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Status Updates posted by Biopanda


    1. Jigsaw9


      bappy hersday

    2. eiheartx


      Happy birthday mate !!

    3. hyura


      Aw~ ;o; I didn't even see this. Thank you. You are all good citizens and I like you.

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  2. That feel when you spend a good chunk of money on a live distributed CD/DVD only to find out it was a comment :|

    1. Biopanda


      Yea ;/ took a leap of faith and spent like $20 on a DecoLa Hopping CD and DVD just to find out the DVD was a comment and the CD was a weird drama thing

    2. hiroki


      i did the same for a BFN distro and found that it's just samples of songs they've released after -_-

    3. xriko


      did same with gossip CD x)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  3. Fucking FromJapan. I'm just about DONE with them. They can't add FedEx shipping to my order because of vague, unspecified reasons. Now I'm having to come up with an additional $300 to cover the differences in shipping costs x_x

    1. Biopanda


      Well, first off they split it into two separate shipments(even though there are less items and less weight than my previous package). Then they told me that they couldn't add FedEx shipping on either of them because there were too many items and it would be too much of a hassle(one of the two packages only had like... 50 items?). It just doesn't make any sense at all, especially taking into account that my last shipment from them had nearly 600 items and weighed about 68 kg.

    2. hyura


      That sucks! :o

      And it's kinda strange. I had FJ shipments containing more than 50 items more than once before and fedex was always fine. Although they usually weighed less than me :'D

      Scared because fedex is really the only way I can get stuff without having to deal with ridiculous custom practices.

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  4. woo! it's my birthday! time to drink alone! <3

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      Nyappy Pandaday ^w^

    2. freesia


      Happy birthday!! May your wishes come true!

    3. Erin


      happy rareday

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  5. Make sure to RSVP for RarezHut's March livestreaming event over at https://www.facebook.com/events/189026541455895/ . We'll be posting the full item list within the next few days, but you can see a preview linked linked there. Make sure to join us though, we'll be giving away free VK throughout the stream and all you need to do is be there to win!!

    1. Biopanda


      It's too early to announce anything yet, but we're working tirelessly to create a solution that would allow more people to participate in the auctions, even if they can't make it to the actual streams :3

    2. TetsuAkira


      Omg if you take super spooky ghost bids I am all in!

    3. Valicious


      email ghost bid lists to [email protected] You should still come to the streams though, as only people in chat are entered into the giveaways we do XD

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. Hoping to put out the list of items for the August $1 RarezHut live auction today... only like 200 more CDs to catalog! kill me

    1. Biopanda


      Luckily not XD There's still a TON of work to do until we're ready.

    2. YuyoDrift


      Good cuz I spent all my moniez on SuperDry sale online. lol.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I'm excited!  

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  7. RarezHut just cut it's first deal with a Japanese band! Can't wait to see where this leads in the future :3 We'll have more info to talk about soon~

    1. PsychoΔelica
    2. Komorebi


      Looking forward to this!!

    3. leafwork


      rarezhut exclusive ver-meer releases

    4. Show next comments  6 more
    1. Biopanda


      We gotta keep you all on your toes somehow! I think we have something like 7000 items still unlisted, so the updates won't stop flowing anytime soon.

    2. IGM_Oficial
    3. Show next comments  6 more
  8. Make sure to RSVP to this weekend's $1 VK auction! We got tons of gazette FC and live goodies~ https://www.facebook.com/events/1619622844719746/

    1. Gaz



    2. Valicious


      We updated the item list to include new items and...holy crap.  Sign over your paychecks now.  I'm posting item photos to our facebook and twitter every hour

    3. Show next comments  6 more
  9. Thank y'all for letting me activate ≪POWER OF THE BEAST≫ and win some demos :v

    1. Biopanda


      Perhaps it was a little too powerful, @Gaz :( Well, I left y'all with most of the rarez anyways XD I just wanted my 90s white-kei tapes :v

    2. Gaz


      i wonder if i put my fav number (69) in the bid will i also get lucky hmmmmm

    3. Biopanda


      69 is a pretty good power number as well, so it's worth a try

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. Someone tweeted a photo of the old Dir&Gray, thought you might be interested! https://twitter.com/kamiwa_shinda/status/854342633942007814/photo/1

    1. Himeaimichu


      Also, I wonder what the ex members of Dir&Gray are doing now. I'd like to see where they got the name from

    2. Keiyuu


      All I know is that their vocalist became the second vocalist of Kneuklid Romance (known as 雪乃 in that band). They're mentioned as ディルアングレイ here https://www.vkdb.jp/KneuKlid+Romance.html

      But it's safe to assume that guy already retired long ago. And I got absolutely no idea who the other members are :/

    3. Himeaimichu


      Yeah, Biopanda and I had a whole discussion on it because we were curious to who this band in these early 90's livelists were lol. We even found an alternate name for the band, as well as a demo on Niconico.

      Since the lead guitarist was a Zi:Kill roadie, perhaps if there is ever a chance to ask Tusk, he's probably know.

      I'm being serious because I'm authentically curious where the name came from lol.

      I guess Dir&Gray could've been one of those cases of a band that used to be a little popular but was sort of forgotten (kinda like Mi'ze:lia, the first band of Mitsuki and Takemasa from Kiryu), or perhaps were popular among the musicians, but not the fans. 

      Because you'd think if they contributed to the name of Lareine's "Dir en Gray", and the band "Dir en Grey", you'd think they'd be more well known.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  11. I know I probably shouldn't be freaking out when the package tracking doesn't update for a whole day, but I really thought it would have arrived today ;w;

    1. Gaz
    2. Manic


      In Customs since a week... duh D:

    3. Manic


      OMG, xmas miracle happens, got my shoes xd My latest order was at customs at 2 weeks D_:

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  12. Just watched my first episode of moomins. Are they supposed to be hippos?

    1. The Bread Wolf

      The Bread Wolf

      They are supposed to be moomins. :'D

    2. allisapp


      Panda's parents are supposed to be moomins?!?

    3. Biopanda



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  13. Made some low-carb negerbollar today :v

    1. Biopanda
    2. nekkichi


      get that protein shot bb <3

    3. nekkichi


      get that protein shot bb <3

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  14. The future of VK
    1. togz



    2. Biopanda


      I bought all the tickets, sorry

    3. togz
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  15. 72 and counting...

    1. CAT5


      Señor Senior Panda

    2. Biopanda


      This was in reference to how many new items I've added to RarezHut so far, but those all work too XD

    3. Gaz



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  16. So I was browsing through an old Cure mag and well... http://i.imgur.com/sjTq8gH.jpg I ship it.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Is that the gold digger bald drummer or am I thinking of a different person

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      isnt it the drummer from noiz?

    3. Biopanda


      it's the drummers from noiz and codomo A

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  17. Woah. I never noticed before, but the vocalist of JIVE sounded just like Tenten. Maybe they're secretly brothers XD

  18. So I was flipping through some old VK mags my girlfriend gave me and this poster was tucked away in one of them. http://i.imgur.com/rqxZIyQ.jpg I want to put it on my wall so I can be like "No MOM I'm not gay it's called art GOSH!"

  19. For once, I'd like to find out what it's like to not totally fail at life :'3

    1. Biopanda


      Look at those pandas in China... they don't even know how to make babbies! Some survival instinct ;/

    2. kyoselflove


      Cause they are all gay. Must be that damn visual kei...

    3. Gaz


      but you totally failed to ship my stuff, brah ;__;

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  20. http://www.the90sbutton.com/ all day every day. We need to do a retro plug some times for maximum cheese.
    1. Biopanda


      I've come to the conclusion that 90s dance music was the best music and propose that MH becomes a 90s dance music forum.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      ommggg Fanatic Crisis used almost the same chord progression in one of their remix songs ahahaa the 90s
    3. doombox


      Why have I never had the 90s button my life before.

      We need to do a retro plug some times for maximum cheese.[2]

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  21. Posted details for RarezHut's first livestreamed unboxing in the thread! Come check us out on Saturday <3

    1. Biopanda


      @zuka: everything will get on the store eventually. Buying through the stream is just an added bonus to allow people to buy things first.

    2. fitear1590


      Hope I can make it Saturday! Much excite!

    3. Thedane


      Of course I'll be away this weekend.. bleh!

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  22. THE EAGLE HAS LANDED: http://i.imgur.com/qhwfh9Y.jpg

    1. Des


      The dog looks concerned the box' contents might replace him. D:

    2. Biopanda


      I think she's just scoping out the stuff that she now owns.

    3. fitear1590
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  23. Thanks adblock for letting me block the silly li'l bat images, now I can browse in peace :'3

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Doesn't work for me :/

    2. Biopanda


      Had to click on adblock and "block an ad on this page" and then catch one of the li'l bats which was surprisingly hard

    3. yakihiko


      If you had a pokeball would be easier.

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  24. How the heck did I not hear that Shiva just reformed as FALUNN? Just ordered their first single <33

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