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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. I find Hentai to have the more ridiculous plots and tags. Like I get people have their kinks and that’s fine, but hentai cranks it up to 100 with the shit you see on Hentai Haven. 


    Huge turn off is when they do that whole X Ray shit and if the characters say something hilarious like “YOUR STIRRING UP MY INSIDES”. I can’t even keep a straight face anymore 😂

  2. 2 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    I've actually found that to be more the case in Western porn.


    Western Porn is full of fake tits and fake lesbians. Like NOOO lesbian has like long ass nails. That shit is filed. And the whole step sister/bro shit. I don’t care if the girl or dude is hot, the fact that their step siblings is gross enough.


    4 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    Which, you know. I know from... books and stuff. Yeah, read it in a book. 📖


  3. 31 minutes ago, God said:

    all k-dramas are basically the same overall idea/plot but with a different setting.  rich man/poor woman, maybe one of them has some kinda super power or ability.  if one of them is important like an idol or ceo then they must be a complete asshole until they learn to love from some woman who is poor, but optimistic.  someone ends up in the hospital after a fight at some point too, making whichever one said the mean things feel bad with some sad piano music playing while they sit alone or maybe in a coffee shop, idk.

    And I thought Riverdale and 13 Reasons Why were bad enough.



  4. 20 minutes ago, JRD said:

    Or the constant bashing on pop music in any kind by "Rock/Metal" fans.

    That alone is just annoying. Your not special for hating a certain type of music. I mean, I love pop and metal lol


    21 minutes ago, JRD said:

    Hell, I didnt think I'd like Nu-Metal, 

    Same. I thought every Nu Metal band sounded like Limp Bizkit. 


    I didn’t start liking Nu Metal till I listened to Stacked Rubbish now it’s one of my favourite genres 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Bear said:

    The worst type of close minded fans in my experience are the ones who only listen to music from a certain country or continent. More often than not these are people who only listens to asian music.

    K-Pop fans are guilty of that. Most of my K-Pop friends are open to western music and that's cool. The hardcore ones on the other hand literally think Western Music is the spawn of satan and that K-Pop is superior. 

  6. I don't know where to put this. If it doesn't belong here, move it. 


    Music is a form that everyone can enjoy, but sometimes, people just don't try new things.


    From my experience, there are two types of close minded music fans:


    1. The Lazy Ones

    These are the ones who either listen to the same three artists or just listen to the same Top 40 hits the radio plays all day. I'm okay with people having certain artists they enjoy and that's fine, but I find that people who just stick with one or two genres of music aren't really that open. Sure, you can like and dislike certain genre's and that's totally cool, but the ones that refuse to listen to any other artist instead of the ones they only listen to I find are not necessarily boring people, but they're just lazy I suppose lol. 


    2. The "Wrong Generation"

    Now these guys are the ones you see on the YouTube comments section of every classic rock video. You know them very well. They act like all modern music sucks nowadays and that their music is superior. They constantly remind you how much of today's music is just garbage rap and that there is no good music. They lie in their own bubble of ignorance and bitterness. These are the ones that constantly praise bands like Black Sabbath or Queen and tell you about how they are the greatest bands of all time and that they write "meaningful" lyrics instead of G U C C I  G A N G.


    I'll admit I used to be like the second one, albeit with metal instead of classic rock. However, I eventually opened up to all sorts of music with Visual Kei expanding my tastes further.


    Does anyone have any experiences with people like the ones I mentioned?  What would you say to close minded fans of music if you ever met one?

  7. Dir En Grey post DSS in my opinion does NOT sound like American music. 


    There’s a strong difference between Influence and Copying. If anything, TMOAB is more “American”. Hell, that album came right after the FV Tour and they toured with lots of American bands.


    The whole “this is too american” argument is stupid and I wish people would stop saying that. I’m fine with people saying it’s influenced by American music, but to say it outright ripsoff or copies it is totally false.


    Also here’s my unpopular opinion, everything Post DSS isn’t that bad, and both the TIW and Arche are solid 8/10s at best. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:

    8P-SB is literally better than all Kpop. Jesus Christ the Korean music industry dove into the ocean since the days of SE7EN and Rain in their prime. G-Dragon needs to be like Jesus and revive BIG BANG and save the industry from whatever the hell it's morphing into. 

    ANYTHING is better than Kpop lol

  9. 1 minute ago, secret_no_03 said:

    It's  beautiful violence in auditory form, WTD was more mixed and experimental, everything before was typical VK and everything after is brooding euro metal.

    Here’s my ranked for Diru:


    Gauze/Withering To Death

    Dum Spiro Spero



    The Insulated World




    The Marrow Of A Bone

  10. 5 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:

    The only good DIR EN GREY albums (albums as a whole) are Withering to Death and Marrow of a Bone, everything since is copied from American/European metal bands and everything before is trying to be Undercode bands.

    It’s funny cause TMOAB is my least favourite Diru album lol. Too screamy for my tastes tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️

  11. 2 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:

    Sukekiyo ruined DIR EN GREY for me as it was just too much Kyo at that point, they are just too similar, I can't stand Sukekiyo which is a shame because I was in for immortalis, but after that it just became a pretentious vanity project and DIR EN GREY suffered and went down hill for it. All Diru since Dum Spiro Spero and Sukekiyo since Immortalis has been fucking awful. It's a shame that I've come to dislike what was my first VK that I worshipped in my teens has been an utter disappointment for nearly a decade and I don't see that changing anytime soon. It's probably time to disband at this point and start coming back every five years. On a side note, I actually have enjoyed what little Seraph and DECAYS have put out. Honestly things started going down hill with Uroboros then fell off of a God damned cliff.

    The different perspective on Diru on here compared to the Diru subreddit.


    On here, people tend to like more of the Pre -WTD era of Diru, often not liking what they put out now.


    On the Diru subreddit, people are often tend to like the newer stuff and often dislike the VK stuff.


    And then you have fanboys like me who like EVERYTHING Diru has released. I need help lol.


    But hey, to each their own I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️

  12. Shipping real people is gross and needs to stop. Shipping fictional characters is fine tho.


    Like seriously, the fact that people ship The Gazette is weird enough. As good looking as the band is, I don’t wanna read something where Ruki gets pegged by Kai

  13. 1 minute ago, God said:

    hell yeah, man.  finally. 😂

    I remember actually trying Sweet Potato fries and I didn’t like em. My dad asked why and I couldn’t come up with an answer so I said “there too...sweet?”


    I honestly didn’t know what to say lol

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