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Status Replies posted by Biopanda

  1. Did someone has the skill to record a broadcast from a NicoNico in good quality ?

  2. I have so many questions about melvel basically existing and srsly wonder how those godlike vocals translate live

  3. Anyone here is premium on NicoNico and can use kakorokuRecorder PLEASE? :( Mine is not working 

  4. Anyone here is premium on NicoNico and can use kakorokuRecorder PLEASE? :( Mine is not working 

  5. why oh why does the Sega Megadrive sound chip have to make almost everything sound like farting trumpets??

  6. RIP VisualScandal (≧∇≦)

  7. D'uAL- Psychedelia

    I love it ★

  8. I just turned on the notifications for when the people I follow post something. EVERY POST YOU MAKE, I'LL BE WATCHING YOU. :parapls:

  9. how to stop buying dresses

  10. I'm guessing no one noticed just yet but the ability to embed MP3s has been restored. Have fun :)

  11. I'm guessing no one noticed just yet but the ability to embed MP3s has been restored. Have fun :)

  12. I'm guessing no one noticed just yet but the ability to embed MP3s has been restored. Have fun :)

  13. Holy crap, Chyna died. RIP cool lady.

  14. Holy crap, Chyna died. RIP cool lady.

  15. Holy crap, Chyna died. RIP cool lady.

  16. Holy crap, Prince died.. ?

  17. Holy crap, Chyna died. RIP cool lady.

  18. okayu (yuri from irokui.) has a youtube channel now. she mostly makes videos about games, but there's a series where she has conversations with bangyas too.


  19. okayu (yuri from irokui.) has a youtube channel now. she mostly makes videos about games, but there's a series where she has conversations with bangyas too.


  20. perfect evening for cosmo-shiki terekos. yay.

  21. After so many years, Panda has a panda on his avi. 

  22. Found my 新宿ゲバルト tereko collection. Everything is so sweet and nostalgic...

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