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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Who are you?! Probably the only one on here listening Dir en grey and not liking Obscure Anyway, it was the first song I heard by them , along with the PV. I think that PV traumatized me a little so I never watched/listened it again. I was still 15...
  2. sai

    Super Junior - Only Girl
  3. sai

    I wasn't a fan of the original but the original beats of what I've heard here. It's just some random growling?
  4. sai

    I believe I have some trolling twitter account lying around somewhere, I'll check
  5. sai

    I'll give this a try, for the sake of it, it can't be worse than their album.
  6. sai

    Yup, "her" Has a nice signature.
  7. sai

    I don't like coffee, so yeah do you like guinea pigs?
  8. sai

    New band perhaps?
  9. sai

    Thanks for the link! I'll give it a try. .... *after listening* Holy crap. That was awful
  10. sai

    Holy crap that sounds awful. This fits in Champ's playlist of horrible indie bands.
  11. sai

    maybe I could ask someone at school if they could scan it for me, not sure though
  12. sai

    Lives in PeeKaBoo
  13. sai

    Hell yes, You like Kiwamu?
  14. sai

    ^ Just relax, this happens too me very often. Just stay cool and try to focus.
  15. sai

    Lol credits to the one who found out about the memegenerator, I've had lots of fun with it. We should go and post these pics on his myspace XD
  16. sai

    lol the 2nd one is that Mao from SID with Kiyoharu? XD
  17. Oh, because of his high voice?
  18. sai

    See shit foreigner, throw chair ! LOLOLOLOL
  19. Couldn't find it....I really want to hear it.
  20. sai

    2nd. I have the booklet but no scanner
  21. He'll be fine, I'm sure!
  22. sai

    ^ Do want to see
  23. sai

    I can see a lot of these appearing on here. I know ,this one is actually quite sad.
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