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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Welcome to TW 8D *must.not.troll* Lol jk, hope you have fun here ^^
  2. sai

    Just because a band has joined PSC doesn't make them bad. Think of the many good bands PSC has.
  3. sai

    I had the some prob. Next to the fact that when I want to upload a new avatar , even if it has the right size, it won´t upload it . Maybe it´s because i´m on a different computer though... Never mind, it´s changed, though Firefox won´t show it
  4. sai

    Oh please let it be true!! I´ve seen them live in July and it was absolutely amazing. Btw, I have to pay 1 euro for 10 minutes here XD And msn and mail don´t work, but Tainted World does O__O
  5. sai

    Agreed. Lacuna Coil is so much better than Evanescence. They are one of my fav. non-japanese bands. The best Italy has ever given us is this band.
  6. sai

    Used to love them before I found VK. The guitar sounds so weak compared to VK stuff. First I loved the old Nightwish, because I loved Tarja's voice. Now I don't have a preference, though when I listen to Nightwish (what's very often) I usually listen to their more recent songs. Saw them in concert too, that was pretty cool. Still, their keyboard guy creeps me out
  7. sai

    Don't know if what I listen is new or old XD My fav. song is Falling Down.
  8. I'll won't be able to visit TW the following 2 weeks since I'll be going on holiday to Spain! They don't have wi-fi in the hotel, but they do have an internet cafe (1 euro for half an hour). That way I also can't pick up the latest releases D: See you in 2 weeks!
  9. sai

    Nice 8D Too bad their latest single still isn't up yet D:
  10. sai

    I love Lady GaGa 8D She's the only artist who's popular now that I listen too. She's so strange and unique, and all of her songs are really catchy.
  11. sai

    Shinya from Dir en grey, Sjuk from DELUHI, Ryo from Girugamesh, Yuki from Versailles and Hiroki from D. And that dude from FLOW
  12. sai

    I really enjoyed Frontier, actually. Departure too. And the whole Yggdalive mini-album, and the Two Hurt single. HYBRID TRUTH started to bore me after a while
  13. sai

    I was kind of disappointed too. Maybe because I never really enjoyed Juka's vocals. Though I find it a surprise they aren't signed to the Sherow Artist Society
  14. I've started my guitar lessons recently, and it would be great to learn how to play a J-Rock song. Can someone recommend me a song with some easier riffs that I could try playing? Up until now I've only played the first riffs of Wake me up when September Ends by Green Day. Thanks in advance!
  15. sai

    This. If they did, they probably would've released something solid in the last 2,3 years.
  16. I though I'd review the last maxi-single by HIGH&MIGHTY COLOR. Although I've always preferred the stuff they made when Maki was still their vocalist, I still gave their new stuff a listen. Re:ache - A ballad, as I expected. Honestly, it's really boring me. The vocals sound weak, unimpressive and uncreative. Like I said, I've always preferred Maki over Halca, but I won't brag about that here. The solo is good, but it sounds like I've heard it before. Certainly one of the worst songs I've heard by them. And this is supposed to be their final single? I still have hope for the b-sides. 4/10 night light parade - The male vocalist (can't really remember his name) kicks off immediately with his usual rapping (which I LOVE), but this time it sounded a bit disappointing. I'm not really enjoying the vocals. They are better than in the previous song though. They get better throughout the chorus, which is OK, but everything else is just boring me. Halca yelling "YEAH" in the background doesn't make it any better. Screaming was OK, but totally unnecessary, they didn't add anything to the song. 5/10 day dreaming - Nice bass in the beginning, and the intro sounds OK, perhaps a little weak, but still good. I've been hating on the vocals up until now, and I won't stop doing that for this song either. I don't know if this was also on their latest album (haven't listened it in ages) but her vocals sound really boring and uncreative. They get better throughout the song, but once you think she's going to give everything she's got, she doesn't. Solo was ok, but also rather disappointing. 5.5/10 RED (live) - Is this really live? It sounds like it's recorded. IF this is live, then Halca's vocals are way better live than on the albums. I never really liked this song from the start, but compared to the other songs on this single it's OK. I prefer the rapping and the screamo in this song compared to the other three. Screaming at the end was horrible though. I guess I'll give this one a 6.5/10 Overall rating: 5/10 As their last release I expected something much better. They really disappointed me, and I guess I won't be the only one who is disappointed. If they would've continued making stuff like this maybe it's better they disbanded. Condolences to the people who bought this.
  17. sai

    Thanks XD Lol @ Yami Yori. Never thought Asagi was a Phantom of the Opera fan.Though I knew he loved literature.
  18. sai

    Thanks, I'll give that one a try as soon as I can reach the DVD's (mom's cleaning upstairs)
  19. sai

    Yeah, he told us about that (I was there at the 7th of July), at least what I could understand of it. Though his English was pretty good! Suddenly the conv. was about Holy Grails and I couldn't surpress a grin because I thought of Monty Python XDD And about that festival thing, he said it was here in Cologne on the 7th of July but I didn't know there was actually some sort of fest :-/
  20. Well I finished downloading and joining the parts for this concert DVD yesterday, and now I'd like to put it on a DVD. Problem is, the file is .avi. Do I need to convert it to .dvd or can I also put it on a dvd in the original .avi format? Thanks in advance 8D (I've never downloaded a DVD before >.<)
  21. sai

    1st Period and 2nd Period XD And yeah, I always thought that SADS was some kind of shortcut for some deadly disease :-/ Shuffle from my iPod: Aqua Timez Atreyu Lacuna Coil (how do you think something like this up?) UVERworld
  22. DELUHI RENTRER EN SOI dolore SINCE1889 ????? Megaromania Jinkaku Radio Lancer Bee Kalimero SWEET MADONNA Nightmare
  23. sai

    Just ate there today XD
  24. sai

    RENTRER EN SOI - Shinwa the GazettE - Chizuru Alice Nine. - Mugen -electric eden- Versailles - Serenade Kagrra, - Utakata abingdon boys school - Nephilim D - Kuon I sound like a cry-baby XD
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