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Everything posted by sai

  1. But if you'd been bullied for nine years, you'd know how awful it feels to be ignored by your classmates as well and that it's as bad as outright being mocked by them. Do you know how lonely it is to not have any friends and to be laughed at by an entire classroom? As someone who has been bullied through most of her childhood and teenage years, I would never, ever treat anyone the way everyone is suggesting here. I understand your point of view, but not being around her all the time doesn't imply that I am 'ignoring' her. Look, if the girl wants to talk to me before class or wants to ask me a question I'll answer in a friendly way, no doubt about it, but if she would be a nice girl after all and we could befriend eachother I would tell her that's she exaggerating a bit. And to your second comment, I know. I know how it's like, when kids throw stuff at you, when you have to hide away at school because you have no friends and everytime they run into you, they start bullying you. It were the worst years of my life, and I had thought of suicide a lot, believe me. Also, at high school, I'm an outlaw too, but because the school is bigger I DO have friends, and they are the best people I've ever met. So what, that some of us listen to Japanese or Korean music? So what that one of them has a boyfriend in Africa, so what? I was bullied from when I was 5 until I was 14, then I finally found some friends that fit me. The rest of them dropped me like a brick. Just let me say you'll never ever gonna catch me bullying people because they are different. Sorry, had to get that of my chest....
  2. I agreed because that's what I mean, all the crazy stuff comes from Canada xD
  3. With ignoring I mean I wouldn't directly talk to her but if she would ask me something I would normally answer, I won't be a bully on her. I hate bullying. I was bullied for about 9 years and it fucked me up pretty bad, so if someone's going to insist I'm a bully I'll probably become pretty pissed.
  4. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.p ... snapewives For the ones the link isn't working: Snapewives: A group of middle-aged women on the internet who believe they are all married to Severus Snape from the Harry Potter books -- on the astral plane. They have real-life meetings where they take turns channeling the spirit of Snape so they can have wedding ceremonies with him. There is in-fighting over whom Snape loves more and whether Snape is an emotional wooby who just needs to be loved or a domineering master who lives to be dominant.
  5. sai

    Lol, there were alot of older people at the Versailles gig, even people from Italy. In Germany. Yeah...
  6. sai

    This has turned into a big discussion
  7. I'm interested in the Nightmare CD, what do you charge for Europe?
  8. Wish I could see that D:
  9. sai

    Damn, that sucks real bad... I hope you'll get over it D:
  10. sai

    lol, "orgy" fans.... XD Nvm, don't really listen to them..
  11. sai

    That kinda scares me, actually D:
  12. sai

    D's Asagi isn't that good either. I love him, but I always have to read the lyrics before I know what he is saying XD
  13. sai

    A TW Radio would be awesome !!
  14. sai

  15. sai

    At least she's not as bad as Rihanna.
  16. agreed with gyakutai, ignore her.
  17. Harry secured it pretty tight though, prob afraid it would be stolen XD
  18. sai

    I'll give a more detailed review later, but I thought it was better than VERSUS. My favorite is Rotate, but THRUST was horrible XD
  19. sai

    LOL! Apparently they don't like you. SONY banned me D:
  20. sai

    Yeah, I saw some older women at the Versailles gig, true.
  21. Also, it wasn't the Germans that bombed Japan :')
  22. sai

    E7rG8gNsPzE Gender Age Female 13-17 Male 13-17 Male 45-54 <--- WHAT? Apparently VK has some older fans as well...
  23. sai

    PLEDGE preview sounded OK, nothing special
  24. sai

    Lol Yuuki looked like a cheap slut in EROS. And Satoshi impersonating Slash....no. I like Slash, but Satoshi's attempt to dress like him was just utter fail. And if they really want to make softer music then it's time eve and the bass (forgot his name lol) start their own band with 3 new members and do what they're good at. If they want too...
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