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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    I secretly miss my Gackt falls of stage siggy XD Likes making gifs with gifsoup
  2. sai

    We should scan Google Maps on more errors. When we've got the time. And no life.
  3. sai

    Still waiting for it....
  4. sai

    Want to add Niche Syndrome by ONE OK ROCK. AWESOME 8D
  5. sai

    Hmm..Lol23q was getting better lately, but after they were, Sou left. Now Soshi joined, and I think I'll like him better. If this is the direction Sou wants to go (crappy side of Lol23q) then it's his choice. The samples sounded awful though, don't think I'll give the full version a listen.
  6. sai

    Haven't played it in a while, but I like doing it!
  7. sai

    Straight, pretty sure of it, always been attracted to boys, not girls.
  8. sai

    Lol yeah he does. I thought he was damn handsome live. I think I kinda died when I made him cry XDDD
  9. Have any of their titles ever showed intellect? Seriously, have a look at their tracklist for TOKYO MUZiCAL HOTEL D: I lol'd at "super kawaiiiii" though XD
  10. sai

    Sigh...nothing special once again. Where did the real GazettE go?
  11. sai

    Agreed on the GET A LIFE!!! part.
  12. sai

    Apparently they are going to cover a GLAY song but I don't know what that will mean for their future.
  13. sai

    I agree that they are one of the better ones of the moment. the GazettE doesn't sound like the GazettE anymore...
  14. sai

    I only ordered from CDJapan, but the shipping costs are OK compared to Amazon Japan. Still it's expensive. I spent like 7 euros on the single and 10 euros on the shipping. It would've been 20 if me and my friend hadn't ordered together...
  15. sai

    Lol that's why I chose it as a signature, because nothing of that was legal at all XD
  16. This is probably gonna suck. Now that they are major...
  17. sai

    It was in general. I thought Asagi to be less worse in Akaki Hitsuji.
  18. sai

    I remember killing my fingers by playing one of their songs on guitar hero XDD
  19. sai

    Lol. I liked the evolution of Mana XD
  20. sai

    10/10, really beautiful!
  21. sai

    has aloooot of posts o___o
  22. sai

  23. sai

    Lol I saw this dude once who had a ring in his nose, in between the two holes, like a bull. It looked funny XD
  24. sai

    Fawlty Towers. Pure genious.
  25. sai

    My dreams predict the future. It may sound really stupid and unbelievable, but they do. For example, I dream small happenings like saying certain things at a certain point or doing stuff at a certain time, and then, a few months or weeks later, it actually happens. And then I think: wait I dreamt that I would do that!! It's really creepy, but more people have this, right? It would be lol if I were psychic XDD I also once dreamt that Asagi was in my bed. He didn't wear a shirt, dunno about the pants, because the blanket covered it. And I was next to him for some reason O________o like wtf?! If that would come true one day XDD But yeah that's mostly my fantasy.
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