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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. 5 hours ago, Tokage said:

    Drag race fans

    What is so bad about drag race fans? I’m not a big drag race fan myself but most of them are alright. If your talking about the ones who ALWAYS watch it and never shut up about it then yeah they’re fucking annoying (my sister).

  2. 11 minutes ago, God said:

    tbh i like some kpop (mainly just girl groups if i’m being honest) so i tried to talk to other people who do too.  it was a long time ago, but i realized p quickly that kpop fandom is extremely stressful.  there’s always a scandal going on, whether it’s smth small or smth huge.  the sasaeng thing, how idols are treated by their agencies (mental health, physical health, sm being shit when it comes to managing girl groups for whatever reason), rogue creeps tryna cop a feel off their favs, netizens literally ruining idols careers over very small things...even thinking about all this i feel tired.  you can’t get a break in kpop.  there’s always gonna be someone who wants to fight me when i mention that boy groups usually don’t interest me or that bts music sounds like p generic radio music imo.  kpop fans usually can’t deal with not everyone stanning their favs.


    the most problems i’ve had in vk is that i’ve met two really unstable people.  this was in a different community that i won’t namedrop.  but basically those two people were working together to try to take over the community by first trying to turn everyone against each other.  that was also v exhausting bc i was a mod in that community.  but it was a long time ago.  ofc this is aside from scandal stuff.  there are some v serious vk scandals, but it seems like most people in the scene have similar feelings about those.  there’s also a lot of really dumb/funny ones here too.  

    Many younger fans of K-POP are guilty of this. You don't like BTS? CRUCIFY THEM!. They have such a hard time of understanding that not EVERYONE likes K-POP and no matter how hard you try, it's never gonna work. Not everyone likes the same music tastes/

  3. 38 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:

    who fake being Trans for attention

    I'd say this accounts for a small fraction. Granted, I don't assume people questioning their gender and automatically think their faking it. That's just rude and insulting. I myself have never seen one in real life, but I'd say they're a rare specimen. If people like that truly exist, then they can fuck off.



  4. 2 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:


    Eh, I’d say it’s alright since I myself have been a Marvel fan for quite some time now. Never experienced toxicity in it myself but I have heard some stories. 


    It’s fun to talk with friends, but online it’s a nightmare, especially on Twitter

  5. 22 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    Honestly? The VK fandom is pretty shitty, on the whole. MH is great, but the fandom overall? Nah.


    That being said, I have never been in the K-pop fandom so I guess I can't really compare the two.

    I’d say the K-Pop fandom is toxic to non fans and Visual Kei is toxic to its own fans. 

  6. Didn't know where to post this. Move it if it does not belong here.


    K-Pop takes the cake for having the shittiest fandom. From making fun of mass shootings to insulting other people for making a harmless joke, K-Pop has it all. 


  7. 17 minutes ago, chocobuzz said:

    When I mentioned to one of my high school friends that I listened to visual kei, her reaction was "visual kei? sounds like visual GAY XXDDDD" and I never talked to her about it again lol.

    My other friend doesn't listen to vkei either (or any kinda rock/metal at all) but she finds it somehow interesting how enthusiastic I am about it. She's mostly fine with it when I talk to her about my favorite bands and new releases and what's currently going on in the scene even though she doesn't understand a thing I'm saying.

    I never got the whole gay comments. My friend teases me about VK a lot but I love talking about VK drama with friends. I told one of them about Kisaki and he laughed his ass off.


    I hate it when people call things “gay” when referring to something lame.

  8. I consider myself a gnostic atheist but boy do I have a strong hate for religion, mainly Christianity.


    I grew up in a pretty religious environment, although my parents are pretty liberal. My grandparents are the more religious ones. I went to a catholic elementary school so I was brought up about God and all that bullshit.


    When I was in 8th grade, that’s when I started to become atheist. It was mainly due to the homophobia but also was due to the fact that I was hearing about people praying and I always rolled my eyes because prayers don’t work, your just being lazy.


    Currently, I’m in a catholic school, but it’s a fairly liberal school and half of the teachers don't give two shits about your beliefs. What i hate about it is that you have to go to mass everyday and it pisses me off so much.

  9. I’m still a virgin (16) but I couldn’t care less about when I lose my virginity. Whether it be during my last year of High School, College or Marriage,  I genuinely just don’t care.


    I do have a few friends who have experienced sexual things and one of my female friends is pretty sexually active with many of her boyfriends (past and current). I don’t get bothered by teens losing their V Card honestly. I just hate it when they brag about it all the fucking time. Like shut up, I don’t care how many chicks you railed in the ass last night.


    I myself never have been teased for being a virgin and honestly whoever does that is an ass

  10. So I know I have been gone for like a week or so now (idfk) but I miss this place.


    Hello Again! My name is psychonnect_rozen! I enjoy Dir En Grey, The Gazette, La Mule, X Japan, DADAROMA, Kizu, Sadie, and a whole lot more!


    I will be going back to discussions and morr questions so be prepared for that!


    I know it’s been a short break but whatever lol

  11. 21 minutes ago, Ikna said:

    How ironic.


    Excuse me if I sound harsh, because you seem young and like the kind of people who are used to their cozy social media "safe spaces" and haven't really experienced classic forum culture. But people having opinions you don't agree with is normal and I personally like that MH is one of the last places where people can share their thoughts, as controversial as they may be, without getting flamed, doxxed or "cancelled". It's a shame that you read this as "toxicity".


    Also like suji said: the world isn't going to end just because someone says something on the web. And MH, while petty at times, is relatively well behaved corner of the net. Anyway, I probably don't add much here, since nowadays I am just a mere silent reader and rarely participate anymore. But I came back and saw that the forum discussions were revived and just wanted to say thanks, because it has been some time since this forum had interesting, engaging topics to offer. It would be silly if you leave the place just because you feel offended, but do what you wanna do.

    I understand where your coming from.


    Honestly, controversial opinions I could care less about. I have experienced it myself. If people wanna say it so be it, but expect many people to get rallied up. I will admit I do that to, however I learn to be mature about it. I just have had bad experiences with this kind of stuff in the past. As for the whole "safe spaces"  stuff you said, I will admit it's fine to have a safe space, but for me, it depends on where it is. On here, I don't care. 


    I admit I have had been toxic on here before, but I can admit my mistakes. I'm not saying your wrong here or anything. Anything regarding politics and social issues I often stay away from, especially on Reddit, because of a lot of assholes on there are sooo easily railed up. I'd honestly rather be on here than anywhere else. I'm not saying social or political discussions are bad, it's just that I avoid them because I know people are gonna start a war. 


    If I ever come back, I think I'll just stay away from the Current Events board and stick to my fun questions. 


    Also, just to clarify, I am not leaving because I am offended or anything.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    Aw, thank you! I hope you enjoy your break, and I look forward to seeing you back here soon.


    BTW, if it means anything, just remember that there's some degree of toxicity in every fandom. I've considered leaving the VK fandom from time to time because some people in it are just my least favourite kind of people, but I think you'll find that to be the case with most things you're passionate about and the love you have for those things only serves to strengthen the hate you have for the people you just can't stand in the fandom. Anyways, have a good'un and see you later~ ^_^

    My last comment.


    Aww, thank you 😭


    Honestly, out of like maybe 7 or 8 people on this place, your legit one of the most chill on MH. I honestly tolerate you than some of the more annoying ones one here. You seem nice and pretty awesome. I’d love to talk to you once I get back.




  13. Hello!


    I have been having the best time on here. Having discussions, talking about artists and finding new music. After finding MH, I have been searching all over for new VK bands such as Megaromania.


    However, this site is not without it’s toxicity and I have seen it my self. Shitting on the same bands over and over gets annoying and everyone one here can’t take an opinion sometimes. The amount of heated discussions on here gets annoying as well.


    I won’t be quitting MH completely and I will be taking a small break to get away from this toxicity. I don’t know when I’ll be back, but just like Sadie, I’ll be going on hiatus.


    Shoutout to @Gesu for being my first follower. Love ya

  14. I want to ask a few questions.


    1. Opinion on feminism 

    2. Do you think people tend to generalize all feminists as “man haters”.  

    3. Would you consider yourself to be a feminist?

    4. Does the existence of man haters or “femenazis” ruin the reputation of actual legitimate feminists?


    Regarding Video Games


    1. Is it okay to be Politically Correct? (EX: Making female characters less sexualized)

    2. Do you think gamers tend to be more...toxic when it comes to the inclusion of Women, LGBT etc topics in games?

    3. Should female characters be less sexualized?

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