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Posts posted by saishuu

  1. Kagrra, - うたかた

    Janne Da Arc - RED ZONE

    La'cryma Christi - 未来航路 (?)

    L'Arc~en~Ciel - Blurry Eyes

    メリー - ジャパニーズモダニスト

    PIERROT - MAD SKY? ADOLF? クリア・スカイ? 脳内モルヒネ? too many

    Plastic Tree - 絶望の丘

    Psycho le Cému - 愛の唄

    SHAZNA - Melty Love


  2. 37 minutes ago, Disposable said:

    Instead of having the scene go around appropriating gimmicks I'd just rather have it go back to what it used to be. It's not like anything has happened in rock music in over ten years other than metalcore dying and a collective turning back the clock to feed on nostalgia, which then as a result synthesised what he have now with our impression of the past. It happened in vk too sort of with nu-metal coming back and bands getting darker and edgier, but it petered out finally once AINS was gone and now what we got is r-fucking-shitei and raido cutting themselves in music videos. The best thing that I could hope for is bands like that we got with that wave but just better, and with more (post-)punk and definitely less metal. I think a lot of band guys miss this old school attitude and music too from what I can tell from interviews, and yet they seem to be hopelessly inept in realising it. I guess they can want what they want but if the gya ain't buying it, they ain't going to do it. And since we're here I wouldn't mind something going were bands like La'cryma christi, Luna Sea, L'arc and Eins:Vier were going at their most ambitious but this will never happen.


    Either way I want something darker, visceral and ambitious done with the genre's already existing foundations instead of some fucking flavor of the month metal gimmick. I mean come on that's just terrible.

    Wholeheatedly agree. Adding to this, I feel like the scene needs more memorable characters like Mana, hide, YOSHIKI and Kiyoharu. Even Kyo during his scratching-his-mouth-apart phase. They all brought some sort of mysterious aura that drew people to them and consequently the scene as a whole and that's important too. We have people like KAMIJO, Gara, Ao Sakurai etc who pull their antics to a certain degree, but it's all rather subdued compared to the theatrics we used to have back then. We all know visual kei isn't all about the music, but once you couple some sterile metal with boring personalities who literally bring nothing to the table performance-wise, things are faded to be unmemorable.

  3. they're one of those sleeper bands who I always forget they exist until I don't and suddenly I listen to their entire discography all the time for a week. I like both eras, but I do think the quality dropped quite a bit once Tara, Tsukasa and Takumi left, but I believe it was mostly due to the fact that they probably barely had money for anything. they went from being slightly popular to playing one-mans to 30 people fast, which was unfortunate to watch happen.


    also I love PANIC☆ch, but パニックちゃんねる >>>

  4. meh, disc 1 to me is just a bunch of half-finished and boring leftovers they decided to throw out and call a live dist just to get people to come to their one-man, "ai" slaps tho! they should rework it for a future album indeed

  5. 2 minutes ago, Original Saku said:


    Mob psycho 100 is one of the most satisfying adaptions I've ever seen, also one of the most uniquely animated, it is so good. I can't wait for the 3rd and final season. 3 gatsu no lion is likewise amazing as well, I'm confident saying that it is one of my favorite shows ever.

    There's gonna be a third season? NICE. It is indeed so good. Hope they don't take too long with it!

  6. 3 minutes ago, geist said:

    If it’s common practice you’ll have no trouble citing several examples from the past year, right? It’s definitely not common in music; but among bad VK acts then maybe. 

    Sure I'll have trouble because it never felt like a big enough deal in the VK scene for me to actually keep track of it? You can find examples on your own given you don't seem to take my word for it, that's okay.

  7. 2 minutes ago, geist said:

    To my knowledge, it’s not, barring any special circumstances. Chances are those songs were replayed because they don’t have enough material yet. 

    It's commom practice exactly with those bands who don't have enough material yet, which is why I don't see the problem with them repeating 2 songs during the encore because, well... they're new.

  8. 3 minutes ago, raspberrynilla said:

    I agree that it is admirable to see them release so much throughout the year. We rarely get that with any artist, from the East or West. What I mean by “getting tired” is that since we aren’t given enough time to really enjoy one single, and with the high frequency of releases, at the end they start sounding the same, to me at least 😕 So in a way it’s like if I was listening to the same song on repeat and then getting tired of it after a month or two lol

    I understood you! I do agree with the fact that we barely have time to breathe and enjoy each release. Hell, I've barely listened to anything from them thoroughly since Noroi Uta lmao

    I just think it's better to keep churning out releases for as long as they can. Bands life spans are so short that I don't mind getting a shit ton of music in a short period. It's not like I won't have the time to enjoy it throughout the year, you know.

  9. I stayed away from anime for the longest time, but I've just finished watching the entirety of Mob Psycho 100. Ran through the whole thing in 3 days. It was spectacular. Felt the same as I did back then watching all my favorite anime series as a kid.


    Also watching Sangatsu no Lion and really enjoying it too! Next on the list are Fruits Basket and the rest of Evangelion (never finished it and there's still half to go).

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