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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. 20 minutes ago, monkeybanana4 said:

    There's this thread/post that talks about some interesting things related to the RES band and the singer of RES (Satsuki):



    The only thing that stood out was him shit talking Diru and him messaging underage fans and him and abortions. Other than that, he seems like an ass

  2. Many people in the entertainment industry have done many shitty and awful things. From murder to sex scandals, it has it all. Visual Kei is full of drama, ranging from tax evasion, scandals with label's. sex scandals, and many more. 


    So like always, many fans of artists who have committed such crimes always have a hard time coming to terms with their favorite artists actions, As such, many people have started to separate the art from the artist. This has always been a defense of people who are still fans of many controversial artists. This does not go for music but in many other forms of entertainment as well. I think mostly everyone has done this, myself included, mostly with Kisaki. 


    So as for questions:


    1. What artists do you separate their art from their actions?


    2. Is it a legitimate argument?


    3. Do you think that one persons actions should generalize a whole band? (Ex. Kisaki and Phantasmagoria or any of his past bands)


    EDIT: Just to clarify, I do NOT support Kisaki. He has done tons of shitty things and I absolutly despise him as a person. I'm on the whole "like them as a musician, hate the person"  


    EDIT 2: Geez, this did not go well

  3. I’m still surprised this guy is still around.


    Honestly, I still have a love hate relationship with Kisaki, despite my furious hate for this fucking asshat. One one hand, he has been in some of my favourite bands and he’s a DECENT bass player. On the other hand, he has done soooo much damage to himself and to others.


    I’m still on the fence of innocent till proven guilty, but with all available evidence, it’s hard to say he’s innocent. 


    Even sometimes, I cannot separate the art from the artist when it comes to Kisaki. It’s hard not to think of his musical talent without thinking about his shitty attitude.


    I just hope Kisaki gets his ass beat in prison 

  4. 1 minute ago, redaudrey said:

    It’s real, it just looks weird because they had such different styles then haha

    Seriously? Haha it’s like looking at 90s era Diru and then looking at Present Day Diru. It’s like “wtf happened here”


    Speaking of which, everytime I show someone a picture of VK Diru and then show them of Diru today, they’re still not convinced it’s the same band lol.

  5. 9 hours ago, Himeaimichu said:

    Yeah Kyo and Kisaki hate each other, and Kisakis immature ass won't shut up about it still. As far as I know, he and Kaoru are still cool, but their beef was supposedly the reason La:Sadie's broke up (unless you believe the rumors that Kisaki stole Kyo's chick lmao)

    I actually did see a picture of Kaoru and Kisaki although I’m still not sure if it’s real cause it looks photoshopped as fuck


    Although maybe I’m just dumb XD

  6. 3 hours ago, God said:

    p much all of kyo’s outfits, tbh.  the way that man moves is unreal, the thing he does with his torso where it looks kinda like a snake?  😱😩

    In every old concert footage, that dude is eccentric as hell 

  7. 26 minutes ago, ambivalentideal said:

    hello!! that's amazing, I was just wondering how many new fans we have nowadays :') I'm really glad to see new people getting into the scene. oh yeah I totally will! If you're interested in older bands, especially bands from around 2007 to 2009, I am your guy haha. what kinds of bands are you into?

    Well my all time favourite VK band will always be Dir En Grey. Second would be The Gazette. Malice Mizer is up there as well.


    Many newer bands I have been getting to a lot such as Kizu, DADAROMA and DEVILOOF. I have been getting into a lot of 90s indie VK bands such as BAISER, Aliene Ma'Riage, D'elsquel and NOI'X.  Even some 2000s bands such as Sadie, An Cafe, Rentrer en Soi,  Megaromania and Phantasmagoria. I'm all game for many VK bands, old and new. I'm into the alternative rock, heavy metal, nu metal, progressive rock and pop rock genres so any bands that fit in those categories would be awesome!



  8. I'd say these uniforms Dir En Grey wore during their early days in 1997. Kyo looks hella hot especially in the Ash video. 






    Also Phantamasgoria looks really beautiful and I really think it fits the bands sound. Riku is probably the best looking one IMO








    EDIT: Also, Shinya dressed up as Audrey Hepburn. Just...wow. kiss me 



  9. One band I managed to find is a band called ALPHONSTEIN which lasted for a short while in 2001. They have only released one demo tape which can be seen here.

    The only info I found on the members was that four out of the five members were part of another short lived band called EricSia. The vocalist REIHA and guitarist REN are the only one's declared "retired" on the VK wiki. The rest of the band we have very little info on but it's likeley they also retired as they were not in any other band's after ALPHONSTEIN


    I'd be glad to know any more info on this band as I can't find a download link to their 2001 demo tape and only one song is known to exist which can be viewed here.

    EDIT: Just listened to their demo tape. It's alright

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