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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    First off, that proves nothing. -OZ- and D are completely unrelated, and if you think having similarities in costumes shows that you are a fan-boy, then you are wrong my dear. Costumes are costumes, these bands are always getting new looks, and certain similarities in style to another band doesn't mean that they're fans of that group. Second, D got that style from 12012, whom I know to be the first known band to do the whole white + black costumes. Just sayin' because I thought those costumes were alike. And Asagi and Natsuki's hairstyle ofcourse.
  2. sai

    O_________________________o XDDDDDDDDD
  3. sai

    LIIIIIIIIKE OMG SONG! I really had to laugh at how many time she said "like". It takes a lot to have her courage XD
  4. sai

    Good covers, good tracklist, good preview. If the album would turn out to suck incredibly I would be really disappointed.
  5. sai

    We should probably make this the next banner pic. Lol agreed. Peace Heavy mk II deserves a medal for this one XD
  6. sai

    I think Moi dix Mois's new cover fits in perfectly in this topic XD
  7. Lol sorry, wasn't aware I posted it before. Felt like trolling yesterday, I usually don't do this. XD
  8. sai

    Oh lol, yeah ,didn't think of that before XD
  9. sai

    I caught a Peace Heavy mk II 8D
  10. sai

    IT'S PEDOBEAR D: Half of those are fakes anyway.
  11. I hope they will put on some previews soon. I'm really curious!
  12. sai

    Sorry for the overposting. Respect, that is so true.
  13. sai

    I will call the lawyer around the block. This is one of the worst artworks I've ever seen.
  14. sai

    Took them long enough lol
  15. sai

    This. Fully agreed.
  16. sai

    Hmm.. Bummer. Well they are people and need breaks too. Btw, I love your avatar ! Asagi the knight ftw 8D
  17. Always wanted to do that in a Luzmelt topic.
  18. sai

    Never really got into them, but I heard one song by them (which I loved), so I'm kinda happy. Also for their fans 8D
  19. sai

    I was really pleased with this release. Some bands tend to change style or become completely fucked up when they go major, so I hope this won't happen to lynch. They are awesome <3
  20. sai

    Their best? I thought this was their worst. The best they ever made was Panorama. That is one of the best albums I have ever heard. Pure gold, this is shit compared to Panorama. Not to put you down, but I just think it's interesting you like panorama best because that's the least favorite album of most who have been fans of theirs for a while. For me though, this doesn't top kasou or innocence, but it's still a pretty good album and much better than Panorama. There aren't really any tracks that feel second thought. 8/10 I understand, it's not you're insisting I'm not a fan, like some people intend to do. I've only been a J-ROCK fan for a year now, and I've known heidi. for about 5 months now, and I've listened all their albums to get a good impression of what it was like. Personally, Panorama is still my favorite. It's like they have something that they lack in the new album. It's not that the songs on Senkou Mellow are crap (I mean, it's heidi. we're talking about), the songs are just really boring. I'll give a more detailed review later.
  21. sai

    Their best? I thought this was their worst. The best they ever made was Panorama. That is one of the best albums I have ever heard. Pure gold, this is shit compared to Panorama.
  22. sai

    I'll post a more detailed review later, but my first impression was: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no words for how disappointing this is. All the songs lack the power they used to have in their indies days. Their major single releases sucked too. There are only 2 songs I like (because they show their full glory in it). Thanks alot, major label! R.I.P heidi.
  23. sai

    Looks like there's some kind of virus O____o lots of vocalists are getting ill lately
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