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Posts posted by Seimeisen

  1. 反芻 sounds really good, and so does the title track preview! On both of these songs, production sounds much better, they seem to be toning down the background "instruments," and the guitar melodies are in the forefront as they should be. For most of the singles on this album, I really hated how the synth arrangements dominated the songs and guitars were mostly in the background, sometimes inaudible. These videos though, they're giving me hope that this will be a solid album.


    I'm not expecting it, but I really hope they remix the singles, maybe even re-record a few, especially 月下美人. But I wouldn't hold my breath, re-recording singles for an album does not appear to be in the BP Records formula. But if they want this album to feel like an album that flows nicely and not just a last minute compilation with a mini-album thrown in, they'll have to make adjustments to the older songs!

  2. Here's the tracklist (kanji readings are speculative)

    01. 吊 (Tsurushi; Hanging)
    02. 無垢 (Muku; Purity)
    03. 朧月夜 (Oborotzuki-yo; Hazy Night)
    04. 歪* (Ibitsu; Distortion)
    05. 反芻 (Hansuu; Rumination)
    06. 転生輪廻 (Tenshou Rinne; The Circle Of Transmigration)
    07. 私ハ傀儡、猿轡ノ人形 (Watashi Wa Kairai, Sarugutsuwa no Ningyou; I'm A Puppet, A Gagged-up Doll)
    08. 婆娑羅* (Basara; Self-Indulgence)
    09. 野箆坊 (Nopperabou; Perfectly Flat)
    10. 月下美人 (Gekkabijin; Cereus Of Night)
    11. 春時雨 (Harushigure; April Showers)
    12. 情ノ華 (Jou No Ka; Flower Of Feels)
    13. 黒闇ニ惑ウ絵空事 (Kuroyami Ni Madou Esoragoto; Perplexing Pipe Dreams In The Blackness)


    *TYPE C bonus track


    This album includes SIX singles, only five to seven songs are new! Also, I'm surprised they didn't make up any words for track titles, that used to be their thing





    81X-RSRppaL.jpg    81IUivngrtL.jpg


    TYPE A - bottom left

    TYPE B - bottom right

    TYPE C - top

  3. 10 hours ago, Ro plz said:

    Mejibray...its been a minute since they announced anything new.

    Uhh, the band is officially on "hiatus" but it's one of those hiatuses that they'll probably never return from like 12012 or Sadie. As far as anyone's concerned, MEJIBRAY is dead. Koichi and Tsuzuku left because of contract whatevers and turned into j-pop fuccbois who are basically exiled from the Japanese entertainment industry.

  4. 2 minutes ago, nullmoon said:

    Unpopular opinion: I think I'm the only person here who isn't blown away by the new album. Maybe it'll take more listens but barely any of the tracks are grabbing me at the moment. [...]


    Ranunculus is the stand out track to me. 赫, Followers, and 谿壑の欲 interested me the most I think. The rest just washed over me.

    I actually agree. I'm not expecting to be blown away, but 詩踏み set my expectations very low, so I think I'm just really excited 'cause nothing I've heard yet sucks. I think I'm more excited to hear the re-recordings though, so I'm still waiting impatiently over here... *tries to remember how long it took ARCHE DISC 2 to leak*

  5. I'm digging that artwork and now I'm really considering buying a copy!


    I never commented on the samples. Most looking forward to 軽蔑と始まり, Downfall, Followers, and 谿壑の欲. I am totally falling in love with Ranunculus; I still don't understand why they named a song like that with a PV like that after a buttercup flower. I might be able to tolerate the album version of 歌踏み; kyo's gibberish fribble-fribble is less comical.


    Holy Fucking Hell, the re-recordings of 鬼眼 and 理由 are going to be incredible!

  6. コドモドラゴン (CODOMO DRAGON) will be releasing a their 6th single since WOLFMAN, "想葬" (Sousou), on November 7th. As per the exhausting BP routine, the single will be released in four types, submit all obi strips to get a tour pamphlet, they'll do a one month tour for the single (from November 10th to December 16th), and play a tour final on January 9th, 2019. Maybe at that show, they'll announce an album...




    I dig the look tho

  7. 8 hours ago, The Piass said:


    Disc 1 :

    M5.銀の月 黒い星※Single”F+IX=YOU”収録


    Disc 2 :

    M6.the beautiful name
    M8.Le Grand Bleu
    M10.GEMINI-I-the void
    M11.GEMINI-II-the luv



    I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I prefer re-recordings over new music from Alice Nine. Their compositions suck these days, I don't care for anything from PLANET NINE, and IDEAL was just okay. But their sound/production/instrumentation have improved greatly, and Shou's vocals are so much better than they were in 2006 (compare the album version of jellyfish to the 2014 re-recording).


    On the other hand, I would have preferred a different selection of songs. The only ones I'm really looking forward to here are Time Machine, Gradation, 光環 and Velvet. I'm somewhat curious about Dice, CROSS GAME, and GEMINI. The rest of the tracklist I'm not that interested in. I would have preferred that they just focus on material from 2004-2006... or to re-record everything pre-GEMINI.

  8. I was ready to hate this album, but after giving it a listen, it's okay. I will admit that I'm pressed to like this album because I absolutely love 沈黙 and おやすみ. My problem is not because the songs are soft or "pop" (they've done soft songs in the past and have done it well), or that there's no more screaming; my problem is the compositions. A handful of songs on this album start out promising, but then we get to the chorus and I completely lose interest, examples include 蝶々 and insomnia. I absolutely loathe insomnia just for its chorus. I thought I was going to hate オレンジの詩, but I actually like it, even though it's a throwback to DAMY's 雨音, which is a throwback to Plastic Tree's Melancholic. I liked Hello the first few times I heard it on 撲殺ヒーロー, but in the context of the album, it does not interest me. Since I'm such a tracklist critic, I wonder if 幸福のメロディー would have been a better choice for track 6.


    When it comes to albums, I'm usually all-or-nothing, but with "TODAY," there are a few tracks that are worth saving and a few that aren't.


    Another reason I'm not too devastated by DEZERT going soft is because DAMY exists.

  9. 9 minutes ago, suji said:

    I found it here but the songs are translated for whatever reason....

    Only half the songs are translated. Why do people do this

    Doesn't matter though, I'm not taking this whole album, just "Silence" and "Frogs, Bats, & Machine Guns"


    But honestly, if it's not original kanji, I'd take English translation over Romaji any day if it's done right


    $14.19 is bullshit for an 11-track album that's mostly gonna suck. $1.29/song is the norm now, but full albums should usually be $10

  10. We don't need this album. They should have just nationwide re-issued おはよう with 蛙とバットと機関銃 as a b-side, and おやすみ c/w 沈黙 (or just put all four of them on one maxi-single). I have no interest in the other songs.

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