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Status Replies posted by Biopanda

  1. I'm seriously very fucking disappointed in Illinois right now.

  2. Wow, with shipping prices like these it's even more clear to me that I won't be buying from the US again. $13,50 to ship one CD? Get out, USPS.

  3. Wow, with shipping prices like these it's even more clear to me that I won't be buying from the US again. $13,50 to ship one CD? Get out, USPS.

  4. MH ratio watch: shitpost or DIE

  5. I demand y'all review K-pop.

  6. Make sure to RSVP for RarezHut's March livestreaming event over at https://www.facebook.com/events/189026541455895/ . We'll be posting the full item list within the next few days, but you can see a preview linked linked there. Make sure to join us though, we'll be giving away free VK throughout the stream and all you need to do is be there to win!!

  7. Make sure to RSVP for RarezHut's March livestreaming event over at https://www.facebook.com/events/189026541455895/ . We'll be posting the full item list within the next few days, but you can see a preview linked linked there. Make sure to join us though, we'll be giving away free VK throughout the stream and all you need to do is be there to win!!

  8. what the FUCK are bicycles?

  9. Just found out that there's an "Ignore User" option here. MH is now 73% better. Finally free from randomly generated spam posts with nicki minaj links <333

  10. Happy birthday, Panda! :3

  11. How the heck did I not hear that Shiva just reformed as FALUNN? Just ordered their first single <33

  12. I feel a lot lately like I've been falling out of touch with current VK fans as they gush over stuff that's just "meh" at best. I'm finally becoming a grumpy old man :'(

  13. Someone managed to send a mass email to all the students at my Uni with Guy Fieri pics. I'm dying, lmao.

  14. Having to learn so much in so little time for an important programming project. Javscript, PHP, Pusher API... kill me <3

  15. 12 hour work days will be the death of me.

  16. Thanks adblock for letting me block the silly li'l bat images, now I can browse in peace :'3

  17. 2spooked to navigate MH anymore bye ;w;

  18. 2spooked to navigate MH anymore bye ;w;

  19. GOD DAMN! This zubat flying on my ipod screen, I thought it was an insect and almost drop it on the floor! x'D

  20. Anyone got tips on how to stop procrastinating and start studying already?

  21. This is always the worst part of the year to be on the internet because there are Halloween-related posts everywhere, and we do not celebrate it in any way whatsoever.

  22. Behold, the unspoken gods, and possibly even creators, of clown kei.

  23. so does anyone have reliable explanations -posts, articles, whatever- in the distinction of japanese music with western music a.k.a. why the J- prefix should be there

  24. flatmate throwing a party... tons of people in my house. not like. what is it with ppl enjoying loudly yet awkwardly conversing with mediocre music playing?

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