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Status Replies posted by Biopanda

  1. holy fuck trump is losing badly and it's only been 28 mins

  2. am i the only one that would thank Lycaon in a slutty way for coming back

  3. Finally looked up what "orz" meant after seeing it at the end of posts for like two years and just having no idea.


    I can't keep up with the kids these days!

  4. "Suck the boobs! mommy! mommy! mommy!"


  5. I just won an autographed Octopus Cult CD after having an hour long bidding war.  RIP my wallet.



  6. In case you were wondering, "SteelePanda" is, in fact, not my porn star name.

  7. You guys familiar with the track "Ai no Hana" by MELODY? Now you'll get to see Shuji's visual father ;).

  8. Trombe is back, god bless.

  9. Trombe is back, god bless.

  10. Trombe is back, god bless.

  11. New Inugami Circus-dan album - MY BODY IS READY

  12. RarezHut just cut it's first deal with a Japanese band! Can't wait to see where this leads in the future :3 We'll have more info to talk about soon~

  13. Picking back up by Japanese lessons. Holy crap I have forgotten so much

  14. Do you guys use anything to backup files / hard drives? I use Backblaze and it came in really handy when my old hard drive crashed when it got unplugged :( 

  15. メディーナ - Merciless core kinda sounds like Phantasmagoria - NEO ARK

  16. Sometimes I wonder where I would be without coffee...

  17. Come take a look at the fuxxin spicy, yoshiki-approved goodies for this month's auction https://goo.gl/hZrTt7

  18. Come take a look at the fuxxin spicy, yoshiki-approved goodies for this month's auction https://goo.gl/hZrTt7

  19. Limited edition of #thegazette DIM SCENE DVD that will be on auction in 10 days, that artwork.....



  20. "What does visual-kei sound like?"




  21. Hoping to put out the list of items for the August $1 RarezHut live auction today... only like 200 more CDs to catalog! kill me

  22. Hoping to put out the list of items for the August $1 RarezHut live auction today... only like 200 more CDs to catalog! kill me

  23. Thank you for placing your order. ----------------------- Total : 22800yen. Tried not to cry, cried a lot.

  24. sibilebashir parodying Pokemon GO.

    You're welcome.


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