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  1. Like
    Seimeisen got a reaction from suji in Plastic Tree new album「doorAdore」release   
    Fire up your proxies, everyone! Preview of the live DVDs
    Yeah, I don't think I'll be buying either limited edition. I do hope the TYPE B DVD leaks, I just wanna see the live version of Sabbath (though I'm sure it won't sound as good as the studio version), I really wish they included that song in the preview vid. I keep forgetting that I don't like how this band sounds live (especially Ryuutarou). :/
  2. Like
    Seimeisen got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in Plastic Tree new album「doorAdore」release   
    Fire up your proxies, everyone! Preview of the live DVDs
    Yeah, I don't think I'll be buying either limited edition. I do hope the TYPE B DVD leaks, I just wanna see the live version of Sabbath (though I'm sure it won't sound as good as the studio version), I really wish they included that song in the preview vid. I keep forgetting that I don't like how this band sounds live (especially Ryuutarou). :/
  3. Like
    Seimeisen got a reaction from emmny in DIR EN GREY new single "人間を被る" (Ningen wo Kaburu) release   
    I wonder how embarrassing the b-sides are gonna be
  4. Like
    Seimeisen got a reaction from togz in 凛として時雨(Ling Tosite Sigure) new album 「#5」 release   
    Previews are also on their OHP, and they aren't on evil ShitTube, so no proxies needed: http://www.sigure.jp/sigure15/
    - Ultra Overcorrection is a Telecaster sequel
    - Digging Tornado Minority and High Energy Vacuum
    - ten to ten and Serial Number Of Turbo are meh
    I can see this album growing on me over time
  5. Like
    Seimeisen got a reaction from CAT5 in 凛として時雨(Ling Tosite Sigure) new album 「#5」 release   
    Previews are also on their OHP, and they aren't on evil ShitTube, so no proxies needed: http://www.sigure.jp/sigure15/
    - Ultra Overcorrection is a Telecaster sequel
    - Digging Tornado Minority and High Energy Vacuum
    - ten to ten and Serial Number Of Turbo are meh
    I can see this album growing on me over time
  6. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to Saishu in DIR EN GREY new single "人間を被る" (Ningen wo Kaburu) release   
    Thinking the same thing. We’ll probably get another slightly altered Arche track and a burps and farts remix of Utafumi. 
  7. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to Tokage in DIR EN GREY new single "人間を被る" (Ningen wo Kaburu) release   
    finally the dir en grey thread will have something to discuss again
  8. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to Wicked Teletubby in DIR EN GREY new single "人間を被る" (Ningen wo Kaburu) release   
    wow. two singles in two years. productivity!
  9. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to Saishu in sukekiyo   
    Adoratio and the full Anima single are now up on US iTunes. 
    Lol and for some reason you can’t buy Hakudaku by itself. 
  10. Thanks
    Seimeisen reacted to WhirlingBlack in Dir en grey   
    You are solely responsible for the situation that occured. 

    You constantly try to bait other members into arguments by making unsubstantiated "edgy"/inflammatory claims and then when someone calls you out on argumentative fallacies whenever you try to tread beyond the purely subjective, you either create straw men to fight against or whine about the "tone" in the discussion, a tone you very much set the standard for when needlessly attacking other members on their subjective taste, like or dislike of a certain song. 

    Not only do you monopolize threads and antagonize people who don't agree with you, when you're done digging your own grave you have the nerve to call me out for not throwing you a rope and dragging you out of it.
    There's a reason why the reply got so many likes, perhaps you should reflect on your own actions on this forum a bit and how you present yourself here. Making a new account isn't much use when you keep falling back into the same patterns.
    Finally, don't tell me how I should and shouldn't do my job. The team keeps an eye on all threads and we don't take kindly to being told by others what actions to take. If you have a problem, use the report function or PM one of us.
  11. Thanks
    Seimeisen reacted to Zeus in Dir en grey   
    Can people just like what they like instead of trying to call each other out with faux-musical knowledge and passive aggressive statements deriding the musical taste of another? It doesn't matter if one person likes "The Inferno" and the other person does not. We're not all going to like the same things! That's fine! Dir en grey has been around for twenty years and if they retread some old steps or make some songs you aren't going to like, you can live with it.

    And don't call out mods to "do their jobs" when we're watching this thread constantly for the actions of three of you. Just because we don't say anything to you doesn't mean we aren't aware. Don't dig yourself a hole you can't climb out of.
  12. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to geist in Dir en grey   
    Which legitimately no one said. I don’t know why The Inferno, or new Dir en grey material in general, triggers you as much as it does. 
    It literally set you off into being a passive aggressive asshole out of nowhere when I commented on how much I enjoy the song. 
    I get it, you’re upset I corrected you in our conversation a few days ago and this was your chance to get back at me, but please try to act less petty, ESPECIALLY when you evidently don’t know a single thing about music and the only term you remotely know is “motif” to make up for your lack of musical vocabulary. 
  13. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to geist in Dir en grey   
    Don’t forget! They also both contain musical notes! Fuckin self-plagiarists!!!
  14. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to Alkaloid in R指定 (R-Shitei) new double A-side single "規制虫 (Kiseichuu)/-ZANGE-" release   
    R指定 (R-Shitei) new double A-side single "規制虫 (Kiseichuu)/-ZANGE-" will be released at 2018/3/14 (2 TYPE)
    New look 規制虫 (Kiseichuu) ver.

    New look -ZANGE- ver.

  15. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to itsukoii in Your last music-related buy!   
    dogmatic 15-16 final, limited editon. man was this thing worth every penny!
  16. Daria
    Seimeisen reacted to Pretsy in the GazettE   
    That is not how you pronounce "REMEMBER THE URGE"
    Chijou was quite dull and CLEVER MONKEY was one of their most embarrassing efforts ever. I don't get all the hate over FADELESS B-sides like "Forbidden Beaver", which in spite of its title was a neat no-joke-legit-song. And AOI song to say the least!
  17. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to The Moon in random thoughts thread   
    my name is danny & i stan ryouhei-era ayabie in 2018 ama 
  18. Thanks
    Seimeisen reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
    Best answer to all these questions is “because Kyo fucking felt like it”.
  19. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to itsukoii in the GazettE   
    i'd be quite happy with a dogma 2.0 tbh
  20. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to CAT5 in the GazettE   
    Indeed. Let's stay on topic, guys.
    edit: take this convo elsewhere - any posts continuing it here will be removed, thanks.
  21. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to Chi in random thoughts thread   
  22. wow
    Seimeisen reacted to The Moon in What have you got your special someone for Valentines Day?   
    tide pods 
  23. Thanks
    Seimeisen reacted to emmny in Ray (ex-Nega~Dead Children) will retire --> will unretire + session bands will perform   
    why did nega have to hate each other they made SUCH good music !!!
  24. Like
    Seimeisen got a reaction from Mamo in R-shitei new single 毒廻る (Doku Mawaru) release   
    Uncensored PV leaked on jps, and yeah that ^ is pretty much what happens during the mosaic parts. The boyfriend coughs up blood, goes down, the mother and daughter are just like, "welp okay then," mother chops up body, rips out guts/entrails and throws them in a bucket, daughter puts entrails in a blender, mixes it all up, and pours the mix into water bottles, yeah, fucked up shit right here
  25. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to The Moon in Royz Fifth Full Album "WORLD IS MINE" Release   
    sis literally every member of this band is crawling with stds. 
    love urself.
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