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Everything posted by sai

  1. I think next month. He will make a miraculous comeback and finish the skin. But we'll have to wait another month.
  2. sai

    Only got piercings in my ear XD (just for earrings) If I'd ever get another piercing then it would probably be in my lower lip. Don't know if it would suit my face though... Not that mom would like it XD
  3. sai

    Yeah, new ZORO <3 One of the only Oshare-kei bands I like. Oshare sucks in general.
  4. sai

    Welcome Rin 8D
  5. sai

    Still gotta listen it. Is it better than the other two mini's?
  6. Mine's freakin' ancient XD
  7. sai

    Lol that's just plain evil XD
  8. sai

    At the gig in July he talked English with us and it was quite understandable, if not completely understandable. But yeah I get your point, when I heard this for the first time I didn't understand anything he was saying lol Oh yeah, another great add: Wataru from 12012. Just...no
  9. sai

    I'm not against VK bands trying this "jazzy" thing, but if they do, they have to do it right. And yes, Lycaon's version was just horrible. When I first listened to EROS I was quite amazed how horrible it was. On the second time I just laughed my head of because it was so bad. It's still possible to make right VK Jazz. I mean, check these out: 12012 - 24HOURS (really poor recording quality though) Girugamesh - Flower the GazettE - Ganges Ni Akai Bara D - Mad tea party (this is just effing brilliant!) SID - Mitsuyubi Alice Nine. - Haikara Naru Rondo
  10. sai

    "You do realise that if Santa was real, he would be the biggest unlawful trespasser in history."
  11. Since there was a topic for the best I thought I should make a topic for the worst. In my opinion the worst of worst are Ruki from the GazettE and Byou from ScReW. I mean seriously, what is Ruki singing? (bad ass song though) MCzshz2DZJo This is less worse, but still very bad. 88DLkGHloww I wonder if you can think up any that are worse than this.
  12. sai

    I hope they won't disband, they have a lot of potential D:
  13. sai

    It's been a while since I've given such a detailed review, but I'll try my best. This is the first Mucc album I've ever heard, so I'm not familiar with any of their music. Chemical Parade - Just an intro which sounds like a horrible techno song they play on the radio and that makes me want to throw the radio out of the window. Probably one of the worst intros I've ever heard. 3/10 Falling Down (Organic Edition) - Tatsurou saying "Falling Down" at the beginning sounds really fucked up. I really like the guitar, it does a lot for me. But then the amazing guitar gets traded for the horrible boring chorus. Tatsurou's voice sounds nice, but that's all there is. The synth sounds kind of nice. Basically everything about this song is good, except the chorus. Didn't hear the original version though. Ending riffs are good too. I'll go with a 7.5/10 Zeroshiki - Nice intro, just like Falling Down. Another thing it shares with Falling Down is that it's really good until it gets to the chorus. Is this going to happen with all of the songs on this album? If so, I will be very, VERY disappointed. Once again I like the synth. Nice guitar solo. 7/10 because of the bad chorus. Chemical Parade Blue - I like the synth, but the beginning sounds a bit like a Rihanna song would start (and I hate Rihanna). Chorus sounds alot like Rihanna too. Sorry, but when the instruments kick in it's good, but the Rihanna like parts are horrible. Sorry can't listen any further, I'll just go to the next one, this is just making me angry. Oh wait, there's the solo. NICE. Nevermind, it'll stay a 4/10 anyway. A. - Starts good, but the chorus once again RUINS it. The vocals are kind of bad in the chorus, but it's not horrible. Nice solo, once again. This song is nothing special though, I know way better ballads than this one. 4/10 I Am Computer - LOL@TITLE. Seriously, that's one of the lamest titles I've ever heard. The computer/robot sound in the beginning is absolutely horrible. The instruments don't really make it better, it's just plain annoying. I don't really feel like listening this through to the end, but I'll do it for the sake of a good review. It's nothing memorable, it's better than A., but still one I won't put on my iPod. Vocals are good in the chorus, but this time the instruments ruin it. 5/10 Karma - Seriously? A filler? Jesus, if you're going to make a filler, don't make it three and an half minutes!! Especially if it doesn't have any instruments and is just an annoying techno song with a very annoying (sort of) gaming sound in the background. Makes me want to throw the radio out of the window again! MOVING ON. 1/10 Corruption - Okay, we're going to have some slow jazz here. I don't really like slow jazz, my dad plays it all day long on his surround system in the living room, it's driving me nuts. Tatsurou's English is bad. I can't understand half he's singing, but he's better than the GazettE's Ruki I suppose. Is the whole song going to be in English? If so, I'll be moving on, since it's boring, horrible English and a lot more that makes me want to puke. I want to give it a 4, but I just can't. Chorus is kind of "sexy" meant? 3/10 Circus - Kind of makes me want to move. Beginning is kind of boring, but the pre-chorus and the trumpets are pretty good. Chorus is really relaxing. I like the part where Tatsurou goes really high. I think I'll keep this one for when I want to relax. 7.5/10 Polaris -Boring. Makes me want to go skip through a field with gnomes. Untill the chorus kicks in. Then it wants to make me cry. I'm just making stuff up. 6/10 Lion - I felt like we were going to headbang and jump when I heard the first few seconds. You can headbang, but just keep down the jumping. Vocals sound kind of bad, I like the instruments though. It's nothing special, but I like the WHOAA!! in the background at a certain point. And I really like the solo. Still nothing special though, it feels like I've heard this before. 6/10 Feather - Another ballad. I hope it's better than the previous two ballads. It's nothing special, honestly, I guess Mucc ballads just aren't my thing. It could've had more power, it's just so "meh" This time the chorus is good but the pre-chorus isn't. Yakusoku (Original Lyric Version) - Alright, this sounds pretty nice! I've heard this one before (someone sent me the video) but except that the pre-chorus was pretty boring the chorus makes up for it (it's the other way around now lol). I remember liking the one with the other lyrics better. Nonetheless: 8/10 Freesia (Karma Edit) - Hmm...I like the intro. Could've been made by Linkin Park. The synth sounds less good now, they should've kept it out, it would've sounded way better that way. I really like the guitar. I'll listen the real version of Freesia and hope it doesn't have synth, that way I think I'll like it better. This is a ballad I like, and that I will definitely keep. The chorus is brilliant and absolutely beautiful 9/10 Overall rating: 5/10 This kind of disappointed me. The only song I really enjoyed was Freesia, and that was just a quick remake of an old version. Falling Down wasn't that bad either, but the chorus ruined it. Lots of choruses were bad on this album. I think I'll give some old Mucc albums a listen. Recommendations, anyone?
  14. sai

    So, Girugamesh is one of my favorite bands. I liked their last release COLOR aside from the title song, so I hope they made a good one out of this one as well. Inochi no Ki - Kind of boring. The instrumental is good, but the chorus is plain boring, so are the vocals. They made it way too long, and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I like the solo though. 6.5/10 Vision - I expected this to be better. It's boring, just like the first track, but instead of the first one, this actually has something that I haven't heard before. It's decent, but nothing special 7.5/10 Endless wing - Judging from the title this better be cool. I like the synth and the rapping. Oh please, don't ruin the chorus...Chorus is decent. It's also a bit boring, but it's better than the first two songs. OK, I'm halfway through this and I feel like checking out some other songs. Nevermind, I'll listen it out to the end. As good as Vision: 7.5/10 Overall rating: 7/10 It's decent. Nothing really special. I hope the next release will be better than this. Girugamesh was never the best at ballads, but Inochi no Ki is just....no.
  15. sai

    LOL! Best review ever XD Anyway I'll give this a try, even though I'm not a big MUCC fan.
  16. sai

    Cry more - Loved the beginning, very good screams! Good chorus, though could've been better. I love the drums, I like the Sadie drummer on about every release. His name is Kei right? Anyway, back to the song: I can really enjoy it, it's amazing! 8/10 BURST ZERO - I'm not a big fan of extremely heavy songs, but I liked it. Screams were great, once again. I like the chorus, it's upbeat, wants me make to break things (for real XD) 8/10 little prayer - This one immediately grabbed my attention. I love the piano in the background, en the great chorus. This is definitely one of my favorite Sadie songs. 9/10 I must say this is a very good release by Sadie. I preferred the A-SIDE from Dress (which is Dress) but I like the B-sides better on this one. Overall rating: 8.5/10
  17. sai

    Lol yeah. It did make me think of Lady GaGa XDD
  18. sai

    RED - Didn't do much for me when I first heard it. It did grow on me after a while, but I don't like it as much as SHIVER. Still a very decent song, though a bit weak. 7.5/10 VERMIN - Yeah, this is better than RED. Not spectular, but it makes me want to jump up and down and destroy things (lol). Nice riffs, was a bit disappointed with the bass though, same goes for RED. 8/10 AN UNBEARABLE FACT - Agreed with the people who said this is a Naraku rip-off. Because it is. The same melody, the same piano in the background, same intro. Only thing that was different that Naraku was actually good and this is just plain horrible. It doesn't go anywhere, I have difficulties recognizing the chorus and Ruki's vocals sound horrible. 3/10 Overall rating: 7/10 VERMIN makes up for the horrible AN UNBEARABLE FACT, that's why I still give it a 7 and not a 6 or a 5. I preffered HESITATING MEANS DEATH though. It was an OK single, I hope for PLEDGE to be better.
  19. sai

    Was kind of disappointed with their last one. Missed that "BOOM" that I love in songs.
  20. sai

    Heard a little preview of the track DUALITY. Sounded really good! And it has Cursed Hurricane and Ancient Rain. I have a feeling this album will be good!
  21. sai

    Lol, Welcome back, Missed you 8D
  22. sai

    Asagi. That's enough for me lol
  23. Ohyeah. I love D <3 Though I hope Asagi won't look like a slut in this one XDD Title is cool too <3
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