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Everything posted by sai

  1. For some reason I have the feeling this will suck lol
  2. Wish I would've heard it. Can't wait to hear the full version <3
  3. Gyakuten Kenji (DS videogame which rules <3)
  4. -OZ- Lamina 9GOATS BLACK OUT ZODIA CHELSEA GULLET R指定 SIVA Synside シリアル⇔NUMBER Rentrer en Soi
  5. sai

    Keep. Miley Cyrus?
  6. sai

    Ask him about it and if he wouldn't talk about it as a serious person dump him. What would you do if you were forced to go to a Miley Cyrus concert?
  7. sai

    Rofl, Apple was never really good with thinking up titles.
  8. sai

    Yeah, I hope for a new bg as well
  9. sai

    ROFL! I lol'd when I saw them at the Eurovision Songcontest.
  10. sai

    I won't brag about that, if this is his choice, then it's his choice, not mine. Still I can say that he could make better music with ReS, but if he doesn't want that anymore, then that's a bummer. Even without looking back at what he used to do, I still found it fairly disappointing. Especially the second track. WTH was that!?!!
  11. sai

    Only 4 new songs? Interesting album that's going to be. Well, better 4 than none. I guess I'll check it out. Never been an exist trace fan, until I heard RESONANCE, VANGUARD and KNIFE. And since they will all be on the album...
  12. sai

    I'm looking for some really good ballads! My favorite ballads at the moment, so you can judge: 12012 - TATTOO Kagrra, - Utakata the GazettE - Chizuru 9GOATS BLACK OUT - in the rain D - Kuon
  13. sai

    I'm happy with this section! I had to go on a dinner with the rest of my family, and nobody on my table talked to me! I was bored to death and it lasted 4 freaking hours!
  14. sai

    Man, that sucks! But if there is a history of mental illness, than you are at an advantage. Judging from what you're saying the case against him won't be that hard, since they don't have any witnesses. Good luck!
  15. sai

    Not agreed about the RES thing. In my opinion Rentrer en Soi made better music than he does now. I mean, what was this mini? The re-recordings were horrible, except for Veil of maria, the two new songs were bad, and MOON SPIRAL in English just failed horribly. I'd like to slap some sense into Satsuki for making this instead of making awesome music with ReS. Only songs I liked from his solo project were MOON SPIRAL, CLOSS OF YELLOW and Veil of Maria.
  16. sai

  17. sai

    Yeah, he does. The way he's walking tells it all XD
  18. sai

    I have no one to talk too at the moment. Also holiday is almost over.
  19. sai

    Miley has officially been owned. Yeah, that was in my ctrl + v
  20. I'm not a big oshare fan either, but I must say that Lolita23q's members are really talented. It only took them about 6 years to show that (from the first single of the Marble Shaking Ward album) and some songs on Brand New Ward. Marble Shaking Ward is just plain epic, and Yuuki and Ryuto are awesome guitarists.
  21. sai

    Not gonna be bitchin' about he can't be as good as Jasmine You. True, he can't be replaced, he was unique. Every musician is unique, and it was a true loss for the VK world when he passed away. I've been to a concert of theirs and saw Masashi play. I thought he was very talented and really fitted the band, so I don't mind him filling in the bass position. I prefer him over any other bassist that could've taken that position, he's the best choice. Ofcourse Jasmine would still be pick number 1, and I will always see Jasmine as Versailles' bassist, but I'll welcome Masashi as much as every other band member. And YAY! The rumors were true! <3 A new single!! Lol @ the title. Even more lol @ Desert Apple. What kinda name is that?!
  22. sai

    Yeah, Shuntaro, vocalist and lead guitarist of Gakido is left-handed as well. Hiroki from D is also left-handed, but as a drummer you won't really notice.
  23. sai

    I was in the SATURN in the music department and my dad started laughing at the name BALZAC. If you switch the C for the K you get BALZAK, which is the Dutch word for testicle. So yeah...
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