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Posts posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. 29 minutes ago, platy said:

    @psychonnect_rozen I'm surprised you liked Black Butler at all. The first season was animated so fucking badly, not only that, why did they make Grell so annoying? That blonde girl was also a pain the ass. I had to drop it by episode 12, it was just garbage. And yeah I will be that prick that says the manGa iS beTTeR because at least the moronic trio (maids, butler and gardener) got very little time in the panels and the art is incredible. 

    Thanks I guess lol /s


    No but seriously I enjoyed it because well...I like it lol. It ain’t an all time favourite but it’s enjoyable at best


    It’s cool if you don’t like it but IMO, it’s a fun watch.


    I often start new animes with an open mind and don’t look at the reviews until after I’m done watching THEN I make my own opinions lol

  2. I finished Black Butler Season 1. My friend convinced me to watch it and I just finished it today. Fantastic show, great opening and awesome characters!


    Season 2 so far is a complete mess. The animation is great but good god, is Alois the most insufferable, full of himself, sadistic prick I have seen and Claude is completely uninteresting. The only good parts are the opening since it's The Gazette and that the main characters from the first season are back. I'm only on Episode 2 and I HOPE Alois doesn't ruin this one or the rest of the show. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:

    Limp Bizkit were something else, and i'll never understand why someone who stanned the fuck out of NIRVANA and Pearl Jam was such a fan of said nu-metal band.

    Honestly, it’s because of Limp Bizkit that Nu Metal became such a hated genre of music. Like there are so many great Nu Metal bands like Korn, Deftones, Slipknot and so much more. 


    People do tend to think of Limp Bizkit when Nu Metal is mentioned. I can see why there hated and I don’t like them myself. But if you like them, then hey, more power to you

  4. XXXTentacion does not deserve praise. He was an abuser and I can’t believe people actually say he “CuRrEd My DePreSiOn” 


    I don’t understand how people say that about him when he literally beat up a woman. I guess we should start calling POS “heroes” now. Let’s just idolize Chris Brown if we’re doing that now

  5. 4 hours ago, Tokage said:

    semi-popular opinion at this point:

    nu-metal was never really that bad other than the literal middle school-tier lyrics

    We can all blame Limp Bizkit for giving us such classics such as “NOOKIE”

  6. Any kind of fizzy drink is gross. Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew are all disgusting drinks.


    I also hate it how alcohol as basically become the norm nowadays. Like you NEED to drink whenever your at a social affair or party. It’s the reason why I hate high school parties. I don’t wanna drink because I feel goddamn uncomfortable.



  7. 1 hour ago, YuyoDrift said:

    Not gonna lie, I always ask if there's anything else to drink if I see a pitcher of water available lol.

    Even funnier is I know a couple people who carry a Mio "water enhancer" around in their purse/car.

    I remember back in sixth grade, we'd just squirt those into our mouths with no water

  8. I don’t care for JJBA and I’m tired of hearing about it everyday.


    My IPhone sucks dick and I would KILL for any new model android. Also, Apple is overrated as fuck and you can’t do shit on them

  9. 2 minutes ago, monkeybanana4 said:

    I love the Ghibli movies; always gives my hearts the feels. I think one of my first Ghibli movies was Princess Mononoke, which I still quite like. I also highly recommend Kiki's Delivery Service. It was a heartwarming, cute movie (with some bittersweet elements). 

    My favourite Ghibli movies will always be Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery Service and Ponyo. My uncle introduced me to his films when I was little and I fell in love with them

  10. If you use the words SJW or Libtards in an argument then I won’t listen. Same thing if you call someone a “Nazi”.


    Might sound popular, but every Late Night host except for Conan is obnoxious and unfunny (looking at you Kimmel)


    Overrated is an overused term for people who just have no solid reason to dislike something. 


    “Forced Diversity” is complete bullshit and having a POC or LGBT character in a show isn’t “Propaganda”


    The Right is just as equally offended as the Left


    Anti SJW’s are more annoying than actual SJW’s


    The Last Jedi wasn’t the best but it wasn’t BAD either. It’s overhated imo


    Even though its a REALLY hot topic, I genuinely don’t care that much for American Politcs. It’s gotten to the point where I can’t keep up anymore and I am genuinely uninterested. Don’t care for Trump, don’t care for anyone really. 



  11. 5 hours ago, IGM_Oficial said:

    Went to a convention two days ago and bought some more manga.

    All volumes released here until now of "Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san" and a manga about the life of real porn actresses. Also, this one is my first manga "from Japan".

    Y-you can't judge me.



    Interesting...tastes I see 😏

  12. 1 minute ago, God said:

    there definitely needs to be more of an importance placed on mental health.  i remember when park bom (2ne1) got in trouble for smuggling anti-depressants into korea bc she couldn’t get them there.  i don’t remember the exact details, but that whole thing makes me so mad.


    then that girl from kara (i forget her name) recently attempted suicide.


    and let’s not forget that drug scandal w top and that trainee and his subsequent suicide attempt which is extra bullshit since that whole ikon thing that recently happened with that dude on coke.  tbh yg is a p scummy guy all together.

    That first story is probably the most fucked up thing out there. The fact that she was denied access to these medications is fucking cruel.


    It's shit like this that makes me hate K-Pop with a burning passion. How can you love your favorite artist when they are being treated like property and dogshit. They're forced to do everything and have no free will whatsoever. It's fucking sick how this is acceptable /rant


    It's even worse when there are people who actually want to BE a K-Pop star. Yeah, wouldn't you LOOOVE it for your mental health to deteriorate to the point of suicide? Ugh..fuck this

  13. I’m fine with giving musicians and actors constructive criticism. It help them improve and do better the next time.


    However, when the artist is receiving death threats and ends up getting shit on, that’s where I draw the line. I think people just tend to forget that they’re still people as well. I remember people lost their shit over GOT season 8 and just went all out fanboy rage over it.  


    Obviously, we are more open on this website because we’re pretty niche tbh. It’s not like some bandmen will come in here and just lurk lol

  14. 1 minute ago, secret_no_03 said:

    I love Cadbury fruit and nut bars, but I'm not really a fan of raisinettes or anything else, like a chunky bar or something.

    Rasins are gross anyway lol. The only fruit that deserves to be with chocolate is bananas

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