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Everything posted by sai

  1. I think Aoi tries to be the new T.M Revolution. Only with decent outfits. Not that he will ever succeed though, Takanori 4ever
  2. It's like ayabie and chariots and XodiaCK all over again Except that ayabie disbanded and the others didn't. The dude from XodiaCK seems to have found new members but is too lazy to release anything.
  3. MUCC vistlip the studs Cocklobin Moran Lostthing of Memory Moi dix Mois EAT YOU ALIVE Sel'm SCANDAL SID
  4. sai

    YES. Ever wanted to marry a J-rocker?
  5. sai

    Your wish comes true but a month after you joined they decide to leave and leave you as the only member. I want to meet D's Asagi.
  6. sai

    10/10! It's awesome! Especially the effect with the bird.
  7. sai

    The samples sound horrible D: I don't think they'll be able to sell 10000 copies lol
  8. sai

    XDDD Thumbs up then. Get a jetski XD
  9. That would've gotten a lot of hits. But I kinda get annoyed by these abortion protesters. I think every woman should be free to have an abortion.
  10. sai

    You're probably thinking of NEO JAPANESQUE because the bass is really prominent. I honestly wasn't crazy about that song, either. ^^; Though I do love Tsune's bass playing. I like that you can clearly hear him in most songs. Yeah, that was the one! NEO JAPANESQUE. I thought it was okay, not spectacular. I like your avatar btw! Asagi's new outfit is awesome.
  11. sai

    I didn't listen it yet because Des heard a preview on their site and said it was utter crap. I'll give it a try later, I want to hear for myself.
  12. sai

    I have to wait for SID's new single until December 1st! And I love the 1:30 version D:
  13. sai

    Meevs without make-up Yomi (Nightmare) Jui (Vidoll) Ruiza (D)
  14. sai

    Yes, not vocal-wise of course, but instrumental-wise it did. I can imagine Tsunehito doing those kind of bass lines. I have to agree on that one. I 'm a big D fan and I can see Tsunehito using this kind of bass lines in of their songs. I believe they have done before actually, but I can't seem to remember in which song.
  15. sai

    Not a big fan, but I like Ancient Rain and some other tracks. I am excited for the new album though, DUALITY preview sounded nice!
  16. sai

    This is the first Japanese band I really got into. I love them. But yeah you're right, about every single release is for an anime or videogame XD
  17. sai

    That was pretty fast O__o
  18. sai

    Maiku and his math... I'll try mixing them and see what comes out.
  19. sai

    Fix'd Shin probably knew when he wrote this that JonJon would edit it XDD
  20. sai

    DESTINY -THE LOVERS- - At a first listen this kind of...bored me? I don't know why, it didn't do much for me. The ballad part in the beginning was the best part for me, it should've been a ballad for the rest of the song too, in my opinion. After a few listens I really got into it and started to love it more and more. That's the same as with JUBILEE, I needed some time to like it. Anyway, this one is rather good, but not the best one on the single. 8,5/10 GLOWING BUTTERFLY - For some reason it feels like Versailles' has never done this before, I don't know why. But I like it. I really like it. Especially the beginning, and the synth in Kamijo's vocals, that sounds really new to me. I can't say much more about it, it's just really good. 9,5/10 LIBIDO - Also a great song, I love Masashi's bass slapping (or whatever you call that effect) in the background. The chorus was good, but it could've been better in my opinion. Still, I prefer it over DESTINY, so I'll give it a 9/10. Overall rating: 9/10 Amazing release by Versailles! Actually I expected it to be good, and Masashi did a great job on here. I can't say more than that if they continue like this, we'll have another amazing album.
  21. sai

    Nice! Can't wait! I hope it'll be as good as their last single PRECIOUS
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