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Tokage last won the day on February 5

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About Tokage

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    did you know that even with seatbelts people die all the time in
  • Birthday 11/22/1992

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    car crashes? i thought that was interesting
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  1. It's honestly annoying as hell how a ton of 90s/2000s vk has essentially all but vanished off the web after Megaupload and Rapidshare died 

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    2. Ikna


      @saiko I am sure as time goes on even "the stuff that matters" will become rare. For some reason japanese bands aren't really good with archiving or conservation of their stuff, already there are so many old releases from the 80s and 90s that don't have any reprints, won't ever get one and thus are likely to become rare. I actually wonder what happens with many of the masters, do japanese labels withhold them from bands and the public,  like some western ones did? (like Universal Studio, until the place where they stored all the stuff burned to te ground and a lot of media is now forever lost)

      I generally have this feeling that a lot of the media that we consume nowadays is fleeting and ephemeral and will not last as long as some other art from previous eras.


      Edit: also I know you meant the download links and not so much physical releases, but even dl links will be gone. I can't see mediafire still existing in 2080… 

    3. Manabu


      You could always risk soulseek lol

    4. Tokage


      @Zeus Not necessarily referring to anything specific. I just wish it were easier to be able to just dive in and randomly try out some old forgotten band's stuff. Lots of western underground scenes still seem to be surprisingly well-preserved (to the point where you can still find blogs dedicated to random specialized stuff like Jugoslavian (post-)punk/80s german underground cassette culture and that kinda niche stuff) but somehow it feels like for VK there's major gaps here and there for a lot of stuff outside of the big ''classics'' & the more recent material, and even then some of the former biggest names from the 90s aren't as easy to find anymore as they once were (like La'Cryma Christi etc.)

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