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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. 47 minutes ago, Masato said:

    All the sick self harm and anorexia pictures/tweets floating around on jap. Bangya twitter are toxic and not nice. 

    Mamo posting these fanletter notebooks written with blood.....


    Stop it guys, respect yourselves!

    That’s horrible. Pro Ana fourms make me really sick and depressed. It’s not healthy.


    Also. whats Bangya?

  2. 6 minutes ago, sixblacknine said:

    person in the dir fandom using that song as their screen name

    originally from livejournal days but now on tumblr, v toxic, harasses/argues with everyone who disagrees with her

    has an incredibly unhealthy obsession with Kyo, no one knows him as well as she does!!!!! 

    Sound like a nightmare. I can imagine Kyo himself just finding that person. Like, I love Kyo and all, but I’m not like obsessed with him. Is she still around? 


    EDIT: And she HAD to use one of my favourite Diru songs for her cringy antics.

  3. Coming from someone who’s a huge fan of both Diru and The Gazette, the whole beef is stupid.


    I’ve never experienced it my self, but the beauty about liking both bands is that they have something unique about them honestly. I’d say that The Gazette was at least influenced by Diru.



  4. 25 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    "You're not a real fan unless you've listened to VK for x amount of years", or "unless you've listened to x amount of bands". I fucking hate that. How are they gonna listen to VK for x amount of years or listen to x amount of bands if you try to kick 'em out of the fandom? For the first example, by the time they come back after the specified number of years, they're not gonna know anything new because they left due to peer pressure, so they may as well have just stayed.

    I only got into VK since October of last year. If anyone with that kind of attitude found out, they'd be quaking

  5. So we all know X Japan right? The pioneers that brought the Visual Kei scene to where it is now. You can't deny the influence that they had.


    I wanted to ask some questions about them so here I go:


    1) Do you like X Japan?

    2) Do you think they get a lot of undeserved hate around the VK community?

    3) Opinion on Yoshiki?

    4) Do you think they are overrated? If so why?

    5) Is the love for X Japan deserved? Why or why not?

    6) Hide or Sugizo?


    That is all! 

    DISCLAIMER: Please keep this thread respectful. No hate comments or bashing of others is allowed. Respect peoples opinions, please


    My Answers:

    1) Definitely, They were one of the first VK bands I ever listened to so they have a place in my heart

    2) Yes

    3) I admire him as a person and as a musician. Call me a dickrider all you want, but I like the guy. One of my favorite drummers. 

    4) I'll admit and say that they are definitely overrated. Not in the sense of like "they just suck" but more of a "there are more bands than X Japan" kind of overrated. I will still recommend people Silent Jealousy mainly because it's one of my all-time favorite songs. 

    5) If your an X Japan fan yes. If not then no

    6) Both. Hide is one of my all-time favorite artists and has inspired me as a person. Sugizo is amazing not only because of his works towards charity and humanitarian causes, but he does some sick stuff on the guitar. Luna Sea is also one of my favorite bands and Sugizo is both amazing in Luna Sea and in X Japan


    Sidenote: I know I'm gonna get a lot of stuff saying that "Oh how can Hide inspire you if you weren't alive?". First off, I think anyone can inspire anyone, dead or alive and second, he just speaks to me. I was always that person who hated being controlled and the many quotes that Hide said basically told me to screw what people told me and be yourself. He just spoke to me and I always liked that. I know it sounds cliche, but you probably get the idea. 

  6. I can't think of anything else other than the fact that if I say I like X Japan or any other mainstream VK band like Diru or The Gazette I will be labeled a "fake VK fan" or whatever.


    EDIT: Oh, and when people say stuff like:


    "What is this VK faggot shit? Why don't the dress up like REAL metalheads like SLAYER!!???"






    I mean, Ruki is hot and all but chill the f out bro

  7. 1. Definitely

    2.  I'll admit and say I was a little bit offended by it, especially when I found out that was a thing. Then again, I listen to bands where they burn the bible and have Anti-Christian messages so I got over it. When I show this kind of stuff to my friends it usually gets a wide-eyed stare or a WTF kind of reaction but I won't get angry if they are offended by it.  

    3.  Definitely used to be edgier. Same thing with western bands using satanic imagery

    4.  Depends on how it's used. If the whole band is screaming Nazi propaganda and promoting actual Nazi beliefs, then that's a no-no. If it's just for show then so be it. 


    In short, I really don't care but for bands doing this, I would be careful as this kind of stuff isn't really the best thing to do. As someone who's been wanting to dress up in the VK style for a while now, I would NEVER do this. I will admit, when I saw Die wearing the Nazi uniform I was like "Seriously man? I just found your band and THIS is what I have to see?". I'm just glad that most bands don't do this anymore. Well, except for that Silent Terror band or whatever they're called. 



  8. 1 minute ago, colorful人生 said:

    義の空気 -> Righteous Air -> Yoshi no Kuuki -> Yoshi's Cookie

    If I had a better grasp of Kanji, I would totally go the Japanese pun route. Take some egregiously "deep" name that sounds hilarious when spoken.

    "What's your favorite band? "


    "It's this sick ass band from Japan called Yoshi's Cookie"





  9. I would name my band Hi Steryia or some cool sounding name like Nymphomania XD


    EDIT: Maybe something like La:Maria or Angel Eden would be dope. I would have a name in German because German and Japanese are awesome together. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Naaaaani said:

    like most of the lefties in this world

    Hey, no need to generalize anyone with that kind of mindset.  Liberals and Conservatives alike are still people and you don't need to be all "Hur dee dur LIBTARDS" about it. I'm tired of seeing people calling left-leaning people "snowflakes" or just saying that there offended to everything. Ya know it's ok to be offended? It's a normal response. 


    4 minutes ago, Naaaaani said:

    He is a greedy egomaniac

    Ugh, whatever. Tired of seeing people shit on this guy. I could defend him all day but I'm not gonna even start a riot in here. 

  11. Kisaki. He's not the worst bassist ever and I do enjoy Syndrome and Phantasmagoria. However as a person...yeah.

    Also Kyuhoo from Madman's Esprit. I absolutely love his voice and the music but he acts like a 14-year-old edgelord half the time. It's annoying. Although I do congratulate him for flipping off some homophobic protestors lol.

  12. Probably Virgin by existtrace and Macabre by Dir En Grey.


    Virgin because I absolutely love Jyou’s vocals and the guitars on this album are amazing. I’m suprised to see that this band rarely gets any mentions and Virgin is one of my favourite and one of the most underrated VK albums.


    Macabre because I love the extreme change in style this album had right after Gauze. I was surprised to hear how more experimental and progressive this album was compared to Gauze. I actually disliked this album at first, but now I consider it to be Diru’s most unappreciated and underrated albums. 

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