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This people really need to be isolated

I am waiting for their leader's death so i can back picket hsi funeral. Srsly.

I can't stand people like this. They make me sick and full of anger. :x

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really? ppl can be stupid and just a high mighty GOD said so. What GOD do they follow anyways. I never knew god was that way and all evil.

Just stupid people making up excuses.

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^ You should read the bible. It clearly shows that christian god is the most evil and sadistic asshole ever to be written about. The most evil fictional character ever.

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^ You should read the bible. It clearly shows that christian god is the most evil and sadistic asshole ever to be written about. The most evil fictional character ever.

don't what bibles you guys read. Cuz i dont read any. I only believe in one GOD and thats Jesus Christ and he is good and pure. Nothing proves anything, not even a bible. I has been written and over written so many times.

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"I didn’t go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity."

— C.S. Lewis

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No,no,no...! You are all wrong!

God created Earth and everything else was 'Made in China' :lol:

You're correct about the china part, but not the other part.

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I believe in God because there have been some very nasty situations I've been in and I prayed that it would end up okay. And it did. For some reason I also think it's the spirit of my dead grandpa that took care of it, because he warned something would happen in the first place (long story)

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and in time of Xmas like this, will usually creates so many miracles too. Xmas magic, you know.

I believe many have had this thing once in their life time.

If not, maybe you're not cool enough yet lol j/k

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