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Status Updates posted by Biopanda

  1. People who bid in the last minute constantly at Y!A to extend the auction over an hour are literally hitler

    1. Komorebi


      They should't allow for extension u.u

    2. Tokage
    3. Biopanda
  2. Don't miss RH's $1 VK auction in less than 2 days! https://www.facebook.com/events/362952964138379/

    1. YuyoDrift


      but my money is going to the new Apple Watch ......


    2. Biopanda


      You don't need an apple watch. You need rarez :<!

    3. YuyoDrift


      If I can't preorder it on time lol I will buy rarez.

  3. Shaking and crying because Jikkendai Marmot is recording a new PV. Tani bb cum 2 me.

  4. Why is Nocturnal Buttlust a steampunk band now?

    1. Jigsaw9


      * post-fail steamcore

    2. Slsr


      their look is fabulous tho :(

  5. this.
    1. Slsr


      I like this better tbqh
    2. Biopanda


      all of his songs are beautiful little butterflies.

  6. Ahahaha Juri's solo project. Oh god this is bad. Like really really bad.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Honestly, the only way 'Blanche' could possibly be good if it is laced with Golden Girls quotes.

    2. Wonrei


      many times I think the hate on artists that go poppy is really retarded, but this is not one of those times. this is just shit

  7. First valentine's day in a long time that I'm not single \o/ Pretty bummed that I can't spend it with my girlfriend though :(

  8. Leaving for Finland in ~30 minutes. I am so excite. See you soon, my Finnbros!

    1. nick
    2. kyoselflove


      Have a safe and fun trip!

  9. ゆ???? is a super awesome detective and caught jack the ripper~ Gotta rewrite those history books now.

    1. Gaz


      plot twist: you are jack the ripper himself D:

    2. Biopanda


      jack the (rarez CD) ripper

  10. Hold onto your butts!

  11. Lovely. Just got the solo album from Denno Oblaat's vocalist in the mail and the CD was burned improperly, leaving the first track corrupted and unlistenable x_x

    1. Jigsaw9


      damnnnnnnn... :'(

    2. Gaz


      ghhfjdhkdfjhgk D<

  12. Sister went to the hospital this morning to deliver babby. Shall henceforth be known as unclepanda.

    1. paradoxal


      awwww, congrats bro! :D

    2. colorful人生


      congrats on new babby

  13. Watching nazi porn with MH members. #yolo

    1. Sakura Seven
    2. Biopanda


      Do they show nazisploitation movies there?

  14. Was just watching rummy's last PV and damn... it really bums me out that the band barely lasted that long at all. They could have fit in pretty well with the rest of the "art-kei" crowd had they not disbanded so quickly :(

    1. Senedjem


      They looked pretty

    2. Slsr


      those dolls were so creepy tho :|.

  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dno7RVhfmfs randomly stumbled upon a full live from 'call me' that was mysteriously hidden on youtubes ?_?
    1. psychtiger


      This is great! Thank you!

    2. paradoxal


      oooooh thank you!

  16. This band is such loves <333
    1. Senedjem
    2. ChaoticEnding


      I have IRIS song, other good song =)

  17. Finally got home after spending 26 hours in-between airports and airplanes. FML

    1. paradoxal


      good to hear you're back home! :3

    2. beni


      Have a good rest and I hope there's no more holding up for you!

  18. Whaaaat. There's a VK mobile card game? http://visual-crusade.com/

    1. hiroki


      hahah interesting :D

    2. JRD


      Check your inbox panda D:

  19. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B9u5cooCMAAza8a.jpg:large rated 11/10 VK butts best VK butt of 2015
    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Adore Delano lost a lot of weight

    2. beni


      XD I clicked again, lol. Deserves that place, defo.

  20. Hum... please stop spam with you shit noodle xD !

  21. Beep boop beep boop Another RarezHut update has gone live! Go buy everything, you wonderful people. You know how much I love you. Yeah, you. <3

    1. Jigsaw9


      tempted to get dat delicious Makaroni bolognese

    2. Biopanda


      Do it for Eiji. He would have wanted it that way :( RIP bro make those beep boops in the sky 5ever

  22. RarezHut update time! Check the site/thread for more deets and don't forget about our 10% off coupon!

    1. Koike


      Panda pls I'm already poor enough and yet you have so many awesome releases there ;A;

    2. Biopanda


      you can go into debt for rarez, right? <3

  23. rarezhut.net update time! We've loaded up over a hundred new goodies, so go check out the site and MH thread! Boy howdy.

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