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Posts posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. 8 minutes ago, Bear said:

    Is it? Isn't Macabre pretty much universally loved among the fans, and generally considered a VK classic?



    It’s reputation is polarizing to say the least. It’s one of those albums where if you love it, you absolutely love it and if you hate it, you absolutely despise it.


    It’s the one that is usually disliked among TMOAB (that album is my least fav) and The Insulated World (Love this one tho). Most fans of the heavier stuff don’t like the old stuff. 

  2. Macabre by Dir En Grey takes the pick.


    Ask any Diru fan and they’ll say Macabre is their worst. I actually hated this album at first, but have grown to love it (To be fair, I like every Diru album so...lol). 


    It’s such a diverse album compared to Gauze and was even surprised that a lot of people don’t like it. It’s a lot more heavier and experimental, although I do think it’s hard for newer fans to get into. 

  3. Mine are:


    - Endless Rain - X JAPAN

    - ain't afraid to die - Dir En Grey

    - Akura no Oka - Dir En Grey

    - Reila - The GazettE

    - Romancia - LAREINE

    - Taiyou no Ao - Dir En Grey

    - The Last Song - X JAPAN

    - Love Song - Luna Sea

    - Gensoukyoku-eternal silence - Phantasmagoria 

  4. 5 hours ago, Himeaimichu said:

    I can't stand "Sipping on some syrup" though, because I absolutely hate the glorification of prescription drugs that has plagued Hip Hop

    True. I can’t stand shitty artists like XXXTENTACION (overrated and definitely does not deserve the praise he gets), Lil Pump, 6ix9ne, or any other goofy lookin “rapper.” Whenever people say they like them I’m just like “Ugh, find better music”. I try to ignore them though.


    I don’t necessarily hate the topic of drugs in songs as many are really good ( Lookin at you egnirys cimredopyh +) An Injection) as long as it’s done in an artistic or sarcastic manner. But if your just bragging about how much chicks or how much drugs you did, it’s fucking lazy, annoying and stupid.

    5 hours ago, Himeaimichu said:

    those guys who act like Nirvana ruined rock

    Oh trust me, I know a guy. To be fair, I honestly don’t like people who think that. It’s so annoying and honestly I feel like they have never heard a Nirvana song other than Teen Spirit. 


    5 hours ago, Himeaimichu said:

    I don't like the majority of Kpop

    Same. It’s annoying to hear about the new BTS song everyday from a bunch of annoying fans. I know someone who’s a fan of KPOP but we often jokingly make of fun of each other. I like to annoy her and say VK is superior in every way XD


    5 hours ago, Himeaimichu said:

     I absolutely hate most modern rap

    If you said ALL rap sucks, I would have been mad, but oh well. It’s cool if you don’t like rap! 😊


    While Hip Hop isn’t my top favourite genre of music, I enjoy listening to it from time to time. Granted, there are extremely shitty artists (Lookin at you 6ix9ne and Logic), but there are soooo many good artists out there. I got some recommendations here if you want:


    - Childish Gambino


    - Tyler The Creator


    - Brockhampton 


    - Kendrick Lamar


    - Kanye West 


    - Kids See Ghosts (the self titled album they put out is one of my favourite Hip Hop albums)


    You may have heard of some of them or have listened to their music, but there is so many good modern rappers out there. Just gotta find the right one! 

  5. Toshiya by far. He was just in the band longer. His bass playing is probably the most unique and the best in band I have ever seen. One of my favourite VK musicians.


    Kisaki on the other hand is honestly just generic. Listening to old La Sadies songs, his bass is, for a lack of a better term, boring. It does not have the kind of charm that bassists usually have. Every bass line he plays sounds the same honestly. Even though I do like some of his later bands like Syndrome and Phantasmagoria, I usually love the vocals and the guitars in those bands. While the bass in some of their songs can be ok, they’re nothing special. It’s different than Diru where I pretty much enjoy every members playing style


    I know I may seem biased but I was never a huge Kisaki fan. I’m sure you can guess why.

  6. 7 minutes ago, suji said:

    absolutely hating rap

    My 14-year-old edgelord phase was exactly like that. Hating rap and everything mainstream.


    Next thing you know, I'm enjoying Kendrick, Gambino, and Kanye. Legit tho, MBDTF is amazing. Hell, I even got around to listening to some artists my friends showed me. 


    Eh, I don't hate mainstream pop honestly, it just gets tiring after hearing it on the radio 24/7. Even the artists I like, their #1 songs that get played on the radio get annoying after a while.  The only thing I absolutely hate is K-POP. 

  7. 3 hours ago, colorful人生 said:

    Throwback to "Plastic Post Paper - nurd"  (This is what's exactly on the lyric booklet):


    we are the "nurd"

    so we brend the "22" by the "fortune"

    we are the "nurd"

    so  brend the "soap" by the "honey bee"

    we are the "nurd"

    so brend the "new wave" by the sexy.


    i'm a honors

    in my school.

    in my home.

    in my parents and all thig.

    i was tired and sad.

    she said your nurd boy.


    my father was hit my cheak.

    hit my belly and he said . . . 

    lick my penis by your small rips.


    the thistort my life.

    but your kind to me.

    because i love so much.

    but i did sex with your mother. oh no !


    i want to make your mother's children.

    you may make a baby. 2nd is you.

    so i want to a destroy your family.

    and beautifultime is start of me.

    These lyrics are...macabre to say the least. I'm sure anyone can figure out what this song is about. 

    For a song about incest and rape (I think), they sure make good use of engrish

  8. 7 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    I like some of Billie Eilish's stuff.

    Not a huge fan of her, although I loved her debut album. Although I can't stand it when people call her "underrated". She's not overrated, but far from underrated. Bad Guy is on the damn radio 24/7.

    EDIT: I retract the overrated statement. She is definitely overrated, but not in a bad way. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, Arkady said:

    The scenes telling what the MW story is really about are few and cut out really fast, plus there is a really not subtle symbolism thing going on with the tadpoles.  

    It's not a MV about a child going to a camping trip in the woods with his granpa and getting dirty playing happily in the wood.


    Ohhh now I understand. Now the video is just unsettling 

  10. 49 minutes ago, Arkady said:

    director was able to speak about pedophilia in a crude way

    Just watched the music video. Love the song, but I couldn’t understand the video honestly. Im probably just stupid lol

  11. 9 minutes ago, Himeaimichu said:

    Diru fans who hate Gauze honestly confuse me. Like, it's one of their most influential and iconic releases. I can understand personally not caring for it. But fans that full on hate it really confuse me.

    Most fans on r/DEG say it’s their least favourite at best. Hell, a lot of people say it’s overshadowed by almost everything after. So its not hated over there, they just prefer the heavy stuff, which again, is totally fine.

  12. 5 minutes ago, monkeybanana4 said:

    This reminds me of a bangya who I met a long time ago. She wanted to attend the lives that Daizystripper played at but at the same time she didn't want to go because she wanted to avoid a certain friend whom she got into a fight with. Not exactly sure what it was about since she was a little vague on the exact details, but when we attended a taiban live where Daizystripper was playing, she saw her friend there. And her friend, including the girls her friend was hanging out with, completely ignored her even though they knew she was there. Basically, the whole group ostracized her like she was unwelcomed/unwanted there. I'm not sure what her exact feelings were, but I could see it made her feel awkward, unsettled, and depressed. (Not sure if she totally quit going to Daizystripper lives or not.) Being raised from a more Western perspective, I wouldn't quit so easily, but as @Komorebi perfectly stated, the social situation in Japan is different, and when you start to attend more VK lives/events/etc., the same people tend to show up, so it'd be hard to avoid these bullies sadly 😕 

    Damn poor girl. Did you figure out why they fought?

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