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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Oh wait I DO know it. I have it on my iPod XD
  2. sai

    Why don't I know that song D:
  3. sai

  4. sai

    Oops sorry! I got confused! It was the lead singer of Throw the fight that had cancer
  5. sai

    If it involves sexy Japanese musicians, then yes, but otherwise, NO. Want a rubber duck?
  6. sai

    Will post a pic later, but I simply adore Asagi's smile (D)
  7. sai

    It was a guy named James I believe and it was on the main page of their site
  8. sai

    Like Erin said, we'd sue him back and it was just a joke. Also don't be so surprised about it, this whole thread has been trolling and making fun of Kiwamu the entire time, in the case that you feel insulted
  9. sai

    Lol @ that pic Marc posted Having fun?
  10. sai

    @D.L.S since your posts show that you know what you're talking about Is a Big Bang fan
  11. sai

    Yes, like Scrubs?
  12. sai

    Don't like the band but these pics are hilarious XD
  13. sai

    Will listen just because.
  14. sai

    Lol I think Asagi's highly attractive. Anyway probably won't be able to go with it being in Amsterdam which is 2,5 hours drive and also my parents won't let me D:
  15. sai

    There are previews already ? O___O
  16. sai

    Thanks Erin. <3 Well I'm planning on studying law so in about 5 more years (I hope) I'll have my certificate and then we can sue him and I'll stomp him into the ground. Him trying to defend himself in English would be very amusing
  17. sai

    Difficult names ftw!
  18. sai

    @gyakutai Thanks ^^ Ruiza/D is just pure awesomeness 10/10
  19. sai

    Lol, that first Mao/Kyoharu pic could've been in some crappy yaoi anime
  20. sai

    *sets up shield* I enjoyed every second of this album. Never ending story was meh but the rest was great imo. MISSION CODE
  21. sai

    Nope Like Bleach?
  22. sai

    Herpes wasn't that bad compared to ohaiitzwill
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