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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Lol depends on who it is but I have someone in mind so Keep. Oreo cookies?
  2. sai

    Has a nice sig and ava
  3. sai

    DELUHI 17 Versailles 19 Megaromania 7 D 17 Matenrou Opera 25 Awoi 13
  4. sai

    Makes me think of D O___O
  5. sai

    No smoking, only eating crisps in the weekend and intensive exercising three times a week, 1,5 hours a time.
  6. sai

    Rofl spanking XD
  7. sai


    Der Konig der Dunkelheit you mean? XD It's not that hard (but well..I have german lol)
  8. Lol wtf? His clothes wouldn't sell at all lol
  9. sai

    Lol @ Chianti XD
  10. Lol didn't even listen to the pink drugs thing because it wouldn't take it from the rar file
  11. sai

    How I love English humor...
  12. sai

    Sell it to some jrock newbie and tell them it's one of the best Japanese bands ever.
  13. Off topic: I can't wait for this single's review topic
  14. sai

    Lolol my whole review got deleted due to my name change. Anyway after writing the review I concluded this was 7.5/10. Pretty decent, frill is my favorite.
  15. I needed a few listens for really getting used to his way of singing. At this point I really enjoy Soshi's vocals.
  16. Huh, 12012? They haven't disbanded yet have they? I mean they are doing that cover and they haven't officially anounced it yet.
  17. sai


    That's mainly because they are major. Their indie stuff was OK but everything released major is just crap and made in order to make money.
  18. sai

    Only listened their mini. Which was awful apart from 1 track.
  19. sai

    I really enjoyed the title track, which I would give a 8/10 true world was decent but didn't blow me away, so a 7/10
  20. No, no, no... STORM is not a crappy song Why do you think it's crappy? For the chorus maybe? I admit that could've been better (the 'in the stormyyy' part) but at least give some credit to the amazingly well fitting guitar solo in that song! It's rare to come across a solo in a song that fits so perfectly as this one in my opinion. Lolita23q better don't mess that up! When it comes to good vocals and good guitar I think they will manage just fine. Soshi can really work his voice, you can really hear that at the end of their song ALICE IN DOWNWARD and minerva. Ryuto is a very decent guitarist (since he will probably do the solo) so I think they'll be alright. And yes, it was the chorus that ruined it for me, right on the spot. About the drum solo's: somehow that was meant for the DELUHI topic (audio rip Blitzkrieg) but it ended up here
  21. Btw lol @ crappy drum solo. It sounded like he was just slamming some parts of his drums randomly. If they had put some other melody under it maybe it could've been a lot better. How it should've been: 6UaSZKLCGjc Ap-I9B6MeQ8 C87blus4LYI
  22. sai

    Lol I have a few, but as far as I know they don't want to bang me lol
  23. sai

    I believe in God because there have been some very nasty situations I've been in and I prayed that it would end up okay. And it did. For some reason I also think it's the spirit of my dead grandpa that took care of it, because he warned something would happen in the first place (long story)
  24. sai

    That's what I thought could be the 2nd thing wrong so I kept wiggling with it but the sound wouldn't change..I fixed the iTunes thing though...It somehow didn't chose music as something to be synched to my iPod The iPod's still acting weird like not showing the menu after synchronising *it always does that* and slow disconnecting and everything... I think he's near the end of his lifespan, poor thing
  25. I'm kinda worried about Lolita23q...Many people think they are a really crappy band. Sure, they made some bad stuff but they really have potential. And now they are covering a song by LUNA SEA which I found to be rather crappy. Don't know about the rest of you but I think it would be unfair for them to be called crappy after covering a crappy song.
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