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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Maybe Kiwamu's still a virgin? Edit: after reading the pretty face --> bad attitude thing I lol'd, since the guy's ugly as shit. Kamijo is great with his audience so this is just bullshit. Next to the fact that Kamijo would be able to get in between more female's legs than him
  2. sai

    it makes you a normal person because somehow I enjoyed it too D:
  3. sai

    why's that? Maybe if it's like BORN it will be good.
  4. sai

    Super Junior - BONAMANA
  5. sai

    10/10 (Asagi <33)
  6. sai

    Not sure about the whole "uploading" thing. I mean, Masamune uploads a lot, is on a lot and never got into any trouble as far as I know and he's not a VIP.
  7. Where did you get the idea that all D fans are fat? I"m not
  8. sai

    I was biting my lips in order not to smile but when he started that move at 0:25 I couldn't help but grinning.
  9. sai

    Luckily mom baked them yesterday
  10. sai

    Indeed it does. What's next, Maiku?
  11. sai

    what do you do for exercising? I play handball, it's not really known in the States unfortunately. Here's a video with some handball scenes. It gives you a practical idea how the game goes. And it's definitely not for pussies, like some people say. It happens often I come back after game covered in bruises XD OWjiOGuDQr8
  12. sai

    That's because Kisaki's not a total douche like Kiwamu. This is what the life of a YouTube employee practically comes down to: C9suaVDI0Jw
  13. sai

    LOLOL He's too chubby. I'm afraid to download those pictures. I think I'll keep my innocence.
  14. Never tried them, but I read it was a good album so I'll give them a try.
  15. sai

    First off, compliments to Maiku for his ViViD code being right once again. Yume ~Muge no Kanata~ - 7/10, I like the whispering, the br00tal start, nanana (for some reason). The chorus is OK, but Shin's vibrato ruins it. Seriously, it's starting to sound annoying after a while. Chorus kinda ruined it, further it's an okay song. Rem - For some reason I expected this to be ripped off from Nightmare since their music is technically a mix of the GazettE (SONY music era) and Alice Nine. The mood it gave was exactly the same as Nightmare's Rem, but the song is completely different. Honestly, I thought it was a good instrumental song. But Shin kind of ruins it, once again. Don't know what's up with him, I use to like his voice a lot. The vibrato is just plain shit. My ears cringed when Shin tried to pull off that high note at the end of the chorus. It was absolutely awful. At the end of the 2nd chorus it was less bad. 6/10 This would've been a way better song with a different vocalist. Risk - Kind of "meh", was decent, nothing memorable. The beginning was really nice and my type of thing but the chorus once again ruined it by being extremely boring. Oh, and Shin's vibrato makes me want to strangle him again. 6/10 Overal rating: 6.3/10 Weakest release by them yet. Now that they are major I hope for Shin he will spend some money on singing lessons so he knows how to not use that annoying vibrato anymore. I'd have PRECIOUS over this any day.
  16. sai

    Yes Like Pepsi?
  17. Don't know, but for some reason I really enjoy reading it over and over. I haven't read all of Mitsu's poems yet, gonna do that now
  18. sai

    Yup, like McDonalds?
  19. sai

    HELL.YEAH <333333 (he's my fav. artist, which pretty much explains my previous post) do you smoke?
  20. sai

    still laughing at Miasma's post
  21. sai

    Secretly, I do would you like to go on a date with one of the SCREW members?
  22. sai

    Maybe this was an attempt of Sujk trying to troll the jrock community? If so, I would say his attempt was succesful
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