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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. I say this because on most of the Visual Kei accounts on Instagram that I follow, many people are criticizing fans, mainly Gazette fans, for not respecting the whole no pictures rule and calling them out when they post videos of the concert onto social media


    My take on this is follow the damn rules. If the band says not to do something, don’t do it. I understand that not ALL western fans are like this, but its the reason why people dislike the Western crowd.


    Im pretty out of the loop as to what is going on so someone give me an explanation.


    EDIT: A lot of people are saying that the whole no pictures thing is stupid. As much as I like taking pics and vids of concerts, you have to understand why. People just don’t like the lights in their face. It distracts the people performing. I believe that any band is allowed to make rules at concerts. If you don’t like them, then suck it up. Don’t need to complain 

  2. I remember it like it was yesterday.


    October 2018. I was a bored kid looking for some new Japanese music. I was already a fan of J-Rock but more in the Alternative scene with bands like Ling Tosite Sigure, nano.RIPE, Hello Sleepwalkers and The Oral Cigarettes. I was already a fan of Rammstein so finding heavy music in the Japanese scene was gonna be pretty interesting.

    Wasn't after I found an AMV with "Obscure" on it. I thought to myself "Yo this is dope!" and I proceeded to check out the band. That band was Dir En Grey and I was really interested in listening to their stuff. 


    I downloaded Gauze onto my phone and I remember the day I listened to the album at school. I'll never forget my reaction when I heard "Cage" for the first time. My reaction after listening to it was "Holy shit, what the flying fuck was that!?".


    Been hooked on Diru ever since and VK is now my number one obsession. Dir En Grey is now one of my all time favorite bands

  3. At my age people used this app called Yubo (formerly Yellow) its basically Tinder for horny teens.


    I used it once and never used it again. I rather just meet someone in person than on a phone. Hell, I’m not even interested in a relationship at the moment. Although, I’ve had like a crush like back in December. 


    Love sucks XD

  4. Here’s mine: I actually like Yoshiki


    Yes I know, his ego is huge, he puts off the new album a lot blah blah blah


    But you gotta commend the dude. Without him, X Japan would not have become the band it is now and VK would not have been as big.

    It sucks that people tend to forget that Yoshiki did a lot of charity work for many good causes such as the 2011 tsunami. If his ego is really big as people say he has, then he wouldn't do stuff like this. I think people just tend to forget that


    And here comes the anti-fans...

  5. 11 minutes ago, suji said:

    that's basically it


    plus he keeps putting off the new x japan album with dumb shit that has nothing to do with his music

    I don’t know much about X Japan’s new album or that whole situation so I can’t comment on that.


    I will admit he has a big ego, I won’t deny that. Then again, I’ve seen artists with even worse egos. At least Yoshiki seems like a decent person


    I honestly do think that Yoshiki does have a...questionable attitude and I will admit he can be annoying at times. But you got to remember that he’s basically the reason why X Japan is the face of J-Rock. I mean, you gotta give it to him that he’s a talented drummer.


    This is coming from someone who’s a Hide and Yoshiki fan



  6. 5 minutes ago, Traxan said:

    You must be new here.

    Just made this account like a couple days ago. Why do people hate Yoshiki?


    I have heard of reasons why such as he has a big ego, he ruined X Japan and almost every Hide fan hates him


    Granted, Hide was an amazing guitarist but I never understood why Yoshiki gets hate

  7. 10 minutes ago, Traxan said:

    I don't adore then but I do like exist trace and feel like the only one here who does.

    Are you kidding? I freaking love exist trace! Probably one of the best all female bands I’ve heard of. Definitely the most underrated VK band ever!

  8. 6 minutes ago, saiko said:

     I'll quote it here if there's anyone interested. 


    Tl;dr this guys is total edgelord level dressing-like-a-fucking-faggot-and-pretending-to-spread-hate-over-faggots. He doesn't even sing well for fucks sake!

    Read the whole thing. Jesus, even the comments are fucking awful 

  9. I have been getting into them recently and I love their sound and I like their VK aesthetic. I feel like they deserve more attention!. 








  10. I have to go with like half of Dir En Grey's songs. Kyo's songwriting is just amazingly wicked and Macabre (hehe get it?)


    Tsumi to Batsu (the Gauze version and the 2011 version) is just intensely disturbing. Who knew a song about child rape can be so strangely addicting.


    Mazohyst of Decadence is just creepy as fuck. I mean, we all know what this song about.


    Songs that also fit into the disturbing category include: 



    Bottom of the death valley



    Agitated Screams of Maggots 

  11. 1 minute ago, Gesu said:

    I've considered leaving the VK fandom from time to time, but I've been talked out of it because it shouldn't be the loony fans who influence your tastes. Looking back, the people who talked me out were absolutely right. Idk, I guess it just doesn't sit right with me when people give up on something they love just because they don't like the other people who do. I'm not blaming them; I just wish it didn't happen. I've found this to be the case with Meji fans a lot, so I just thought like putting this.

    Trust me, I usually hate being part of fandoms sometimes. I'm in a ton of fandoms that are considered toxic and I always hate being lumped into them. That said though, the fandoms I'm in are good when good and are REALLLY bad when bad. Shipping bandmates, calling people "fake fans", death threats and harassment of the band is what I'm tired of seeing. I have not seen this kind of stuff in the VK community yet, but I have heard some stories.


    I have met some of the nicest people in these fandoms so just calling all of them lunatics is a bit of a stretch. So far, the community on here and in VK in general is one of the nicest, kind-hearted, and just all around full of awesome people!

  12. Have a ton. These are the ones I actively listen to:


    Heavy Stuff:



    Nine Inch Nails


    Marilyn Manson

    Rage Against The Machine

    System Of A Down 

    Avenged Sevenfold


    Softer Stuff:

    The Smashing Pumpkins


    Fall Out Boy


    The Beatles

    Panic! At The Disco


    Taylor Swift


    Stand Atlantic

    Green Day

    Florence + The Machine

    Billie Ellish

    My Chemical Romance


  13. Just now, RaeDesu said:

    Oh, I know. They've always been so serious about their work, and Asagi is a brilliant man. It just blows my mind that people hate on them.

    Is D any good? They sound really interesting!

  14. 4 minutes ago, nullmoon said:

    Lostprophets. I know Watkins is a disgusting waste of life but Start Something is the soundtrack of my teenage years. 

    Honestly, Rooftops is an amazing song. But again, I can never get into Lostprophets because of what Ian “Goes wild with your child” Watkins did. Then again, I like Phantamasigoria, even though their bassist is a complete shithead (Kisaki)

  15. 47 minutes ago, robkun said:

    Not Japanese at all, but I always loved Limp Bizkit, aaaand... yeah, a lot of people hate them lol. As far as Japanese bands go, I looooove me some Sharan Q. No one really hates them per-se, at least that I know, but I only talked to a few Japanese folks that actually take em serious lol.

    Nu metal honestly really depends on the band. Dir En Grey did nu metal back then and it sounds awesome. One nu metal band I enjoy is Korn. I’m not the biggest fan, but they have some legit bops

  16. Just now, Gesu said:

    I'm not sure on people's opinions about KAMIJO's solo career, but I've heard a few people say they find him annoying as a person, whereas I like him/his solo career. I think his songs sound like boss fight music, which is A-Okay with me. I was actually gonna go see him in September last year, but I missed out cuz I fell out with the person I was gonna go with. I'm still fuming over that.

    I like Kamijo. Probably one of my fav J-Rock artists. I’ve only listened to Lareine and Versailles. What’s his solo like?

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