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Everything posted by sai

  1. Lol I loved the Phoenix Wright scene
  2. sai

    Versailles' commercial for their TV show. Once again XD
  3. sai

    Luzmelt - primal fear I love this, the vocals are so nice to listen too!
  4. sai

    I found his swinging around with the cloak a bit too much as well. It looked so stupid XD
  5. Matenrou Opera RENTRER EN SOI Deathgaze D VAMPS kagerou 9GOATS BLACK OUT Phantasmagoria Versailles Vidoll D'erlanger AYABIE
  6. sai

    You buy it but when you are finally making sure the payment is alright they are out of stock. I want to see D live.
  7. sai

    I would warn them, but if they continued I would grab the pen and throw it out of the first window I see. Did that before XD What would you do if Asagi was on your doorstep for donations for his Love for Children Project?
  8. ^ Sucks for your roommate XD Glad you're okay
  9. sai

    I also recommend AKG headphones, very nice bass and you don't have to turn the volume to booming loud in order to hear it. It was pretty expensive but it was worth it!
  10. sai

    2 bands leaving them as well. Hmm.. now I'm starting to think that this rumor could be true. and btw D.L.S I love your new avatar and signature!
  11. That's all major cities... SF sure does have a lot of "honest" beggars though. I did not see one beggar who was not asking for drug money. :/ When I was in San Francisco on holiday I saw a business class man taking a homeless for lunch. That really made an impression on me.
  12. sai

    Maria Cross. And I hate listening to Jin from Nega. Byou from SCREW is pretty damn awful too.
  13. sai

    For some reason I liked Fang. But then again, I liked their first mini, a new guilty pleasure, I suppose.
  14. sai

    fhC3iNKuAc4 Full PV for Der Konig der Dunkelheit. I love it. It sounds so strange and some bits are actually a bit out of place but I still love it. By the way, the story Asagi is playing somehow reminds me of the book I read, named Dr.Jekyll & Mr.Hyde. I mean, with him experimenting, starting to change form, searching for an antidote and the big dagger. It's a lot like in the story. If so, awesome! I love that story. For some reason when Asagi pulled down that curtain I imagined it going wrong the first time and him ending up on his face on the ground
  15. sai

    I really liked it, but the chorus was a bit disappointing to me...
  16. sai

    Nice! Looking forward to this! I hope Ryuutarou doesn't overwork himself though...with him recently released from the hospital and all.
  17. sai

    Uhmm.. It's just my opinion but... - I don't like the preview, it sounds boring to me - What's up with the titles? I think the titles are really bad, but ofcourse, this is just a first impression and says nothing about the actual songs. - The covers are not really my thing, I find them a bit ugly - Hana is not on it. That song has one of my favorite intros ever. That's it. VANDALIZE was really good for me, I hope this will be good.
  18. sai

    Iis their next album going to be made out of singles? They are releasing stuff WAY to fast in my opinion, so I don't expect too much of this. And ofcourse, how could I not comment about the title. PIRATES 3AzpByR3MvI Strangely, this came to mind.
  19. sai

    I guess I'm one of the few that liked the recent releases. Dress (the song itself) was really amazing for me and so was Cry More. Wasn't that much into Toge but I really enjoyed Juggernaut. I'm pretty excited for this, but then again, MASTER OF ROMANCE was a very good album as well. Wonder if this new one can beat it.
  20. sai

    Hmm... I hope this will be good! Too bad Eve isn't it it...
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