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Status Replies posted by Biopanda

  1. I'm 24 today. MH, drinks are on you today. Get me drunk.

  2. Morrigan is awesome :3

  3. $150 shipping from FJ! Brb cutting my wrist.

  4. Biopanda's brother just joined :D blu3panda

  5. FFVII remake.... Why the fuck.... It is not an absolutly good game yet? Does it REALLY need damn HD graphism????

  6. Where's all the nintendo world championship hype? Watching The Wizard on repeat all day until showtime.

  7. who will save art kei now????

  8. \o/ I'm gonna see Machiya!!!! ( and the rest of Wagakkiband *___* )

  9. Hey guys. Hover your mouse over the carousel and watch what happens ;)

  10. Had good H under the shower with my Only One ~~ ...

  11. Finally upgraded my audio equipment. Expect some better sounding versions of my tape rips soon :D

  12. Finally upgraded my audio equipment. Expect some better sounding versions of my tape rips soon :D

  13. Just did my first exam in Maths after three years. I was hoping with age comes wisdom (more like common sense in my case). Unfortunate how it's more like the exam itself has gotten smarter. .-.

  14. puresound store *U*

  15. #freepizza4everybody

  16. Goddammit, I need money so I can buy MoNoLith's last live DVD and the other one, at least there I'll see them live D':

  17. nailed it.
  18. sounds like an angry robot cat, THIS BAND IS AWESOME.

  19. BLESS lenji

  20. Success! Last night was amazing and I can't wait for many more! ^_^

  21. Ahaha, remind me to fly with Delta next time plz! xD

  22. I just threw down 15000 yen for 17 used cds.. add in approx 3000-4000 yen for shipping. i'm crying

  23. My cousin tried to insult me by calling me liberal. What a compliment. :D

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