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Status Updates posted by Tokage

  1. why are all the status updates about anime

  2. that Chvrches album is catchy as hell wow synthpop is gr888

    1. CAT5


      I did not like it, but then again, I'm too much of a thug to like synth-pop. Thuggin' for jeezus.

    2. Wonrei


      synthpop best genre m8

  3. the devil's lettuce

    1. CAT5


      How did you know I followed this blog? http://the-devils-lettuce.tumblr.com/

    2. CAT5


      I actually do, though XD

  4. RIP Lou Reed, dadrockers worldwide hang their head in shame

    1. Wonrei


      rest in peace old man :( the first of my favorites gone :(

    2. Jigsaw9
  5. Protest the Hero's gig last night was awesome. Other 3 bands were great as well.

    1. Augie1995


      Are they still on ther EU tour with TesseracT and Intervals?

    2. Tokage


      Not anymore, yesterday's concert was the tour final

  6. jackie chan is gonna debut a kpop boy band... this is 2014.....

    1. Tetora


      When asked for a comment, the members of the band said: We don't want any trouble!

    2. Tetora


      Also, do they do their own stunts?

  7. that zilch album is still the best thing hide's ever done (even though half of it is recycled material)

    1. Jigsaw9
    2. Wonrei


      I really like hide solo but zilch was some really good shit. Raven was an awesome guy too.

  8. imagine how fucked up it would be if

  9. Junji Ito... and Pokemon.... teaming up.... what?!?!?

  10. "THE TURTLES JAPAN" .... my band... my favorite band...

    1. beni


      Gave It's Alright a listen a while ago. Great song.

  11. #jrockpetitions: Force TenTen to add another 'Ten' to his name for every band he's played in

    1. Tetora


      He would have to start using exponents!

    2. Des



  12. got my own laptop again HELL YEAH

    1. Shmilly
    2. nekkichi


      i know this feeling, congrats, x.

  13. these new banners are #offensive to our fundamentalist christian members, might as well rename this place SODOMY heaven

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Purge the unfaithful kk

    2. Naaaaani


      "Fags Heaven"

  14. This is a callout post to popular MH member CAT5 to call him out on his problematic behavior: not updating his cat files thread : ((((((((((((

    1. Jigsaw9


      Cat is my problematic fave... and yeah. ;<

    2. CAT5


      The CATFILES thread was kind of a mess, so I'm going to try a new format. Seperate threads, but all linked in one index post.

  15. love this year of Cthulhu kei

    1. Jigsaw9


      Cthulhu fhtagn desu neee

    2. YuyoDrift
  16. wwhy is Full sharing videos on youtube about the Paris attacks and the Sandy Hook shooting being a conspiracy..... is my fav problematic...................

    1. lichtlune


      It's possible I guess. ^^

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Inspiration for a new single called "Thoughts like an onion"

  17. when will america finally let us see the first visual kei musicians on Sesame Street..

  18. oh shit ruvie was pretty good, why didnt i check em earlier??? damn........

  19. TANUKI RUMORS: Mana is rumored to cry while watching porn. ''But only during the emotional parts,'' one anonymous bangya says

    1. JRD


      You should make a thread for this. Would be the best thread on the whole forum imo.

    2. PsychoΔelica


      When is the emotional part?

  20. requesting an official MH staff review of my family pls, rate my mom & dad

    1. Biopanda


      3/10, mediocre at best, should probably go back to the drawing board

    2. Shmilly


      dad was 6/10 average, but mum was a solid 9/10, blew well but not quite enough to blow me away

  21. so now my personal life's also gone to hell, nice..

    1. Tetora


      Stay strong, your true brahs will end up by your side in the end.

    2. Tokage


      thanks, man, I sure hope so........

  22. why oh why does the Sega Megadrive sound chip have to make almost everything sound like farting trumpets??

    1. Biopanda


      smdh if you're not farting the Green Hill Zone theme

    2. Tokage


      i prefer to fart this:


  23. Happy birthday!

    1. freesia


      Happy bday!!!

    2. yakihiko


      Happy birthday

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