppl who enjoy drab majesty and similar stuff will probs dig it too
  12. Tokage

    Some of those INFINITUM tracks sound better/more refined live than their studio versions imo
  13. Tokage

    the first thing that comes to mind is 90s lareine-era kamijo but that might not be what they meant. (can't stand that type of vocals either 2bh) alternatively something like the vocalist from Phobia?
  14. Tokage

    that's not what the original post says i got pranked by it too lmao
  15. yeah. it's been a while since i last did it but last time i bought from him i also ordered directly via the finch liqueur website & he pretty much seems to ship worldwide as far as i know
  16. Oh it's back up? It was gone from the bandcamp page for a while. In the meantime - since the announcement of this album there have been 2 other Shilfee albums and judging from the bandcamp it seems another one's gonna come out in April this year
  17. Tokage

    god im so glad politicsposting got banned on here because i'm already fucking tired of seeing every other music community i'm in slowly getting overtaken by american election bullshit
  18. Tokage

    half of that shit still reads like jaden smith tweets though
  19. unpopular opinion: there has p much never been a single ''good'' vk interview. the amount of interviews i've read where the musicians actually had anything remotely insightful or interesting to say is legit close to zero.

    1. Tokage


      ''YO HOW ARE WESTERN FANS DIFFERENT FROM THE FANS IN JAPAN'' - every single western vk interview

    2. chemicalpictures


      It's definitely something that is really noticeable, neither do they make an effort nor the questions are good, in 99% of the cases


      Few times I felt it was a good read is usually made by japanese outlets/interviewers


      One example comes to mind was this series of interviews, really interesting questions and lengthy answers: https://www.shiinamio.com/special

    3. BrenGun


      I also think its different if you can interview them face to face, Which happens in 99% of the japanese cases. Then bands also reply longer and better. 

      also you see often the interviewer reply such as, oh is this so? why?  and suggestion kind of response.



      but something it also feels as they don't wanna really promote themselves to overseas audience. because a bunch of interviews also have been done face to face by overseas media.


      So maybe, if doing an email interview, its better to ask if you can respond to their answers to Which they reply again. 

      Or to tell them to give proper amswers to promote themselves really good.


      But that's something I wanna figure out in the near future.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  20. Tokage

    ''i don't know anything about music silly so i enjoy the chemical reaction''
  21. this band has somehow managed to have a nearly 20 year career despite having only 4 songs. truly the vk counterparts to ac/dc
  22. Tokage

    the legend is back.................
  23. Tokage

    ah glad to see another plastic tree fan on this forum x
  24. Tokage

    absolute legend
  25. Tokage

    I'd suggest 第7 as well, I think 第5 or 第6 would work well too. The band had a different vocalist on Dai 5 but it's still a very good album overall
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