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Posts posted by saishuu

  1. Look, the only thing you can do is just live your life the way you best see fit and ignore/leave this behind as much as you can. You don't need to continue having any relationship whatsoever with your brother and to be bluntly honest, your mom is just gonna have to learn to deal with it. The way she feels about your brother is not your responsibility -- and I know it sucks that you probably feel like you can see through everything clearly and that you'd like your mother and everyone else to be able to do the same, but unfortunately that's not how it works. You gotta be kind of egoistic here and think primarily of yourself. It seems everyone in your situation is an adult, which means they're fully capable and should be held responsible for their actions. This might be a cliche statement, but trust me, it helps put things into perspective. As someone who's been dealing with an abusive father for almost 29 years and whose mom still hopes on God that he's gonna overcome alcoholism and his violent behavior and the entire family is gonna live happily ever after, I can tell you that whatever you do to deal with this, it's gonna suck one way or the other. You're probably gonna feel kind of hopeless forever (yay!), but at least you can find comfort in knowing you did what you could and that all you can do going forward is live by what you think makes you happy. Good luck!

  2. 40 minutes ago, deedlitmurata said:

    The more I read everyone's comments, the more I understand why you guys can't never listen to Angelo properly, everyone is just bitter about Pierrot disband and can't move on and accept the fact that Angelo is a different band with different ideas, even if you insist on complaining, Pierrot is in the past now and it will not come back.  It's a very selfish way of thinking, Kirito and his bandmates are doing the music they want to convey now, and they deserve respect and for people to have proper listen to the material they are doing today. I guess the Japanese fans are more understanding because their concerts are always full and with great energy, and I don't see this whining when I go there.

    PIERROT was garbage by the time they disbanded, but go off I guess lmao we just have standards

  3. 11 hours ago, deedlitmurata said:

    Angelo albums are much better than PIERROT

    you're able to type that with a straight face?


    most of those song titles look like PIERROT rejects from the PRIVATE ENEMY era, so it might actually get me to listen to this.

  4. So the album is called CROSS and will come out on December 18th. 宇宙の詩 〜Higher and Higher〜 and 悲壮美 will be there, as well as 9 other new songs.


    The album will be released in SIX fucking types and I'm sure as hell not posting every single detail here, but everything can be found in the special website made for the album and it's all easy to understand.

  5. it's too bad they don't seem to have proper support at home and have to do it all by themselves (and I can relate by being someone who also hates asking for help), but i'm 100% over their bullshit tbh

  6. Not a big fan of the idea, I'm afraid. I particularly enjoy browsing the news section the way it is as it gives me more opportunities to laugh at bad new bands. Plus I suggested the idea of the "Minor News Thread" like a decade ago and it went mostly unused (it was a bad idea to begin with), so I'm not sure if splitting up the news section even further would do any good.

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