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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Welcome to TW Have fun!
  2. sai

    Lc5!! They have only released one PV so far (it got leaked) and people were already praising them before THAT was even leaked, just because Miku was in it. Respect, but new An Cafe was shit.
  3. Lol, Orochimaru made me think of Naruto. That is without a doubt the most frightening anime character that ever existed.
  4. sai

    You have herpes.No. It was just really big and shrank back to normal size about an hour later. I have small cold sores about once or twice a year, so I know its not 'herpes.' It just looked like someone punched me or a bug bit me.I was just kidding XDMy lip was really swollen when I accidently bit it. That hurt.
  5. sai

    Uhm. Indies PSC? I can't think of none right now. Major: the GazettE, Alice Nine, Kagrra, Indies: ViViD, D=OUT, BORN. About major PSC I agree only on the GazettE and Kaggra. About Indie PSC: I still can't say if BORN is bad nor good, and Dauto haven't released anything with PSC yet so we don't know that, besides, they were good with SPEED DISK. And about ViViD, well we already took like 2 pages arguing about that before. True about D=OUT. Preview was deleted before I could hear it. BORN is pretty good in my opinion. Yeah, let's leave the ViViD discussion behind. PSC have been adding multiple bands to their label recently. I wonder what for.
  6. Thanks a lot! This sure is going to test my patience XD
  7. sai

    You have herpes.
  8. sai

    Was playing The World Ends With You, and the main character was given the nickname "Phones", and I thought that sounded kinda cool. The 666 was just to fill in some numbers I would remember XD
  9. sai

    LOL!Google: 70.600 hits Google Images: 1.140 My username is rather unique, so that's why I only get sites with my account. Though there seems to be some techno song with my name in it. With the images I get pics of cool mobile phones and some artist pics I uploaded on Blogger. Including Asagi in the slut outfit. And one girl showing her tits also. I know how you feel, Jonjon
  10. sai

    Uhm. Indies PSC? I can't think of none right now. Major: the GazettE, Alice Nine, Kagrra, Indies: ViViD, D=OUT, BORN.
  11. sai

    Now my review. Please note that I haven't heard the remastered songs and that I cannot compare it to the old versions (yeah I'm too lazy to listen XD) THE ANTHEM - Good intro to the next song, not too long either. I like it because they yell: WELCOME TO THE SIX SIX SIX. Now I can use it as my intro music (Phones666, get it? XD) Love the laugh as well. Probably would've rated it lower if it haven't had the 666 part in it. 8/10 MY SWEET BLACK - I like it! Really badass. I love it how I can better hear the details. PSC has nothing changed about their style, the only change is the difference in quality. Chorus could've been a bit better than it was, but still good. 9/10 more Deep - Love the backing screams. I think this is a good song, I love the solo. Screams were good, but I don't like it is as much as MY SWEET BLACK. Probably because after the first listen I only remembered that there was screamo in the chorus. 8/10 ???? - A slower song. First it was kind of boring me, but after a few more listens I really started to like it. Chorus could have been better. 7.5/10 ?? °? - A rather short song, I see. I like the intro. It' makes me want to jump for some reason. The bass is really enjoyable in this song. Too bad it's so short. 8/10 Overall rating: 8/10 BORN did a really good job with this mini-album in my opinion. I'm looking forward to their new mini-album next month!
  12. sai

    Gotta admit, Royal Order was really good. Alot they released was very good. Let's just hope EROS will be the only attempt at a jazzy song. Hopefully the B-sides are better.
  13. sai

    They had some really good releases when Bou was still in the band, but after Takuya and Yuki joined it were only a few songs. I didn't get the point of adding Yuki to the band. Sure they used some keyboard before, but I don't like him, honestly. Only song with the current line up I really like is Kakusei Heroism. Though BondS Kizuna is the best song they ever made.
  14. sai

    I think you should put this question in the Sadie thread.
  15. sai

    They were better once? I didn't like their latest stuff to be honest. Someone recommended them to me.
  16. sai

    I wtf'd on the title XD
  17. sai

    Be sure to have fun here ^^ Love your avatar and sig btw, it's funny XD
  18. sai

    I understand your point, and you're right, there are alot of people here who don't listen non-Japanese music that much. I think putting the reviews in the artist thread is the best solution
  19. sai

    Thank you! ^^ (I feel loved)
  20. Yeah, I started this topic on taintedworld.net, and after being too lazy to do it I re-opened it on here XD. My superband is: Vocals: Asagi (D) Guitar: Shinji (SID) Guitar: TERU (Versailles) Bass: Saga (Alice Nine.) Drums: Nero (MERRY) All of these were picked for both their playing skills as their composing skills.
  21. sai

    Gotta be honest here. SCREW and LM.C What's so great about LM.C?
  22. Can't wait! I <3 Matenrou Opera! ANOMIE was great!
  23. sai

    Lol first ayabie, then Vanilla. If LM.C disbands after this then my list will be complete. Not to be mean, alot of people like LM.C , but the fanbase is just annoying. XD
  24. sai

    Maybe I missed it (prob XD) But I suggest a Review subforum for non-asian releases.
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