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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    As said before, you most probably didn't lose your data, I'm pretty sure it's all there. Since you broke it, your computer doesn't recognize it anymore. Maybe you could put the data on another external hard disk? My dad once managed to do that.
  2. sai

    D comes to Europe just during my graduation exams..Well f*ck
  3. sai

    ^Yup, it's a in the name of justice DVD! For that tour, I mean + I love the news about the donuts XD
  4. sai

    My personal favorite is Nega to Poji.
  5. sai

    And nothing of value was lost.
  6. sai

    Cologne is during my final exams. Then I'm not allowed to go. I'm not sure about my exam time table. gonna check it out. It's not happening. They won't even allow the week beforehand..so they'll have to come near May 7th or 8th or after May 26th. And that probably won't happen.... WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME DURING THE FINAL EXAMS D??? WHY NOT IN JUNE!!
  7. sai

    This sounds very promising! I can't wait, this sounds just like my type of song!
  8. sai

    Wasn't a big fan of their last album but maybe the budget will now be big enough for Jyo to take some singing lessons. And the production won't be so crappy anymore. That's a big plus.
  9. sai

    When I went to the Versailles gig I somehow expected more normal people but the only people normally dressed were my friend and I (with normal I mean a shirt/top and jeans with sneakers) and a group of Belgian people behind us. They were pretty nice as well.
  10. sai

    Exist ? I didn't see this happening....
  11. sai

    Lycaon - Plug into the Socket
  12. sai

    ^ Ah, thank you. BUTTHURTZ :'D Anyway, why the name Alice? Reference to the rabbit from the fairytale? *I'm kind of slow*
  13. sai

    Herpes +1 I'm not so sure about SUBLIMINAL, I get the feeling that her 'expression of opinion' might feel like an insult to some, as I've seen in various topics. Or maybe the people who took it hard were just retards. But then again, it's their problem.
  14. sai

    PAINZ? HEARTZ? What's next?
  15. sai

    ^ Still want to see that, is it good?
  16. sai

    Wow, I didn't expect someone may mention him here... he's one of the best visual kei vocalists in my opinion... 2, he's not awful, he's my favorite! I think he's very skilled.
  17. sai

    ^ I know it was kind a meant to offend me but I still lol'd
  18. sai

    I would follow it into the Nothingness (obvious Kingdom Hearts reference) What would you do if Versailles would play in your own back yard?
  19. sai

    No it's not. It's Ryuutarou (Plastic Tree) Anyway, 10/10 I like it, once again
  20. sai

    D - Der Konig der Dunkelheit
  21. sai

    It's treatable, you know.
  22. sai

    Congratulations to _Uruki_ and idealnite!
  23. sai

    Yup, Phoenix Wright. Who else plays it? I've played all parts so far. Phoenix Wright 1, 2 and 3. Also played Apollo Justice, but I didn't really like it to be honest. And Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (GOLDEN!) Discuss For those who don't know, Phoenix Wright is a game in which you play a lawyer who has to make sure his clients don't get convicted. It's not the usual law game, it's really funny. Your sidekick is spirit medium, the best friend is sarcastic as hell, another prosecutor hits the judge with a whip and there's this guy who loves coffee. It's really something I would recommend! It's for NDS.
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