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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    i wish they'd get whoever it was that did their older covers back even tho their music's only been getting better over time i feel like their artwork's kinda been downgrading the song is lit though
  2. Their official website's not listing anything anymore for some reason but they have at least a handful of singles and 2 (mini-)albums. At least a few of them have been shared before I think
  3. you oughta look into their back catalog if you're into stuff like the novembers / plastic tree / emmuree and such as you'll prolly enjoy what they've done earlier
  4. fact: when you listen to visual kei the bandmen can also hear you

    1. xriko


      me to the bandmen: f*ck you, anyway you don't understand english

  5. hope they'll just livestream the entire tour 2bh :^)
  6. Tokage

    Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of House) has unfortunately passed away as well at the age of 82 (also I fully agree with what Bear wrote above me)
  7. Tokage

    Uyuni once said Playstation sucks.... need i say more
  8. xDDDD (i didn't know they went on a hiatus but i'm glad to see they're still around!)
  9. Tokage

    In all seriousness i kinda doubt a lot of those beep boop angura-adjacent weirdos would be up to anything shady (just by virtue of half of them seeming too awkward for it in the first place lol)
  10. if i understood it right goatbed's gonna be doing a livestream near the end of the month gangstas - get ready

    1. 少女椿


      Yep, but I'm not sure is it for free...

    2. Tokage


      don't break my heart like this!!!!!


      (there's also a kodomo kai revival stream at some point in april apparently i think so angura fans will b eatin regardless... unless that 1 ain't free either)

  11. Tokage

    Klaha because he chose to mysteriously vanish at the right time Also technically all VK musicians are problematic because by choosing to become a VK band they are essentially tacitly endorsing the vk scene's rotten business model ; )
  12. Tokage

    Vvelcome back in the angura quicksand pit! Nobody comes out alive
  13. i forgot how depressing Alundra actually is. i love it

  14. Tokage

    what do u guys think asanao is doing right now as for me i think he is probably enjoying a hot dog (extra onions)
  15. Tokage

    the fact that this thread is doing almost as well as your average Dir en grey / Gazette new release thread.............
  16. Tokage

    Thank you Asano very cool - dogfuckersasuke69
  17. Tokage

    a member that smokes w**d and now a furry? horrible what's next? having one of their members start up their own record label and getting involved in some child abuse scandal further down the line?
  18. Inugami Circus Dan are not dead! And they have a keyboard player now apparently. 


  19. Tokage

    i'm thinking there must be at least a few visual kei musicians out there who are currently (at this very moment) eating cheese. this post is for them.
  20. Tokage

    I'm getting increasingly concerned about all these privacy-invading ''protective'' measures governments worldwide are pushing through : / Have this lingering feeling that most of 'em won't be rolled back when this shit dies down
  21. this is what happens to every niche scene when you let the anglos get too uppity
  22. Tokage

    im finna restart alundra (and hopefully finish it this time around too)
  23. Tokage

    Honestly. Bava's sense of how to create a proper atmosphere is insane! Absolute legend. Lamberto ain't too bad either but the OG is where it's at
  24. Tokage

    Black Sabbath - FINALLY got around to watching this one. Took me long enough, goddamn. All I can say is that it definitely deserves its reputation, it's very good. Would say that my personal ranking of the three segments follows the order they're in like 1:1, with the telephone one being my least favorite (though still good) and the one with that creepy fucking lady's ghost being my favorite. As with pretty much everything by Bava I've seen so far, this one's an absolute visual treat. The set design and the use of lighting in the 3rd segment especially stood out to me and really helped to create an eerie atmosphere. Good, good shit.
  25. The only other thing I have to add is that even now, after having listened to downy for years, I'm still never 100% sure whether I'm always entirely on board with the vocals or not lol
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