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Posts posted by Seimeisen

  1. 3 hours ago, Saishu said:

    everything has sounded the same post DSS

    Exactly! I didn't mind the sound/production of THE UNRAVELING because it was like a 'cleaner' DSS. ARCHE sounded too much like UNRAVELING but even more compressed, so I wasn't pleased. And if these two singles indicate anything, it's that we're in for an ARCHE II. I like 人間を被る as an ARCHE/UNRAVELING leftover, but I hope the album version is different, and I hope my "ARCHE II" prediction is false.

  2. Looking forward to hearing the rest of 人間を被る, I don't mind the Un deux vibes.


    I am very relieved to say that I recognise Ash; it appears they did not tsumi to batsu that song!


    Whoever told them it was a good idea to include that live recording of 詩踏み lied. This band has been lied to. If they were really so pressed to fulfil some three track quota, they could have just re-recorded another song.

  3. 4 hours ago, heresytrash said:

    I'm worried about what will happen, especially since Ruki tweeted last night about something with Apple and LP. Not sure what it said, but it might effect album sales?

    The Forbes article he was tweeting about had to do with iTunes discontinuing their “iTunes LP” feature that barely anyone utilised; it was Apple’s attempt to make the digital music experience more interactive. RUKI went on to mourn the decline of the CD format. He’s worried about the future of music packaging because he’s clearly never heard of something called vinyl!

  4. I guess I'm gonna stay for season 10

    Bullet points for this episode:

    • some of these contestants are cuuuuute
    • I don't have any favourites yet
    • I wanted Kalorie to get the chop this episode, I don't really dig her, plus she's doing the whole Kardashian thing which...... ick
    • I'm also not into Aquaria, she seems really annoying
    • There's too many people to keep track of, I've forgotten at least half the contestants' names

  5. 39 minutes ago, The Reverend said:

    Also worth noting:


    As of earlier this month they have a bunch of stuff (Limited Collection & The Beautiful World Never Dies included) on Spotify. Sweet!

    Also on iTunes, and this includes DEFINITE PROMISE which never leaked. The files were transcoded from MP3s, so buyer beware if you're not on Spotify

  6. 51 minutes ago, Manji 卍 said:

    i liked zange,but most of their late stuff sounds too polished for my taste

    am i the only who miss the "rawness" of ningen shikakku and nihonchinbotsu?

    Nope, I miss it too! As much as I love 毒廻る, I think it would have benefitted from a more raw production quality. I actually hate how they've been producing their music the past several years. This over-polished production goes back to アイアムメンヘラ, and I don't see it changing anytime soon. :/

  7. 23 minutes ago, Saishu said:

    Because Traces Vol 2 was a quick cash grab, so they just let Uruha or whoever sit behind the mixing board and pretend they knew what they were doing. I still want confirmation that Kai actually played on those re-recordings. 

    And I vaguely remember reading an interview where AOI (or maybe URUHA) mentioned wasting a lot of money on some expensive guitar, and I'm just like "BITCH! What's the point of getting a different guitar if production sounds like garbage? You could have spent that money to hire a producer/mastering-engineer/mixing-engineer/all-of-the-above who actually knows what the fuck they're doing!!"

  8. I am glad Trixie won, I'm guessing most people here (and people I follow on Twitter) aren't, but she should have been lip-syncing with Shangela. The fact that she didn't make it to the top two was the only twist this season. But whatever, what matters is that BeBe didn't win haha, she was the only one I actively rooted against in the end.


    Not sure if I'm gonna watch season 10. I might consider watching the premier episode, but "might" is the key word here.

  9. NOOO, these guys were supposed to be the second-wave Tokami. What the fuck do these idiots think they're doing? If they come back as a new band, they better not join Starwave again, but they probably will because they're that fucking stupid


    Tokami should just revive permanently and join a new label, they just started doing great before Kiwamu murdered them. Coincidence, I think not


    If Google Translate isn't lying, they all say at one point or another "it's not due to personal reasons or creative differences"

  10. 26 minutes ago, platy said:

    "I never told you what I do for a living" is the perfect kind of angst 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 my fucking jam

    I fucking loved that song; I still remember it, and it's been getting stuck in my head lately, I need to go back to it. I consider it a very important song that began shaping my music tastes then and now. I haven't listened to that band in ages!

  11. 14 minutes ago, Ozileras10 said:

    Also I wonder If this is going to be the only Pv for the album or not? Dogma had 3

    As of now, probably. Every music video for DOGMA was included on the deluxe edition. Each DVD/BD version of NINTH only has one music video.

  12. 2 hours ago, SakuraFox512 said:

    And, while this isn't particularly important, does anybody know if there's a video of Pura mentioning "遠国", or maybe a broadcast where the title was mentioned anywhere? Written sources from the English-speaking side of things don't seem to settle on whether the reading is "Ongoku" or "Engoku"

    Booklet romanised 遠国 as ENGOKU, and also romanised エクジステンシャリズム as Existentialisme (but I went with Ecsistentialism anyway).


    I wouldn't say they pulled a Träumerei with the singles, since they didn't re-record them or re-arrange them in a different key, but there are some changes:

    ・雨中遊泳 was remixed: it's muddier, giving it a more 'rainy' atmosphere, and there's the sound of rain sample in the beginning

    ・Silent Noise has some studio noise in the beginning

    ・念力 has some extra fade-in sound effects in the beginning

    ・静かの海's drum intro is compressed

  13. 30 minutes ago, SakuraFox512 said:

    are we sure that Pura, being Pura, weren't going for a portmanteau of the words "Ecstasy" and "Existentialism"? Just my first thought when seeing the title. A glance at the lyrics might help. God only knows how you'd have to romanize that, though.

    Ecstastentialism? Ecsistentialism?

  14. 5 hours ago, Manji 卍 said:

    they should take a break with the releases for like one year.

    As if their label would allow them to do such a thing. Ha. I'll rant about BP Records some other time, though...


    Judging by the previews, the song is not good enough to be a single and the b-sides are bland. It's not so much that the compositions bore me, or that I don't like the idea of the traditional synth, but they just drown all their music in synth nowadays, it's overkill! They need to go light on the background synth stuff and focus on the instruments that they claim to actually play. They did a much better job achieving a balancing of actual music and synth until a few years ago.


    Maybe I'll grow to really like 春時雨 when it surfaces on an album, but in the mean time, I'm skipping it. Let's just see what コドモドラゴン and Royz have to offer this month...

  15. I say グリーヴァ as well. Although for me, I thought they started going downhill with 終焉; the title track is their most incredible song, but everything else sounded kinda ... average. Pretty much everything they released post-終焉 just sounded like leftovers, and some even sounded like straight-up rehashes of alkaloid. There are a few songs here and there that I like from 2014 and on, but nothing they ever did after 鬼ト影 lived up to it, which is a strange thing to say about a compilation of blatant rip-offs.


    As for bands that haven't disbanded: NoGoD. They started a change for worse with 欠片, which I liked and still do, but they kept going with that sound, and have been going sort of up and down. 欠片 was good, 現実 was average, V was decent, Make A New World was garbage, Renovate was great the first them then average the second, proof was poop. They should either renovate their sound for real, or just call it quits.



    Silent Noise is most likely to be the weakest track on the album, while I'm sure it'll grow on me in the context of the album, I think they should have used Synchro instead (they're both pretty much the same, but IMO Synchro is better).

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