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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Very detailed. Especially with all those explaining X's
  2. sai

    Whatever he'll put out I don't think I'll like it, not even if it's like Luzmelt, the guy has a huge attitude.
  3. sai

    The second I saw that the review count changed from 86 to 87 after D's VAMPIRE SAGA and I saw your username, I was sure this would be about SuG's new release Gonna listen to it in a few minutes and then review.
  4. sai

    ^ Don't be too happy. He's coming back D: If I read correctly he's in a new band with mio (ex-Lycaon)
  5. sai

    Is Kyo's Mattress
  6. WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT. I'm afraid to open my closet now.
  7. sai

    I think this guy deserves to be on the next banner.
  8. sai

    ^ Well yeah, pretty much true. Thanks for fixing
  9. sai

    ^ This, unlike D, Megamasso hasn't been able to produce good music for the last two/three years. Perhaps they will disband and Ryohei and Aoi will start a project with the two of them and use the old spelling of ayabie... Oh wait, that already happened, except for the disbanding part
  10. sai

    ^True. Explains the Europe Tour. Vampire Saga will probably be released in Europe, but then again, I was cheaper with buying the Japanese version since I only had to pay the shipping and my parents paid for the CD itself as a Christmas present. + I got a poster with it and a sticker. Now if it would just arrive I probably won't be able to go see D since it's in my final exams, but a signing with Gan Shin might mean they will return to Europe for a 2nd tour, so I keep my hopes up and hope they won't disband. Besides, the many releases they are putting up so fast probably has nothing to do with a disbandment. I was kind of scared though because they haven't been out of Japan in 7 years and now suddenly they quickly make an album and do gigs in the USA and Europe. But then again, avex trax are kind of money whores, so it's understandable.
  11. sai

    Hope he will recover soon!
  12. sai

    WTF?! XD
  13. sai

    BRILLIANT! I can't wait for his reply! XD
  14. Talking about Mono2, did he get a ban as well, I somehow was expecting him to enter this topic.
  15. ^Lol @ your avatar btw. I'm very excited for this, I recently got into them, but for me their first release is still my favorite.
  16. sai

    10000/10 ZOMG *O* SO SEXYYYYY~KYAAA not
  17. sai


    Got my order shipped today! <3
  18. sai

    9/10 XD
  19. sai

    Well I agree with you about his vibrato not being perfect, and also on the vocalists (Sono from Matenrou Opera, anyone?)
  20. sai

    yay! VAMPIRE SAGA has been shipped!
  21. sai

    I'm tired -_____-
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