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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    I'll better not tell my dad, he's always playing with that thing. I didn't know you could text with an iPod Touch
  2. sai

    ^ Pretty much yeah
  3. sai

    ^ LOL
  4. sai

    I remember I had to talk about a news item during class and I found a news item about a woman who died her cat pink so that it would match her hair...
  5. sai

    ^ This XD
  6. sai

    This. Also Ryouga's pictures are awesome XD
  7. sai

    He's OK, but I can't imagine him working as a host XD
  8. sai

    Hmm.. I kinda like it, but then again, I've always liked ViViD's releases, even if it sounded like something I heard a dozen times before. I'm quite excited for this now.
  9. sai

    Never really into this band, but...wow. He was so young May he rest in peace.
  10. sai

    lynch. 's production never really bothered me, but it'll probably get better now that they've gone major.
  11. ^ Agreed. Sounds more like a mini-album to me. And weren't they releasing a single in that same month as well? It doesn't have any of the old singles on it either, expect the single they released in August, which is a remake. I think this is a mini-album. Still very excited though! I like these guys.
  12. sai

    Lol I mean about the new one without Aoi. Because the samples were pretty good. If you look at the request topic there were alot of requests for it.
  13. sai

    Like I said before, this might take a day or 2,3, perhaps 4. Same with AYABIE and other releases people are eager for.
  14. sai

    Don't raise your hopes too much. Lately it's taking a lot of time before it's up here. Probably slower mailing services or something.
  15. sai

    What I was talking about before, recognizing these moments, it happened again today. About a few months ago I dreamt I was in math class and that guy was explaining something but I had never seen the guy in my life. Now he was explaining that same problem on the blackboard, and now I saw it. In that dream I saw my future maths teacher who transferred from another school *creepy*
  16. sai

    Lol, I'm also part of the old fart community XD
  17. sai

    lol i hated how the band took a part of the song which was in no way representative of it, and used it as the preview. This.
  18. sai

    Where can I listen, I can't find samples on their OHP....
  19. sai

    Probably some 15 second preview that will throw you on the wrong track, like with Hageshisato. It lead me on the wrong track anyway. Loved the preview, didn't like the full song.
  20. sai

    Megamasso will release their 2nd full album titled "Loveless, more Lovess" on February 16th 2011. More details coming soon.
  21. sai

    Hi there! Since I'm a horrible cheater I also download my NDS ROMS for my flash card. Problem, I used to download from Romulation, but a while ago they deleted all the NDS ROMS they had due to a copyright claim I believe. Now I have trouble finding new games or old games I want to download (Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles, Professor Layton etc.) because most of them are fakes or viruses. Does anyone know a good site where I can download NDS ROMS that actually work and are safe? Thanks in advance!
  22. sai

    What is this I don't even....
  23. aR3Zz13BQWs LOLOL@guy falling of the ladder when getting shot XD
  24. sai

    Same as Herpes, D's Snow White. And just for the sake of it (and the trauma): NCN5Jjnlci0
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