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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    I really liked their STACKED RUBBISH era, but I think I'm one of the few XD
  2. sai

    Didn't think we'd get another one, to be honest. Normally bands release 3 singles before a new album. We had three, Hana, Senkou and Stargazer. I forgot about Hana too XDD
  3. sai

    XD Love this. Now gonna continue with FUUUUUUUU the game
  4. sai

    I scored 10,000 about that I guess XDDD It gets harder when those trolls in cars apear D:
  5. sai

    The combinations XD When I was in America on holiday they offered me Coca Cola with ice cream in it. I was like: WTF?!
  6. sai

    That's pretty bad. I know now what might happen if I dream something like this.
  7. sai

    Also, how come everybody loved them in 2007 and now think they are all crap XD
  8. sai

    They did? Not sure though...
  9. sai

    I'm afraid actually that they will release a few more things that are really crappy , and than for the sake of it, they will disband due to musical differences...
  10. sai

    Happy they are coming to Germany, it's not that far away XD
  11. sai

    Not bothering to go. Last album sucked ass.
  12. sai

  13. sai

    Never really got into them...
  14. sai

    Dunno what that is, so I'll kick it just to be sure XD A pony?
  15. sai

    7/10, don't really like Rihanna XD
  16. sai

    You get it, but then some evil dude breaks it. I want the new Naruto XBOX360 game.
  17. sai

    No one ever dies in my dreams XD
  18. sai

    Just a little bit...BUT IT SNOWED !!!
  19. sai

    Don't get me wrong, Satoshi is a very good singer, but he doesn't come close to Asagi XD
  20. sai

    Dir en grey topics are fun to read
  21. sai

    Take a look at MusicJapan+. Then look for interviews of the band 'D'. They often talk about it, I hope this helps!
  22. I hope it's up soon, wanna listen to this
  23. sai

    I felt up Harry bcoz I'm worth it XD
  24. Spike's still the winner for me, with his double kick XD
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