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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Maybe he should wear this sign? But back from Kisaki and Kamijo to Yoshiki. Is he really that pissed of easily? Like said before, I always read he was incredibly nice to his fans, always ready for a photo or an autograph.
  2. sai

    ANGRY DESU Most probably. I think it also depends WHERE the guy was touched. I mean, if I were a guy and someone would touch MY crotch I wouldn't be too happy But at the gig I was at this girl managed to touch his cheek and he started to smile really bright and giving her this: Oh, you sly thing you, look. Also, he was constantly reaching out to the audience and he held one girl's hand very long, so I think this is just a rumour. He's just too flirty for it That would be too epic. He would probably sue us or brag about us on his facebook. "Today I was on internet and saw this "forum". People said awful thing about me. They not know what they talk about. They jealous." The best thing that could happen would be Kiwamu pissing of other label owners and them trolling him along with us on the internetzz. But it will never happen
  3. sai

    Uhh..I haven't. I was way more excited for Senkou. Maybe because the previews I heard didn't really stand out to me. But I'll wait for the full songs. KINGS&QUEENS sounded rather nice though.
  4. sai

    D: lol somehow I can't imagine Kisaki or Kamijo being like that. XD
  5. sai

    Where am I? What day is it? I like pudding!! Nvm. Can't believe we're already on 15 pages xD I love this thread 8D
  6. sai

    Has a sig of NY<3
  7. sai

    Well at least he could say Bonjour.
  8. sai

    Finally my review xD heidi./ (hide with Spread Beaver「ピンク スパイダー??) Didn't like the original, heidi. made it listenable though Yoshiyuki's voice doesn't quite fit the song. Decent cover. 7/10 ドレミ團/(SOPHIA「街??) Was kind of a "meh"-fest to me. Don't know Doremidan, but it wasn't anything special. 6/10 BugLug/(SHAZNA「Melty Love??) I lol'd when hearing this. I don't like BugLug, but this cover was OK. 7/10 NoGoD/(SIAM SHADE「1/3??純情??感情??) I really like this one. Nice cover. 8/10 D/(MALICE MIZER「月下??夜想曲??) One of the best on this cover album. 10/10 少女-ロリヰタ-23区/(LUNA SEA「STORM??) Slightly disappointed by this one. Overheard drumming and not much power or emotion in Soshi's voice. They can do much better. 6/10 摩天楼オペラ/(X JAPAN「紅??) DO WANT. 10/10 DaizyStripper/(La'cryma Christi「With-you??) Just. The guy's voice is terrible. 4/10 12012/(GLAY「Winter, again??) Love it, nice relaxing feeling. 8/10 *H8TERS GONNA HATE* アンド/(PENICILLIN「ロマンス??) Another good cover. And did a nice job. 8/10 Mix Speaker’s, Inc./(CASCADE「S.O.Sロマンティック??) /care. And it's horrible none the less. The vocalists are horrible. 4/10 LOST ASH/(D-SHADE「ENDLESS LOVE??) Don't know either of them, but I like it. 7/10 MERRY/(DIR EN GREY「Schwein??椅????) I kinda liked this cover even though not a big fan of the original. 7/10 DuelJewel/(BUCK-TICK「JUPITER??) Not a very good cover, doesn't really fit DuelJewel. 5/10 DOG inTheパラレルワールドオーケストラ/(Raphael「夢より素敵???? Not impressed. 5/10 Worst review by myself yet but I don't feel like it XD
  9. sai

    VmTjSjVbIx4 Can anyone guess who the vocalist is? Currently he's in a band we probably all know 8D
  10. sai

    Nope Chocolate 8D I like to sleep while still wearing my socks. Is that weird?
  11. Shows their awesomeness. They can make a trollsong sound good.
  12. sai

    Someone should make a videogame where you have to dodge Kiwamu throwing chairs at you. With some special bonuses like a one-time use of Kisaki to damage Kiwamu's HP or Kamijo destroying all the chairs still going at you. *I have nothing better to do at the moment*
  13. Let's consider it's not a joke, maybe they'll just make one soft song and turn br00tal again afterwards. I thought the melody was kinda nice but I also like their old stuff, so I don't worry about it too much.
  14. sai

    Sounds nice, but like Des said, something that has been done a lot. I will be looking forward to it, but the vocals aren't very good...
  15. Nah, not my piece of cake.
  16. In b4 OMG IT'S NOT HEAVY ANYMO- Oh snap. Anyway, if it's going to be brutal it would be a late start. But then again, the drummer recently became a mother so maybe that influenced the whole style of music. But then again, if more details are released on February 7th this could just be a joke in order to fool people into thinking that they've gone soft.
  17. sai

    Something I thought up while being extremely bored (again). The game goes like this: - The first person tells a bit about himself/herself, like a habbit or something that you think could be weird or strange - The second person replies if he/she thinks if it's weird and continues the game by telling a habbit of theirs etc. I hope it's going to be fun! I'll start. I like to put meat and cheese on the same sandwich. Is that weird?
  18. sai

    7/10 Handdrawn?
  19. sai

    has a link to a profile in his sig
  20. sai

    Makes her own avatars
  21. Thanks for reopening, since this wasn't thexway I wanted this topic to turn out
  22. sai

    Saw it already. Mad$hip sounded like lulz
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