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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Hi there, I was wondering if someone could help me. I have an iPod Nano 3rd Generation 4GB. I bought it over 2,5 years ago and a few days earlier it started having problems. For instant, I hear more through my left ear than my right ear, and it's not the fault of my earphones because in iTunes and the cdplayer it works just fine. I tried to solve this problem by resetting and erasing my iPod. The problem was solved during 1 or 2 songs but then it started acting up again. When trying to erase it, Apple told me to download the latest iTunes with it, version 1.1.3 I HAD to, didn't have a choice so I installed it. After that the synchronising part started being weird. It recognizes my iPod but as soon as I hit the Synchronise button nothing happens. The little icons next to my iPod's button will spin and so will my iPod screen, but where the songs appear above, nothing happens and when I check my iPod it didn't put on the songs, while I have made room for them, plenty of room. It basically looks like this: (iPod sign): Phones666 Music Movies TV Shows On the go 1 I tried dragging the songs from my library to this music section but it will not accept only 1 song, just multiple. Also, when in that music part and when I press: add songs it keeps saying it can't because there's no room for it. After deleting a few songs it would FINALLY put on Sadie's Juggernaut but it kept acting stupid. Does anyone know it's due to my iPod or iTunes?
  2. Those 12012 sales can't be true...that's just sad. Only over 2000 copies sold of SEVEN? If so, lolforever indeed.
  3. Looks like a fucked up version of the Cheshire Cat. (which I hate 'cause the Cheshire Cat kicks ass)
  4. sai

    Lol that was exactly what I was thinking when seeing the topic title.
  5. I agree, D did a very good job, but the people on YouTube seem to be thinking otherwise. Those are annoying, the kind of people who are like: OMG THIS MALICE MIZER SONG IS LEGEND AND NO ONE SHOULD COVER IT AND EVERYONE WHO TRIES SUX BOOHOOO If you don't 00' VK then don't go complaining about other bands attempting to cover them, they try their best. D did a great job kthanx
  6. sai

    They're still indies yes. It would surprise me if they'd go major though. For a strange reason they always seemed a band that would stay indies forever. (But maybe I'm still stuck in post Music days) Mucc is on the same label and they're still indies right? Or am I wrong? Yes I am quite uncertain about that. They are signed under Danger Crue Records (that's what it says on my CD and DVD). So is Zoro. These are both indies bands. But SID is also signed under Danger Crue Records but they ARE major. Danger Crue is a subdivision of SONY. Maybe it's like with PSC, that they have an indies section and a major section?
  7. sai

    Lol so according to that one guy George W. Bush is a decendant from the reptiles which makes him a satanist and a child molester. Right....
  8. sai

    Can imagine. It feels like it's so real. Some things are really scary and I don't want them to be true. Some dreams of mine come true but others don't. I hope that specific one I dreamt a while ago won't come out...ever
  9. sai

    np. You shouldn't worry about the shy part. The most (non-arrogant) girls don't mind if guys are shy. They don't have to be too indecisive though. I like shy guys alot. I prefer them over those machos who think they are all something.
  10. sai

    That's pretty weird. I hope it's not a prediction for 2012 D: Yours is actually scarier than mine. Well mine was weirder XD
  11. sai

    Girugamesh is still indies? That would explain the change of style. Maybe they are desperate to being picked up by a major label like Avex Trax (yeah right, like that will ever happen ) or King Records or something. I enjoyed their album NOW, but from the last two singles I didn't like the A-sides. B-sides were OK though.
  12. sai

    It's a risk you take. I mean I still bought D's in the name of justice even if Akaki Hitsuji single was less impressive than what they did before but I'm glad I bought it , since it's an amazing single. But I think it's more because the fans KNOW they can do good music. Except that D didn't have their main producers leaving and I know they will definitely do better. Edit: But after seeing the title Jesus and Porno after something like EROS (stupid name with stupid PV) you wouldn't buy it. I agree there.
  13. sai

    Perhaps Kisaki will have to work as a host?
  14. sai

    With his voice problems it's probably not happening...
  15. sai

    Lol UC is having a bad year I guess.
  16. sai

    I think it's cool, blame me.
  17. sai

    Lol NoGoD vocal is chubby
  18. sai

    I was more amazed on the Porno thing
  19. sai


    Looking forward to the album! The previews are really good!
  20. sai

    I know how you feel. Byou is the weakest of the band in my opinion. Kazuki's guitar playing is really good though. I'm also fond of the new bassist.
  21. sai

    I'm quite fond of the previews of the mini-album but that video is just so perverted XD
  22. sai

    At least D does good music So true <3
  23. sai

    This. Still one of my favs from them.
  24. sai

    Hear this out. Last night I dreamt I was Santa Claus (but since I'm a girl I think I was Mrs. Claus, even though I'm just 17 XD) There was this creep who wanted to ruin Christmas so he wanted to kill me in order to stop me from bringing the presents I think. So this guy comes at me (he looked like a mix of Mello from Death Note and Axel from KH2) and then I'm saved by Ben Stiller and this Dutch politica named Femke Halsema. They take me to this mansion trying to save me and then that guy comes after us and they decide to try to stop him and in the mean time one of my elves comes in, captures the guy and gauges his eyes out (didn't see the blood and all, it was like a movie, cut off) so then Asagi in a santa suit and a beard comes at me with his sleigh saying I have to bring the presents and the next moment that Dutch politica and Ben Stiller are with me in that sleigh and we fly to Turkey and bring the kids their presents. Happy ending after all. When I woke up I had the biggest WTF of my life.
  25. sai

    For some reason the vocals in the beginning and in some parts of M.R.T (the soft ones) make me think of this: YyfzulTo_pY
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